After the robot surfaced, Liang En and the others quickly transferred the metal ingot that the robot brought to the surface to a laboratory on the ship, and then began follow-up processing.

Compared with laboratories on land, this kind of laboratory on the ship is obviously much simpler, but even so, this laboratory takes up a large space on the ship, so that it has to compress other spaces on the ship to barely fit it.

This is silver, and the purity is not low. After doing a few simple tests, Liang En smiled when looking at these silver ingots, which were only slightly smaller than city wall bricks.

Although the price of modern silver has dropped sharply compared to ancient times, it is still valuable as the quantity increases. At least judging from the current situation of seabed salvage, this place is likely to be the cabin where the other party stores silver. The quantity of this kind of silver bars is definitely not small. .

Because the water depth in this sea area is only about 10m, in addition to the robot, several salvage company employees with diving licenses also brought equipment and jumped into the sea to start the salvage work.

This salvage company was newly established by Liang En, because if he remembered correctly, the treasures on the ship were scattered over a large area of ​​​​the sea due to the storm that year, so if you want to salvage, you must prepare a company for long-term salvage.

The core of the salvage team is French and Chinese. They are all reliable people recruited by Liang En through his own connections. They are basically professional divers and fully qualified for this work.

Because this is a shallow sea with very good underwater transparency and lighting, the progress of the salvage work is very fast. As everyone explores the seabed, more and more metal reactions are detected by our metal detectors. .

There is about the size of a football field down here, all of which have relatively strong metal reactions. During the break, the uncle named Zhang, who was the leader of the Chinese divers, briefly introduced the underwater situation.

After all, this ship has sunk for more than 300 years and nearly 400 years, and it was in a shallow sea in the tropics, so all the organic matter on the ship is almost rotten by now, and what is not rotten has sunk into the mud under the action of gravity. In the sand.

Therefore, you can't find these underwater treasures simply by walking on the water. Only people like Liang En and others can find the underwater problems by using metal detectors to detect them bit by bit after roughly locking the position.

Lao Zhang, how long do you think it will take for us to dig? Liang En asked the subordinate in front of him as he watched everyone work together to cooperate with the ship's winch to pull the full metal basket up the side of the ship.

It may take a long time, because the area where there are underwater metal reactions on the seabed is really too big. If you want to clean up the entire area, it will definitely not be done in just a few days. It will probably take several months. Old Zhang thought for a while and said seriously.

This middle-aged man, known as Lao Zhang, is one of the few reliable Chinese friends Liang En and the others have met since arriving in Ireland. He used to work in a salvage bureau in China, and then came overseas to raise enough money to treat his children.

But to be honest, working abroad is not an easy thing. The simplest thing is that it is too difficult to apply for a work visa in European and American countries, so when he came here two years ago, he could only work illegally.

Unlike those with legal work visas, these illegal workers can only receive 1/3 of normal labor costs, and they do not have any insurance or benefits.

What's even worse is that sometimes if you encounter a shady boss, you may be deprived of your wages directly. Because of their status as illegal workers, they have no way to get back the wages.

Although Lao Zhang found an employer who didn't cheat his wages, he didn't expect that just last year, his child's condition suddenly deteriorated and he needed emergency surgery. At that time, he didn't have enough money at all.

In this situation, the other party could only seek help within the Chinese community. At that time, Liang En's father chose to lend him 35,000 pounds to help him in emergency situations after confirming his situation.

According to Liang En's father, if a reliable person like this is really in a tight situation, lending money to save someone's life can be regarded as a good thing for oneself, as long as you know how to do what you can before helping others.

The fact is the same as the situation analyzed by Liang En's father. After Lao Zhang's child had a successful operation, he only had enough money to live on every month, and the remaining money was used to pay off debts.

When Liang En decided to recruit divers this time, he was the first thing he thought of. After all, he returned to China specifically to treat his children. In this case, the other party's willingness to return to the UK to repay the money already speaks volumes about the other party's character.

After the other party joined the team, he also showed his reliable side. At least according to everyone's reputation, everyone is willing to trust this team member who talks less and does more.

A few months? This seems to be similar to the general direction of my guess, but I think it may be longer than this. After listening to Lao Zhang's answer about the progress of the excavation, Liang En thought for a while and said.

So let's call it a day as soon as it gets dark these days. We don't need to rush anyway. There is no need to risk diving when the light is not good at night.

No problem, boss. Lao Zhang nodded and said, But if there is no problem, I think we should be able to clean up the several metal-dense areas we found before before dark.

I remember you discovered five points before. Can you make it in time now that there are only four hours before dark? Liang En frowned and asked after hearing what Lao Zhang said, because he really didn't know much about this aspect. .

Although Liang En has mastered many skills related to the sea, and can even complete the underwater work that divers must use various equipment to complete simply by relying on his own body, he does not understand how normal divers work.

Absolutely. Among these points, only those with silver have more things, while other places may only have very few buried objects, so the work in this area is not difficult. Lao Zhang nodded.

After all, we are working underwater, so many times we can easily complete some tasks that are difficult on the ground with the help of water.

Of course, we will also adjust our work according to the specific situation. If we find that it cannot be handled, we will give up. After all, even shallow seas do not mean that there are no dangers.

As a senior diver, Lao Zhang is naturally very familiar with the process of underwater operations and will not do anything reckless regardless of the specific situation.

That's good. It's up to you to control the underwater situation. I, a layman, won't dictate in this regard. Liang En nodded, and then walked towards the cabin of the laboratory.

Because he knows what kind of work he is good at, he will devote his time to his suitable work, so that he can achieve the greatest overall efficiency.

So in the following time, Liang En and Joan of Arc stayed in the laboratory to clean up the salvaged cultural relics. It was not until night fell that everyone returned to the ship to prepare for dinner. Dining room.

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