Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 472 Looking for the Lamp

Pierce told Liang En that his previous discovery and excavation of Mycenae had become a hot topic at the fair. After all, this was an antique trading fair, so everyone was basically in this field.

As a result, Pierce's store naturally attracted more attention, because everyone wanted to see what was going on in a store where an explorer like Liang En had a stake.

Fortunately, the things Pierce brought this time can withstand such a scene. For example, although antique furniture or tableware made of precious metals are not top-notch, they are still high-quality products with a very wide audience.

In addition to antiques, whether it is the various Indian handicrafts sold as handicrafts or the ancient Egyptian-style jewelry made by the Egyptian Copts, there is a certain originality.

Therefore, Pierce's booth was very popular throughout the exhibition this time, especially Indian handicrafts and ancient Egyptian-style jewelry, which are future flagship products, which have opened up sales.

Due to quality issues, these handicrafts cannot be shipped from the earl's luxury channels, so they have been sold bit by bit through the emerald thrift store.

However, their shipment volume is often unsatisfactory, so that the number of various handicrafts that can be shipped through this new channel is always not particularly large compared to the overall production volume.

After all, although the Emerald Thrift Store has a long history, it is not very prestigious, so even if it tries its best to promote these things, the overall situation looks a bit bad.

Fortunately, Liang En's new archaeological discoveries sparked the topic of the entire exhibition, making these modern handicrafts famous and selling for a good price.

Yes, although this fair is called an antique fair, there are also a lot of various antique handicrafts. Most of the antique handicrafts are exhibited and sold by their owners, but some people use this name to defraud money. .

After all, antiques are a non-renewable resource, so except for a very small number of businesses that specialize in antiques, most businesses will also sell various imitations to maintain income.

Unfortunately, for most people, this kind of business is not very profitable and can only sustain their daily lives. It is unlikely that they will make a fortune.

The reason why Liang En and the others added this business to themselves is also very simple, that is to find new sources of income for the two ancient ethnic groups and help them have a better life.

Of course, Liang En and the others are not just doing charity. For example, Pierce also realized that if he wanted to expand, he would definitely not be able to just be an antique dealer, but he would have to get involved in this kind of handicraft market.

Fortunately, compared to others, the handicraft production part owned by Liang En and the others has advantages that others do not have, so if the publicity can keep up, the future business will definitely not be too bad.

Starting from the next morning, Liang En helped to stand in the Emerald Thrift Store's booth as a publicity staff all morning, taking photos with more than fifty tourists and sending them signed photos.

This can be regarded as part of the publicity. In fact, it did increase the popularity of the stall and made Liang En expend more energy before he could get away from here and start his journey to the exhibition.

I have to say that standing at his own stall just now was not all good. For example, at least half of the stall owners in the exhibition now know Liang En, which made his plan to pick up the leaks aborted.

Fortunately, he didn't come here just to pick up leaks, so after realizing that there was no chance in this regard, he immediately turned his energy to the sundries with wide open doors to see if there was anything he needed.

Because lamps were a very common necessity in the past, this place naturally has a variety of lamps for sale, ranging from the oldest pottery oil lamps from the Roman and Greek eras to works of art that were produced just last week.

In the first half hour, Liang En was looking for ancient lamps, such as oil lamps made of red pottery from the ancient Greek era or cast iron oil lamps from Japan 300 years ago.

Unfortunately, these ancient lamps did not resonate with the card in Liang En's hand, which showed that they were not what he needed.

Finally he stopped in front of a stall selling various World War II items, and then focused his attention on an oil lamp made of iron sheets.

This is a very common black iron oil lamp with a lot of rust and dust on it. It looks like any oil lamp of that era, and there is nothing special about it.

This is an oil lamp I bought from a few Albanians. They said they got it from Bosnia and Herzegovina before, but they couldn't tell what it was.

Seeing Liang En focus on the oil lamp, the middle-aged man with a big beard introduced him to him in a stumbling English with clicks and retroflexes.

Where did you get this thing? Liang En picked up a Yugoslav guerrilla medal lying nearby, looked at it, and suddenly said in Russian. Of course, if it involves your business, you don't have to say anything.

There's nothing bad to say. After hearing the familiar Russian, the smile on the man's face suddenly became more sincere, and then he said to Liang En.

Since you are also a partner of the Emerald Store and have been a treasure hunter for a while, you should know that the channels for those of us to receive goods are unstable.

It seems like these things were sold to us by a group of Albanians. This is actually a very common thing. After all, you know the Albanians - so after making sure that these things were not registered lost items, I collected them. these things.

But according to my inference, this is likely to come from a small museum that cannot survive or from the family of an old soldier. After all, you know that the former Yugoslavia is very poor now, so it is not uncommon for locals to sell this thing.

Understood, if I want to buy this lamp plus two medals and a silver cigarette case, how much will it cost? After the other party finished speaking, Liang En pointed to the four items placed in the corner.

If it were you, I think 600 euros would be enough. The Russian businessman said after thinking for a while. But I'd like you to give me cash.

Of course, of course it's no problem. Liang En knew that this price should be considered a fair price, so he nodded, took out the cash from his pocket, counted out 600 euros and handed it to the other party, and then took the four things in the bag .

Liang En returned to his bunk with these things, and then checked this lamp, which looked no different from other oil lamps, in the closed room at the back that served as a warehouse.

Soon, he discovered that the side of the lamp seemed to have been carved with words before. After carefully cleaning the black paint on the surface of the oil lamp with a knife, he found a small metal plate underneath.

The metal plate reads: Belgrade Mortgage Bank, Sarajevo Branch, Vladimir Peric, 1944.

Obviously, these words should have been left by the owner of the oil lamp to prevent others from accidentally taking away his oil lamp. Unfortunately, Liang En was not familiar with the name, so he did not know the background of the oil lamp.

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