Elizabeth Bathory is a legend. Compared with her, I think I am lucky. After reading this notebook, Joan sighed and said.

Compared to Elizabeth, who was stigmatized for hundreds of years after her death, Joan of Arc's unfair sentence was canceled after her death. At the same time, her reputation among the people became better and better, until she even became a part of the French spirit. kind of symbol.

In such a comparison, Elizabeth Bathory's overall situation is indeed much worse. At least in the minds of ordinary people, she is the evil person who uses human blood to stay young forever.

By reading this notebook, Liang En and the others discovered that, as they had guessed before, Elizabeth Bathory's trial was part of the struggle between the Holy Roman Emperor and the lords of various places.

For the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, the specific situation of the Holy Roman Empire made it necessary to eliminate the powerful factions in various places.

Not to mention that Matthias, the Holy Roman Emperor and State of Hungary at the time, was a staunch opponent of the Reformation, and Elisabeth Bathory happened to be a Protestant.

When these two reasons come together, conflict is inevitable. The result of the collision between the two was that Elizabeth Bathory eventually died in infamy, and the Habsburg Emperor obtained this part of the benefits from Hungary.

In other words, Elizabeth Bathory was just a victim, and for Liang En and the others, the next thing to do was to tell the truth to others.

It is indeed difficult to preserve some paper products 400 years later, but it is not completely impossible. Just think about the Ming Dynasty books in China that have been preserved to this day.

However, this does not mean that any piece of paper can be preserved for a full 400 years. Preserving these fragile organic materials for hundreds of years still requires some skills. Fortunately, they collected enough items and tools when they left the castle.

Soon, a small furnace was set up and used to melt the silver coins. Then the silver coins turned into a piece of silver and under the influence of the card, turned into a box that could just hold the book.

That's it. After putting the book wrapped with beeswax inside and closing the lid of the box, Joan nodded and said, Then just wrap it and bury it.

The items wrapped outside the box were some cloth, and then Liang En used the card again to wrap the outside of the box with the asphalt he had obtained before, so that the entire book was wrapped in layers. Where do you think we should put this thing next?

Shaking the black solid object like a stone in his hand, Jeanne said with some doubts. It's not easy to find a place that hasn't been disturbed by anyone for 400 years.

Of course I know such a place. And it's nearby. Liang En said with a smile. Think about the Eagle Beak Rock where we dug out the treasure.

Yes, that's the place. Jeanne clapped her hands and said. Since those treasures have always been in this place, no one must have dug in that place.

It's more than that. Liang En extinguished the flame in the simple stove, then shook his finger and said. And judging from the conditions during previous excavations at that place, our level of protection should be able to last 400 years.

Liang En still hasn't figured out how what happened in this historical projection changes with the real world outside, but he knows that there must be some connection between the two.

So taking advantage of today's incident, Liang En wanted to check whether his previous conjectures were true, so that he could make corresponding adjustments when facing the same situation in the future.

Just after doing all this, it was dawn, and just when Liang En and the others were about to go to the Yingzui Rock more than ten kilometers away to bury these things, bells rang one after another from the castle behind them.

That Elizabeth Bathory must have passed away. Joan of Arc sighed softly as she watched the family flag at the castle window being put away and replaced with a pure black flag.

I think we should have brought her hope this time. This should be better than the real history. For such a person who values ​​honor more than life, helping her maintain her honor should be the best thing. Something to help him.”

That's right, so we should keep this book now. Liang En nodded and said. I hope it can travel through time and reach the other side of history.

After saying that, he glanced at the castle in the distance, then pulled the package containing the notebook on his back and walked towards the Eagle Beak Rock. Because the raven was following them, they could easily found its way to its destination.

At this time, there was a complete sentry tower on Yingzui Rock, but it had been abandoned. Not only was it empty, but even the doors and windows were stolen by someone unknown.

However, this makes Liang En's work easier. After all, this place is inaccessible. If there is no outpost, basically no one will come. Naturally, no one will stop them from digging.

Sure enough, these things were buried by Bathory during this period. After digging around where the treasures were found before, Liang En and the others quickly found the treasures they had found before.

But their goal was naturally not these things. After moving the brand-new wooden box aside, Liang En and the others continued to dig out a space for the books, and then buried the books in it.

In addition to these books, Liang En also took out two pure gold brooches from the card space, one of which was also placed in the pit, and the other was placed in the asphalt used to wrap the box.

After doing all this, the option of returning quickly appeared in Liang En's mind, so he chose to return. , at that moment, whether it was the sound of the wind blowing through the woods or the sound of birds chirping in the distance, they disappeared, and the whole world became quiet.

Liang En found that everything around him had stopped moving. Whether it was the lush woods in front of him, the birds flying in the sky, or the flowers and plants swaying in the wind, they all stopped there, as if the whole world had been pressed on the stop button.

Only Jeanne d'Arc and the three ravens were able to move in this situation. Obviously, the connection between their souls gave the three of them certain abilities unique to Liang En, so they were able to move at this time.

They all looked at the changes around them curiously, because this situation was completely different from what they had encountered before, and it was hard not to be curious about it.

Then he felt that he began to rise slowly, and the whole world began to go away. In the blink of an eye, there was only a bright white light left, which was exactly the same as when he came.

Then he felt as if he had turned a slow-motion somersault, and his feet suddenly fell to the ground. The darkness around him dimmed his vision, and then he found that he had returned to the open space next to the pile of ruins.

In front of him, the area of ​​light that he entered began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into nothingness. The surrounding area also became a lot darker due to the loss of this light.

What a magical trip. After checking with Joanne and confirming that everything was going well before returning to work, Liang En found a place to sit down quietly and began to inspect the harvest.

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