Jewelry using enamel technology is not common, mainly because this kind of jewelry production technology is too cumbersome, but it does not look like the value of inlaid gems can be seen at a glance, so it is not much in the ordinary jewelry market.

Therefore, except for top-level jewelry, this kind of craftsmanship rarely appears on all kinds of jewelry. After all, for those jewelry manufacturers, they make jewelry to make money, so they naturally have to meet the needs of customers.

The process of making enamel jewelry requires multiple firings, because each time the glaze is filled and fired, it will shrink, and then the glaze needs to be replenished and fired again.

This feature makes further artistic creation possible. For example, by adding different colors and firing at different temperatures twice, more complex and varied colors can be presented.

And this is why Liang Enhui uses enamel technology to integrate into the jewelry he designs, because it can more perfectly reflect his original design.

Thank you. After completing one firing, Liang En took the warm salt water handed over by Joan of Arc and said, It will take two more firings before the most complicated part of this brooch can be completed.

Because Liang En had fully demonstrated his skills in jewelry making a few days ago, the previous staff member had left, and now only Liang En and Jeanne as his assistant were left in the house.

Why do you have to burn it so many times? Joan took out a handkerchief, wiped Liang En's sweat and asked. The cloisonné production process I found usually only requires burning it twice. It is very rare to burn it more than three times, but you burned it five times.

This is mainly to allow the brooch to show a gradient color. Otherwise, the overall color will appear thin and unable to achieve the beautiful colors taken from nature in the design. Liang En said, putting down the empty bottle.

After all, the core of my brooch is to imitate the natural world. Although we humans cannot catch up with nature's miraculous craftsmanship no matter how much we imitate, it is not a bad thing to be as close as possible.

You are right. In my mind, the most beautiful jewelry is not the gold and silver jewelry at all, but the wild flowers from my hometown. Joan nodded in approval.

She was born in a relatively wealthy civilian family. Naturally, she could not have any jewelry when she was a child. However, it is human nature to love beauty, so she would naturally pick some flowers and plants to take with her, so she naturally understands the beauty of nature.

The practice of repeatedly firing enamel not only brings brilliant colors and unique textures, but also brings great risks, because every time it is put into the furnace for firing, it will bring uncontrollable factors, such as glaze Broken or something.

If these problems are relatively minor, they can be repaired during later firing, but if the problems are serious, the only option is to start over.

Fortunately, Liang En's skills in alchemy gave him sufficient confidence in this aspect, and the electric furnace also allowed him to bypass the most difficult temperature control problem in enamel firing in the past.

In fact, this process itself is very difficult. The design from the beginning is like a shackles dance. It is very difficult to express beauty under the constraints of cumbersome processes.

For example, due to the restrictions of the enamel glaze, there cannot be a large area of ​​block surface, otherwise it will easily crack. The pattern must be cut with many edges. Only with the protection of the metal edges can the enamel glaze be stable.

But all the efforts were worth it, especially when the final product appeared. The golden veins and enamel with mainly red gradient colors caught everyone's attention in an instant.

This is so beautiful. Looking at the orchid brooch that had just been polished and placed on the table, Miss Abigail, the head of the London branch, clasped her hands together in front of her chest and said with an sigh. .

When the last firing was over, Liang En specially invited the person in charge and the jewelry makers who were willing to come over and take a look. Everyone showed surprised expressions after seeing the final product.

Because this brooch perfectly integrates the beauty of nature represented by an orchid into a piece of jewelry, and the mainly gold and red colors can also catch people's attention in an instant.

Next, I will embed rubies and diamonds. Liang En said, pointing to the gap left on the brooch. Diamonds will be used for the stamen part, and rubies will be used for the veins of the flower.

The gem warehouse here will be open to you. You can choose the gems you need at will. If there are no gems here, I will report to the main store and dispatch them from there.

As a professional manager, Miss Abigail's vision was naturally able to see the value of this brooch, so she immediately provided Liang En with the most valuable help to him now.

And after this thing is finished, if you want, you can take it to the Goldsmiths' Craftmanship \u0026 Design Competition. I believe this brooch will definitely win the award.

Goldsmiths' Craftmanship \u0026 Design Competition, also known as the Goldsmiths Craftmanship \u0026 Design Competition, is a competition established by the Goldsmiths Craftmanship \u0026 Design Association to promote the highest standards of design and craftsmanship in the jewelry industry.

Although this competition sounds like a competition in the jewelry industry, in fact, the competition does not only include high-end jewelry production, but also goldsmithing, silverware manufacturing, and precious metal handicrafts.

The competition is recognized for helping to advance the careers of outstanding craftsmen in the industry and is the only industry-recognised award in the UK.

At the same time, this award is known as the Oscar of the industry and is awarded to craftsmen with excellent craftsmanship skills and designers with innovative design capabilities. It is one of the honors that people in the jewelry manufacturing industry most hope to win.

If I remember correctly, this award should only be awarded to British people, right? After receiving the jewelry-related cards, Liang En looked up a lot of knowledge about the jewelry industry. This game is included, so naturally there are questions.

You are right, Mr. Liang, but now the rules of the competition have changed to take into account international issues. Miss Abigail said, The award is now open to students or practitioners who have studied jewelry in the UK. personnel.

Although Liang En is neither British nor a student studying jewelry making in the UK, he can be regarded as a practitioner engaged in the jewelry making industry in the UK.

This is mainly because Liang En has not made jewelry in public before, but now that he is making jewelry in a shop with which he has a contract in the UK, he can naturally be regarded as a British practitioner.

If that's the case, I'm willing to participate in this competition. Liang En was very happy about participating in the competition. Anyway, a series of trivial matters can be entrusted to the jewelry company here, so he doesn't need to bother.

Although as a non-professional jewelry maker, Liang En would not have much use even if he really won the award. However, it is better to participate in more competitions of this type. After all, it will not cause him any losses. In case he wins the award, The benefits are many.

So in the next few days, Liang En carefully completed the final setting and finishing work of the jewelry, and then signed up to participate in this year's goldsmith craftsmanship and design competition with the help of the company.

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