Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 644 Clues and Artillery

Because it was in a shallow sea area, after finishing work at around 6 p.m., everyone simply anchored the boat on the seabed, and then went directly to the restaurant to have dinner.

To be honest, the people on the salvage boat in three or four shifts can also hold on, but there is no need for Liang En and the others to be so nervous when there is no need to rush.

Since this is an offshore area with little wind and waves, and it is far away from various waterways, the ship only needs to run a small diesel engine to provide power for the entire ship. This naturally reduces the noise on the ship.

Different from the well-defined cabin distribution on large ships, the warehouses on such small boats are often multi-functional. For example, this restaurant is also a meeting room, operating room and temporary warehouse on the ship.

So the restaurant looks a bit crowded now, because there are all kinds of supplies piled everywhere, so that the space for everyone to eat is not large, and it can even be clearly seen that it is a bit crowded.

Fortunately, good food can offset the disadvantages caused by a poor dining environment. Considering that this kind of salvage activity is definitely hard work, Liang En naturally prepared a lot of good food in advance.

Although the food they carried was basically instant food or semi-finished products due to the inconvenience of using water on the ship, but under the cooking of the ship's chef, these foods showed a taste that was no less delicious than fresh food.

Considering that we just arrived at sea, everyone ate a variety of fish tonight, some of which were even caught from the sea by bored crew members with fishing rods a few hours ago.

Because there are a lot of local Mexicans, the main food tonight is seafood barbecue with some bread, and there are also some alcoholic drinks.

Of course, considering safety issues, they will only distribute beer to those who are not on duty tonight, and each person can only drink a maximum of two cans of beer.

This can be regarded as an old tradition in the United States. During World War II, the U.S. Navy distributed only two small bottles of beer to soldiers every day.

During the whole day today, we fished out 427 silver ingots. If there are no accidents, this should be the majority of the silver that can be found. During the meal, Lao Zhang talked about today's harvest.

In addition to this silver, we also found some silver coins, which may add up to more than 200 kilograms. It is not small in terms of quantity, and the location where the silver coins are buried is right next to those silver nuggets.

Yes, I saw those things on the ship just now. Liang En nodded and said, So I guess this place is probably the cabin where the ship used to store important supplies.

We also think so, because those things are too dense, and when they are dug out from the sand on the seabed, it is obvious that these things seem to be gathered together artificially.

For Lao Zhang, who has rich experience in underwater salvage, it is not that difficult to distinguish the simple conditions of these things. The safety of things washed together by the water current and the safety of things artificially placed together are two different things.

It's a pity that we don't know the specific condition of the ship underwater now. If we knew, we should be able to take the next step.

This is not a big problem. After Lao Zhang said this, Liang En quickly replied, You have brought up the bronze cannon and some debris. If there are no accidents, I should be able to salvage it from this pile. I found some clues among the debris that came up.

When Lao Zhang and the divers were salvaging before, they fished out almost everything they could find with metal reactions, so in addition to the silver, silver coins and some jewelry, they also salvaged some sundries.

Most of these things are worthless things, such as metal parts on ships, and some common metal daily necessities, but there are also some things worth seeing, such as some daily necessities made of precious metals.

What attracted Liang En's attention the most was not the gold and silver jewelry but some small things. From these small things, the specific identity of the ship could be analyzed.

It's just that because there was heavy rust on those things, Liang En couldn't tell what they were in a short period of time, so what he needed most now was time.

So after enjoying a grilled seafood dinner, Liang En quickly went back to the laboratory and began to analyze the conditions of these salvaged items one by one, trying to filter out the conditions that were beneficial to the analysis of the ship. s things.

Why should we exclude these? Joan showed a curious expression after watching Liang En put the gold and silver tableware aside, because she felt that these things should be more convenient to trace the user, and then trace the identity of the ship.

Because this is the age of sailing ships, which is different from the age of steamships. Liang En was happy to share this historical knowledge with Joan of Arc.

Those ships in the steam sailing era did have various tableware with the name of the ship, but that was the need for advertising when commerce developed to a certain extent. Before that, the utensils on the ship were not like this.

For example, in the Age of Sail, these utensils on the ship were basically the personal belongings of the crew members, so there were only the personal imprints of those crew members on them.

Considering that we do not have the names of the people on the sunken ships back then, we only found the names and emblems of the individuals. It is difficult for us to confirm which ship these people were on.

But there may be traces on these big things that we want to find. Liang En said, patting the cannon he found, After all, even in that era, cannons and ships were in one-to-one correspondence.

Compared with those items made of precious metals, the two cannons they found and carefully salvaged were in obviously very poor condition, and one of the cannons even broke during salvage.

When Liang En inspected the broken cannon, he found that the cannon had been completely rusted for some reason, leaving only the cannon-shaped rust.

This kind of cast iron cannon is much cheaper than bronze cannons, so many countries in the Age of Discovery were willing to endure the heavier weight and higher explosion rate and use cast iron.

However, there are differences between cannons. Among them, British cast-iron cannons have the best quality, while Spanish cannons have serious quality problems because the fuel used in the manufacturing process contains too many impurities.

Because of these magazines, the cannons from Spain are more likely to be corroded by sea water, which is why Liang En and the others found the reason why this cannon was rusted like this. Hmm, I just learned one. Just fur.

Fortunately, the other cannon is a bronze cannon, so the overall situation looks much better than the iron cannon that turned into a pile of rust. At least in Liang En's opinion, this artillery should be repairable.

But being able to repair it doesn't mean it's easy to repair. The damage to this artillery was considered by Card to have exceeded the upper limit of repairability, so now he can only repair it bit by bit manually through traditional methods.

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