Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 666 Veterinarian and Sheep

Because he had invested too much energy in excavation work and jewelry making work, when Liang En was busy with everything, he realized that the time had already reached March and the Irish spring had arrived.

Green sprouted on the brown soil, becoming increasingly fresh and crisp, as if hope had penetrated this land during the night and left its shining footprints in the morning.

He came out of the official house and came to the road. You can see that the sheep pens surrounded by hay bales are located on the green slopes. The farmers gather each ewe and its lamb into a family, and then the families line up next to each other.

Liang En, are you at home? Just as Liang En was standing at the window looking at the green scene outside, Uncle Jack's loud voice came from downstairs. Next door might need our help right now.

What happened, Jack? Liang En opened the window and asked, I remember that William's dog had a difficult delivery and my dad was busy for more than two hours before I came back. What happened?

As we all know, labor costs in Europe, especially Western Europe, are very high. In particular, the more professional staff charge higher fees every time they are dispatched, so farmers often help each other.

For example, when faced with some simple illnesses or problems in animals, they may turn to those companions instead of seeking a veterinarian immediately.

This is of course not entirely in compliance with the law, but it is a very common operation for these ranchers. After all, they operate small and medium-sized ranches and cannot have sufficient funds like those large, professional ranches.

Liang En's father is one of the people who often ask for help. Because he studied the Barefoot Doctor's Manual when he was in China, he was able to diagnose and treat some simple diseases in animals.

Liang En naturally inherited this skill. Before going to college, he often helped the neighbors around him, so it is normal for neighbors to ask him to come out to help when they encounter problems like now.

It's hard to say, Liang En. When he called, he only said that a wolf dog entered his sheep pen. It chased the sheep in all directions and made the sheep pen a mess. Anyway, I heard from William that there is a big problem now.

Uncle Jack looked up at Liang En who poked his head out of the second floor window and said. At Liang En's request, he started to call Liang En with a somewhat awkward Chinese name.

I'll come right away! After listening to Uncle Jack's introduction. Liang En had already imagined that scene: dead sheep lying all over the ground, each sheep covered in blood, and broken limbs scattered on the ground.

Yes, shepherd dogs are indeed good partners of farmers, and usually there are basically no problems. However, once or twice every year, there are always heard of shepherd dogs going crazy and attacking everywhere.

The causes of attacks vary from sheepdog attacks to rabies vaccine failure, but they invariably result in serious damage.

Because of this, Liang En also went to other people's ranches with his father to help several times when he was a child. He still remembers sewing up the wound stitch by stitch in the blood, then applying medicine and wrapping gauze.

Mr. William's sheep pen was on the roadside of the village. As soon as Liang En got off the car, he walked to the edge of the fence and looked into the pasture. If he found that the scene in front of him looked a bit scary:

About 50 sheep were lying scattered on the slope of the lawn. Each sheep was lying motionless on the ground. Only the rise and fall of its abdomen proved that these sheep were not dead.

Woof woof - At this moment, a big black dog suddenly jumped out from the side. At the same time, Uncle Jack, who had not yet gotten off the car, immediately shouted.

Liang - be careful! Before he could finish his words, Joan of Arc, who was standing behind Liang En, quickly predicted the opponent's next move, and then waved the special net in her hand to catch this crazy big black man. dog.

Awesome! Seeing Joan's smooth movements and the strength and judgment displayed behind them, Jack gave her a thumbs up.

As a ranch hand who has worked all his life, Jack certainly knows how rare it is to perform what Joan of Arc did just now. At least he feels that even when he was young, he would never be able to do this.

The danger is over. Joan of Arc smiled and nodded. Wearing thick gloves, he examined the dog.

It doesn't drool and is not afraid of light. It seems that this dog is not rabid. Joan of Arc said with a sigh of relief. Then she gave the dog a simple full body examination and found out the reason for the dog's madness.

Are there any wasps this season? During the inspection, Joan found that the dog's nose was swollen. After careful inspection, it was basically confirmed that it was stung by a wasp, so it went crazy.

Thirty years ago, there were no Asian hornets, but then Asian hornets came to the UK on American cargo ships. These hornets are more cold-resistant than local hornets and come out earlier, Liang En said. Okay, if the dog is okay, let's take a look at the sheep first.

The sight of more than fifty sheep falling on the grass at the same time was quite spectacular. Liang En and Joan De, who had locked up the dogs, checked the sheep one by one and found that some of them were completely unconscious, and some were in a coma. One can only stand up.

What's going on? Jeanne asked after skillfully inspecting the last sheep. The sheep were not injured.

I don't know. Just now the dog ran away after chasing the sheep, and the sheep fell down while running. William, who had been hiding in the room after being chased by the dog, came out and said at this time. If you can't find it I might just have to call the vet.

Don't worry, I seem to have discovered something. Liang En was staring at a sheep at his feet. It had two empty eyes open, wet secretions flowed from its mouth and nose, and its head shook from time to time. shake……

He had seen this symptom. To confirm, Liang En lay down on the ground and put his ear close to its nostrils, and heard a rattling sound in the breathing - he felt that he had determined what this was all about.

It should be calcium deficiency. Liang En quickly made a judgment, then opened the medicine box that Joan took out from the car and took out the medicine for injection, and then selected the one that looked the worst. The sheep were started on intravenous injection.

If Liang En's diagnosis is correct, this injection should be effective immediately. Even if the medicine is wrong, it will not cause harm. After a while, the sheep regained consciousness, then pressed its chest against the ground and struggled to stand up.

Yes, my judgment is correct, let's start immediately. Liang En said while looking at the sheep. It saves time to use subcutaneous injection. Let's work together in pairs.

Soon, one of them lifted the hind legs of the sheep, and the other looked for a place with less hair on the belly to insert the needle. When everyone reached the last few sheep from the gate of the field, the sheep below were able to stand up and stagger around. .

I didn't expect it was calcium deficiency. William showed an incredulous expression. I thought this disease only affects ewes after giving birth.

This is the case in most cases, but sudden panic may also cause it. Liang En gasped, This is mainly due to the abnormal secretion of the parathyroid gland in emergencies——

Liang En explained in an excited tone, because he watched the situation change from despair to hope, death to life - everything happened within a few minutes. This also gave him a sense of accomplishment once again.

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