For Liang En, the next period of time was obviously dull and somewhat busy, until a week later the situation suddenly changed dramatically. Just when he was painting that day, he suddenly received five cards.

Obviously this should be the same as when he obtained the historical follower Joan of Arc for the first time. After completely completing the recruitment task, he obtained the corresponding card at once.

As before, because too much information was used to construct the historical minions themselves, the quality of these five cards seems a little lower than expected.

In addition to one [Legendary Power (N)] and one [Detection (R)] that can increase the upper limit of Legendary Power points by one point, the other two are the core cards obtained for the first time.

[Historical Follower (SSR): A powerful historical explorer can get everything he wants from history, even the most loyal followers.

The abilities of these followers are closely related to those of the historical explorer, but one thing is certain, any one of them has left an indelible mark on history and can become the best companion of the historical explorer himself.

Skill card (permanent) (under preparation), the card user will obtain a follower. The status of this follower is consistent with the status of the historical explorer, but it requires an additional 5 legendary points per day to maintain its existence. 】

Finally, I can summon the second follower. After checking his second SSR card, Liang En showed a satisfied expression.

According to his previous experience in recruiting Joan of Arc, this SSR-level card can obviously distort reality and summon a human being who existed in history.

Preparing here means that the target has appeared and appeared in this world with a legal identity, but it has not yet met Liang En, so the three words preparing are displayed on the card.

As for when the other party will appear, there is no telling. After all, the identity of the person appearing in this world and the surrounding situation are not under Liang En's control, so the time when the other party arrives is naturally not something that can be controlled.

Liang En is still full of excitement about this recruitment, because the target of this recruitment is the legendary vampire countess Elizabeth Bathory.

This countess is not a cruel vampire as in the legend, but a very intelligent and business-savvy aristocratic woman, which is very important to Liang En.

Now Liang En already owns a large number of industries. In this case, it would be a good thing to get a historical follower who is good at managing industries.

Compared with anyone else, historical followers are trustworthy enough. In this case, a historical follower who is good at management will naturally be beneficial to his management of his own industry.

Although the current overall operating situation of Liang En's industry is pretty good, due to the lack of reliable professionals, the overall management work is now mainly conservative, and the profits are naturally average.

Therefore, if Elizabeth Bathory can come here, it should be able to change the current overall situation and allow Liang En's industry to operate normally.

After all, the combined capital of these industries is not a small number, so dedicated management naturally becomes a very important matter.

Even though Liang En has no special requirements for the profitability of his industry, he must at least outperform inflation, and this requires the help of some special talents.

It's nothing. I've been waiting for such a long time before. It doesn't matter if I'm waiting now. After realizing that this follower might take a while to arrive like Joan of Arc, Liang En shook his head and then looked at another card. Card.

[Holy Blood (R): Elizabeth Bathory was an ordinary noble woman, and even a relatively kind person in that era. But according to legend, she is a powerful vampire countess who uses the blood of young girls to stay young.

When these relatively contradictory information are gathered on one person, the two contradictory information produce this strange skill card, which provides a special enhancement to certain aspects of the user.

Enhancement card (one-time use). After the user uses this card, if the user masters certain blood-related skills, then the consumption of legendary points can be reduced to the lowest when these skills are used in non-attack situations. Half of the original.

If this card is used in an attack state, then this card will not have any effect. 】

A skill that is not very practical now. Looking at the content on the card, Liang En frowned. Compared with other card effects, the enhanced effect of this card is obviously very limited.

Fortunately, this thing is not completely useless. At least the two cards [Blood Control (SR)] and [Blood Detection (R)] he obtained when he found Dracula's Castle can be partially used or Use it completely.

In any case, it is a gratifying thing to get a card that can be used, so Liang En used this enhanced card immediately.

However, this type of strengthening card related to skills does not strengthen humans as much as the strengthening cards that strengthen the body, so the entire strengthening process basically has no special feeling.

Of course, basically no feeling does not mean no feeling at all. At least Liang En can feel that every strengthening in this aspect will make him use those card abilities more smoothly.

According to Liang En's point of view, these enhancements should be improving his spell-casting ability, but this world is not a world filled with extraordinary powers, so some aspects are not obvious.

After completing the strengthening, Liang En went to bed early at night, but what he didn't expect was that on the third morning after this incident, he was having breakfast when he heard a knock on the door from outside.

Who would come here so early? Liang En frowned when he heard the knock on the door. Because of the location where he lived, guests would often call to inform them before coming, and they would not come so early.

Let's take a look, maybe there's something wrong with people outside. Joan of Arc said, stood up from the dining table and opened the door, only to find a Mercedes-Benz SUV parked at the door.

Is this Mr. Liang En's home? After seeing someone opening the door, the window of the SUV quickly rolled down, and then the face of a girl was revealed.

This is a pretty-looking girl with long black curly hair. Judging from her fashionable clothes and jewelry, she is obviously from a good family!

Yes, this is Mr. Liang's home. Joan smiled and nodded, then said. Who are you, and what do you want to do with Liang En?

Joan of Arc found that she did not know this girl, but she felt a special sense of familiarity with her inexplicably, so she spoke to her so kindly.

It's a pleasure to see you again. The girl got out of the car and smiled as well, After more than four hundred years, we finally meet again. It's a pleasure to see you. I am Elizabeth Bathory. .”

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