The first time after returning from the historical projection, Liang En checked his belongings. Unlike the first time he entered, this time he took the opportunity to do some simple experiments.

Through experiments, he found that all physical damage after entering the historical projection will cause damage to those items in the real world, and the degree of damage is the same.

If there is any difference, it is that no matter what kind of physical damage it is, it will eventually appear in the real world in the form of time destruction. At the same time, everything that leaves the hand will disappear and be damaged by the power of time.

For example, the two gold brooches that were supposed to be in the pit and the previous silver box packaging were returned to the space formed by the cards, and there were obvious signs of wear on them.

This is mainly because the two brooches are made of gold, and gold itself is one of the very few things that can resist the passage of time, but even so, the gold brooches look as if they have been worn for decades. There is obvious wear.

This also proves that what changes these things is the strange power of time in the historical projection, and is not the result of the rapid oxidation he imagined before. Or to be precise, the previous rapid oxidation was just a manifestation of the power of time.

In addition, the return of these two brooches also shows that historical projection is indeed just a projection of history, not a retrospective of the history of the timeline where Liang En is now.

As for the things that were consumed, such as the kerosene used to light the lamps and then start the fire, they completely disappeared. This shows that the things that were consumed at that time should have been truly consumed and could not be returned.

After briefly checking the situation on his body, Liang En confirmed that the ring this time had disappeared like last time. It should appear next to the historical attendant as a token.

After the inspection, the two men, accompanied by three ravens, quickly arrived at the edge of the big hole they had just dug, and then worked hard to dig down.

Sure enough, after digging under the soil full of humus, they found the thing they had buried before. Then Liang En used the card to control the asphalt wrapped outside to leave the box.

Considering that Elizabeth Bathory was most concerned about whether she could disclose the true ins and outs of the whole incident so that she would not be burdened with stigma, these jewels could naturally be used.

So Liang En quickly found out the phone number of the archaeological department in Slovakia through people he knew, and then called it. Unexpectedly, just over four hours later, a group of more than 20 people appeared on the mountain road. .

Everyone attaches great importance to this discovery, because compared to the Czech Republic, Slovakia was a relatively remote place in ancient times, so there were naturally fewer cultural relics.

So after learning that the treasure of the legendary vampire lady Elizabeth Bathory had been unearthed, the head of the country's archeology department and several professional scholars in this field from friends also rushed over.

After some pleasantries and taking a few photos, Liang En and the others completed the handover. Afterwards, some of the archaeologists were left on the spot to clean up the treasure pit, while others returned with the exposed silver box. Capital and prepare to unpack in the test room.

When do you think they can open the box? After watching the people with the box leave, Jeanne walked to Liang En and asked in a low voice.

It won't take more than a week. Liang En thought for a while and said, You know, this should be the most important work of the other party during this period. Opening this box is not complicated, so all preparations are complete. The situation will move quickly.”

Considering that everything was progressing normally and there was no point in staying here, Liang En and the others started to rush back that day after finishing the handover work. After staying in Paris for one night, they returned at noon the next day. Arrived at home.

For Liang En, he still had a lot of things to do, such as finishing the transfer of the novels, and providing his own opinions on the character settings in Japan.

Of course, the work on drawings and stained glass creation cannot be stopped at this time. Even if he does not receive direct requests in this regard, some needs caused by favors still need to be met.

Fortunately, he can complete a series of tasks in this area through cards, which saves a lot of time and energy on his own. This also allows him to complete things in a short time that would take ordinary people a long time to complete.

But then again, when Liang En gave these finished products to others, he naturally wouldn't say that he spent less than an afternoon to complete these things, and that these things were carefully designed and made by himself.

In this case, he only needs to spend an hour of work to appease those friends and the editor who urged the manuscript for at least a month.

Everyone is naturally satisfied with these works, especially for the Orient Express, which has almost been overhauled. These promotional posters and interior posters full of the style of that era can obviously add a lot of color to this express train.

As for the first book of the new book, Twilight, it has been submitted to the editor, but the editor said that it is best to release the new book after a few months, otherwise it will conflict with the current book.

Of course, after reading the book, the editor also said that this book is indeed a very good popular novel. It should have the highest short-term economic income, and maybe it can be adapted into a movie.

Having said this, the editor also said that there may be some people who want to buy the film adaptation rights of a certain story from Grimm's Fairy Tales from Liang En, but selling it now is obviously very uneconomical.

Just like the publishing rights of previous works, once authorized, it is best to find some powerful film companies rather than just looking for one, because this is closely related to the final result and the publicity effect of the work itself.

After listening to the editor's reminder, Liang En expressed his gratitude to the other person very seriously. Although he had already thought of this, he still had to express his gratitude for other people's kindness.

Unlike when he started writing, Liang En has accumulated enough capital and connections in this area now, plus he already has a small legal team dedicated to serving him, so he doesn't have to worry about anything in this regard.

This small legal team was sent by the previous law firm. As Liang En's own business grew larger, the scale of the cooperation between the two became larger and larger.

After all, the core of this aspect is trust, so a long-term cooperation partner like this can naturally deepen the cooperation step by step, and then develop to the current situation.

From occasional employment at the beginning, to three fixed lawyers later, and now to a small legal team, this law firm has witnessed how Liang En got to where he is today step by step.

Of course, Liang En naturally has a series of insurance measures in this regard to prevent the law firm from harming him. After all, when facing so much wealth, it is not a bad thing to be more defensive.

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