Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 645 Confirmation and Search

Cultural relic restoration is a subject that can be studied for a lifetime, and Liang En and the others only learned a little bit about it back then. Even though Liang En later taught himself a lot of knowledge in this area and mastered the technology, it was only the basics. That's all.

Fortunately, what Liang En needs to do now is much simpler than he imagined. He only needs to clean up the rust on the tail of the cannon where there may be inscriptions and perform basic repairs.

It must be said here that cards are not omnipotent. For example, those repair cards, no matter what level they are, can only repair the whole thing, but cannot choose to repair part of the same thing.

Fortunately, previous study and physical strengthening allowed Liang En to avoid making mistakes when repairing this simple thing, so the overall speed was just a little slower than using cards.

So before lunch the next day, Liang En finally cleaned the tail of the gun and found what he needed at the tail of the artillery.

Nuestra Senora de Atocha, we have found the Lady Atocha. After cleaning off the patina on the tail of the gun, Liang En quickly recognized what was written on the tail of the gun.

As they had imagined before, this ship was the sunken Lady Atoka they were looking for this time, because both artillery and silver could provide support for this conjecture.

After informing everyone of the news, the morale of everyone on board was boosted. Although everyone had vaguely felt this situation before, the morale boost brought to everyone by gaining clear recognition and guessing is completely two levels.

So in the subsequent search work, everyone directly increased the level of search detail by more than one level. The underwater divers carefully conducted a very detailed search of the seabed where the treasure was found.

During this round of searches, they found more interesting things, such as palm-sized glass fragments, navigational instruments and monocular telescopes that were so rusted that their original appearance was almost invisible.

These things are obviously not very valuable, and they are not even of high archaeological value, but based on these things they can basically judge that what they found should be the tail end of the Lady Atoka.

Because in the era of sailing ships, the only place where glass windows could be used on a large scale was in the cabin at the stern of the ship. At the same time, the gold and silver tableware they found earlier also proved that this was where the higher-ranking crew members on the ship lived.

Of course, the most important piece of evidence is the silver bricks they dug out. According to records from that year, the stern of Lady Atoka was loaded with more than 300 silver bricks. It was also the residence of the captain, missionaries and noble passengers. .

Although the Spaniards also tried to salvage it after the storm, it was a pity that the second storm that followed completely destroyed the sunken ship, and the whereabouts of these jewelry remained unknown until Liang En and the others found these items now.

We are going to dig through the entire seabed next. During lunch, Lao Zhang told Liang En about the next plan. Because we felt that if this was really the stern of that ship, there must be a lot of stuff on the bottom of the sea.

Your plan is very reasonable, because I guess the other party is likely to put the most precious parts at the stern of the ship, which is also a practice in the sailing era. And these things may not be detected by metal detectors. Liang En nodded and said seriously.

Although it is well known that the Spanish plundered massive amounts of gold, silver and other precious metals when they colonized the Americas, in fact, what they plundered was not limited to precious metals.

During the Spanish rule, a series of things such as spices, sugar, dyes, textile raw materials, etc. were continuously transported from the Americas to the Spanish mainland, and supported Spain's war for hegemony in Europe at that time.

Although most of these things are organic matter, even if they were carried in the fleet back then, they are basically rotten now, but the gems carried on the ship back then can definitely be preserved to this day.

You must know that the Spanish American colonies were very large at that time, and many of them are important gem-producing areas today, so the Spanish naturally took away a large number of gems from here.

Considering the value of the gems, the other party should most likely store those gems in the captain's cabin or a warehouse near the captain's cabin, which means it is very likely to be hidden on the nearby seabed.

Unlike the precious metal ingots and jewelry found, those gems cannot be found simply by using a metal detector. The only way is to use the most primitive manual screening method.

After all, although gemstones are hard, their toughness is often poor. If you use machinery to excavate, it is easy for one gem to become several pieces, greatly reducing the value of the treasures recovered.

Fortunately, in theory, those things should be placed together with those found before, so it shouldn't be too difficult to search.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang En also learned about diving from everyone. Because of the repeated strengthening of the cards, he learned to dive in three days with the help of several professionals, and Joan of Arc only spent for five days.

This speed shocked the divers present, so much so that Liang En had to say that he had learned this from Jeanne before, but never professionally.

In fact, Liang En had discovered before that whether he had been repeatedly strengthened or not, the main reason why he had this kind of behavior was because he still didn't know whether he was considered a human or not. His historical followers all had one characteristic, that is, their learning ability far exceeded that of normal humans.

But because this kind of strengthening was subtle and not done in one step, it was not until today that Liang En had a comprehensive understanding of his situation.

Of course, this learning method is not perfect. For example, although Liang En and the others have now mastered the basic skills of diving, they still need to practice if they want to be the same as those professionals.

After all, mastery is mastery, and proficiency is proficiency. If you want to be like these experienced divers, you need to practice for a long time. Fortunately, it is no problem to follow everyone to perform simple underwater operations in shallow water.

Because the visibility underwater is very high, excavation work is not difficult, especially for Liang En and Jeanne whose bodies have been repeatedly strengthened. This kind of physical work is definitely what they are good at.

Of course, having strength does not mean that you can waste it wantonly, so Liang En conducted a divination the night before and roughly divined the approximate location of the most valuable thing on the seabed that he drew.

The skill of divination is quite restrictive. Although in theory, divination can be done in any situation, in most cases Liang En simply cannot afford the price of divination.

After many experiments, Liang Enfa realized that the more obscure the content of his divination, the smaller the range of divination options and the smaller the price he had to pay. This also led him to sum up a rule for using this skill.

For example, this time the divination was about a relatively vague target in a small area, so after spending all the legendary points, he finally got a fairly accurate result: a seabed of less than ten square meters.

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