Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 473 Walter’s Lantern

For Liang En, being able to find a lamp that he urgently needed at a trade fair is naturally a very worthy celebration, but he also hopes to know the origin of this lamp.

Because no matter what, this lamp will become the most primitive beginning of his future skills, so it is obviously very important for him to understand the origin of the oil lamp.

Fortunately, this is the Internet age, so it has become much easier to check various information, so Liang En quickly found out who the name was on the brand of the oil lamp.

Vladimir Peric was a Yugoslavian born in the winter of 1919. Although his family background was very ordinary, because of his hard study, he was not only admitted to middle school, but also successfully admitted to a university in Belgrade. of business school.

This period of time was naturally a difficult one for him, as he had to go out to work during a work-study program between school days. Fortunately, he eventually graduated with honors and started working at the Belgrade Mortgage Bank in 1938.

In 1940, he secretly joined the party and was transferred to a bank branch in Sarajevo until the German invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941.

It was also in this year that Vladimir, then 22 years old, became a glorious guerrilla. Then he and other team members launched an underground resistance mission.

He and his comrades secretly called on the wealthy people of Sarajevo to provide financial and material support to the Jewish community in the city, and at the same time secretly escorted the guerrillas to Sarajevo to carry out assassinations and sabotage activities.

For the convenience of action, Vladimir gave himself a code name - Walter. From then on, the guerrilla Walter became his well-known title.

Yes, this man is the prototype of Walter, the protagonist in the famous Yugoslav movie Walter Defends Sarajevo, a brave guerrilla.

In the following years, the guerrilla now known as Walter made great achievements. In 1942, he came to the important town of Tuzla and carried out a successful sabotage operation against the local German army and puppet government.

The operation caused huge damage to the German army's local intelligence network, and the hunt for guerrillas and other resistance organizations was also forced to stop. In the same year, due to his outstanding performance, he was awarded the deputy political commissar of the guerrilla unit in eastern Bosnia.

In 1943, Walter was appointed secretary of the Sarajevo Committee of the Partisans by the regional leaders of the guerrillas. At this time, Walter's identity has been promoted to battalion commander, and he has also been given a new combat mission by the organization - to reorganize the local underground resistance organization that was destroyed.

With Walter's help, local resistance organizations have recruited young and capable young people in the area. The number of guerrillas grew rapidly.

At the same time, Walter also contacted guerrilla strongholds in other areas and provided funds, weapons and intelligence to the local guerrillas in Sarajevo to strengthen this team.

In June 1944, Walter, who had officially become the commander-in-chief of the Sarajevo guerrillas, led the guerrillas to organize large-scale strikes, market closures, school strikes and other activities in the city center and suburbs. Resistance to local occupation.

Of course, at that time, Walter also had a lot of disguised identities to facilitate his activities, and the same was true for the bank where he worked before. This was obviously the origin of the oil lamp that Liang En found.

In 1945, the Yugoslavs began to launch a comprehensive counterattack, but this process was not smooth sailing. For example, in Sarajevo, the Germans destroyed a large number of guerrilla strongholds.

So Walter, who was in charge at the time, led his guerrillas to eliminate the traitors inside and launched a counterattack, regaining the initiative just like the movie Walter Defends Sarajevo.

It is a pity that Walter did not see the final victory. Just when all of Yugoslavia was about to be liberated in April 1945, Walter died on the battlefield.

It was April 5, 1945, an ordinary day. As usual, Walter led his guerrillas to the cigarette factory in the city for inspection.

Before that, the post office, hospital, and factories in the city all left his footprints. The reason why Walter did this was to prevent the German army from destroying these facilities before retreating or surrendering.

When a group of people were inspecting the factory, a team carrying a mortar discovered them and fired at them with a mortar. As a result, Walter was seriously injured and was sent to the hospital. Unfortunately, he died the next day. Sacrificed at the age of 25.

On the day Walter died, Sarajevo was officially liberated. The guerrillas and all Sarajevo soldiers and civilians won the final victory, but the heroic Walter did not wait for the day of victory and fell on the eve of victory.

On April 9, local soldiers and civilians held a grand funeral for Walter Perich, and he was buried in the local cemetery together with his comrades who had died previously. More than 15,000 people attended the funeral.

People use various forms to commemorate this legendary guerrilla, the most famous of which is the 1972 film Walter Defends Sarajevo based on his experience as a prototype for artistic processing.

This is why this oil lamp works, because behind this oil lamp tells the life of a warrior who bravely defended his hometown and resisted the invaders.

Of course, Liang En also felt that the spirit of Walter coincided with the positive energy on the card, so the card accepted it and became the cornerstone of this skill.

This also made Liang En breathe a sigh of relief, because this kind of light that only he can see is easily reminiscent of the glorious hands used by thieves and robbers. However, judging from the current situation of this lamp, his worries are Worry too much.

For Liang En, the reason why he is so worried is not because of some kind of moral obsessiveness, but because many of his card abilities are related to his camp. If this thing causes his camp to shift, it will be troublesome.

As for how this oil lamp appeared here, it is easy to explain. After all, everyone knows that after entering the 1990s, a very cruel civil war broke out on the Balkan Peninsula.

So it is very likely that something like this left Yugoslavia during the civil war, and then traveled to many places through a series of methods unknown to outsiders and finally came here.

But anyway, Liang En finally found what he needed, so that night he got some gold and crystals, arranged a simple magic ceremony scene according to the requirements of the card, and completed the final step of making the card. step.

The effect is very good. Looking at the bright room in front of him that was only illuminated in his field of vision, Liang En nodded with satisfaction.

Of course, what surprised Liang En was that this thing actually produced a new card [Detection (N)]. It can be seen that the movie gathered enough information on this hero. Even to the point where cards can be produced.

Therefore, Liang En secretly guessed that more and more cards should appear at an increasing rate, and there would naturally be more publicity than in the past. The same news would spread more widely, so it would be easier to condense various cards.

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