It took a lot of time to treat more than fifty sheep, so after all the work was done, it was time for lunch. Out of gratitude, Mr. William chose to treat Liang En and the others to lunch.

Irish farmhouses are naturally not very luxurious. Only the sunlight shining through the wooden lattice windows warms the brown wooden frame, cream-colored walls and white tablecloths, giving it a sense of home.

Edith Holden's 1906: Notes from the British Countryside once said: The inner spirit is guided by nature and communicates with the external scenery.

I am convinced that every flower likes the air it breathes. The birds are playing, I don't know what they are thinking, but their little movements seem to be stirring with joy.

Looking at the vibrant wilderness outside the window, Liang En suddenly thought of the book he had read before. He had to say that the vibrant wilderness outside the window could show the joy that nature brings to people.

Lunch was prepared by Mrs. William herself and was very simple. In addition to a large farmer's pie, there was a vegetable salad made from home-grown vegetables.

Although the food is not as exquisite as the ones in restaurants, it is absolutely fresh, so everyone enjoyed a chat that was interesting for everyone.

What's interesting is that Joan of Arc has a lot in common with these two people who have worked on the ranch almost all their lives. This is probably related to the fact that Joan of Arc has been working as a shepherdess before going to the battlefield.

I suddenly thought of something. Did the shepherdess who went out to herd sheep in your era always carry a stick with them? On the way home, Liang En suddenly remembered a question because of a series of previous events.

I asked this question because the standard equipment of a shepherdess in many anime and animations is to hold a cane in her hand, and today’s chat made Liang En realize that Joan of Arc has been a shepherdess longer than a warrior. .

You must get a stick. Jeanne said with a smile. This is mainly because you may encounter dangerous creatures in the wild and the roads may not be easy to walk, so bringing a wooden stick is a must.

As for people nowadays saying that sticks are used to defend against enemies, that's definitely not true. At that time, none of us felt that we could defend against enemies with just a stick. At this point, Joan of Arc knocked on the stick hidden in her arms. Short dagger.

As for the knife or dagger that is really used for self-defense, for most people, this thing is just a psychological comfort.

Having said this, Joan sighed softly and looked at the pastures outside the window. It was obvious that these topics reminded her of her hometown.

To be honest, when Jeanne was young, her thoughts were no different from those of any girl of the same age at that time. If it hadn't been for that war, he would probably have lived an ordinary and happy life like an ordinary person.

In the next few days, Liang En and the others had a good rest in their hometown for more than a week, and by the way, they finished writing a paper about the previous Sutton Hoo Cemetery and sent it out.

Unlike before, he was unable to find journals that could publish his paper in order to publish it. Now he has a fixed journal to publish his paper in. As long as he sends it to the editor he is connected to, he doesn't have to worry about the rest.

But just when he was about to take advantage of this free time to take a real long-distance trip with Joan after finishing his paper, a phone call inviting him to explore interrupted his plan.

In fact, if it was just an ordinary invitation, he would decline it directly. After all, he is no longer the rookie who drives a broken car and collects junk. But the problem now is that the caller is Mrs. Hannah, and Liang Enze owes her A big favor. .

Because the other party directly handed over the mud seal of the Library of Alexandria book to Liang En, and asked him to use the mud seal to finally find Elizabeth Bathory's treasure and summon Elizabeth Bathory.

So when faced with a call from Mrs. Hannah expressing her hope that he could help, Liang En naturally chose to give up his vacation time and go to London to meet with the other party.

After arriving in London, Liang En and the others drove straight to Mrs. Hannah's home near Knightsbridge. Unlike what she imagined, Mrs. Hannah's home was in a modern luxury apartment with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. Large flat floor.

I'm very sorry to disrupt your vacation plan, but there are some problems here that I really can't solve, so I can only trouble you now. Mrs. Hannah showed an apologetic expression the first time she saw Liang En. .

It's nothing. Since we promised you before, these times must be arranged according to your plan. After seeing the other party apologize as soon as he came up, Liang En smiled and shook his hand, and at the same time, the last bit of depression in his heart disappeared.

Okay, now can you tell me what happened specifically? I think you can choose to completely disrupt the original plan. If you come to me now, you should have discovered some important information that was not discovered before.

Yes, the staff I entrusted found something very important. Old Mrs. Hannah said as she took out a few photos from a box next to her.

These photos were found by my people from a remote rural library in Canada. They should be photos taken by my father during their last expedition that year.

In the 1920s, small cameras had been put on the market. Although they were expensive, it was not impossible for the expedition team to buy a camera to take photos.

Because time had passed when those photos were found, the photos Liang En saw now were all photos restored by Mrs. Hannah, so they were relatively clear overall.

But Liang En frowned after seeing the things in the photo clearly, because although the people's movements in the photo were different, the photo basically showed a very old-looking tractor, with a sled pulled behind the tractor. There was a pile of things covered under a tarpaulin.

Judging from the appearance of the tarp, this pile of things looks like stones, but because the tarp is too tightly covered, it is impossible to tell what they are.

There were several people sitting on the tractor and on the sleigh behind it. Among them, there was a man standing on the tractor. Judging from his clothing and general appearance, he must be Mrs. Hannah's grandfather.

When Liang En turned the photo over, he was a little surprised to find a line of words scrawled behind the photo: Gold Mine Excavation Memorial, 1923.7.16.

If this date is true, this should be the latest of all the information we have found about my grandfather, and it may very well be a clue to my grandfather's disappearance.

After Liang En checked the photo, Mrs. Hannah explained the meaning of the photo to Liang En. Obviously, this photo allowed the originally stalled plan to further advance, so he hurriedly called Liang En.

Are the words at the end also written on the photo at the same time? Liang En asked.

They were written at the same time. Experts have already checked this. Mrs. Hannah nodded and said. I hope you can help me take a look at what these photos are about?

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