Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 471 Harvest of Excavation (Part 2)

[Atrus Treasure House (SR)] This card is a very important gain for Liang En, because it means that he finally has a portable space that can hold various things.

Compared with the novels Liang En had read in his previous life, he felt that the time when he obtained the portable space this time was too late. At least in the novels, the protagonist usually obtained this ability in the first three chapters.

Although there are various restrictions on the use of this card, it is probably related to the source of this card, that is, the situation of the Atreus Treasure House itself.

Although this thing is called a treasure house on the surface, it is actually a cemetery, so the things that can be put in it are also limited to the things that can be put in the tomb under normal circumstances.

For the ancient Mycenaeans, in addition to the tomb owner who must be placed in the cemetery, various buried treasures, weapons, food, drinks and martyrs could also be placed.

So Liang En could only put similar things in. For example, last night in the camp, he successfully put the banknotes and pistols on his body, and also put in a bottle of Coca-Cola, but the tables, chairs, benches or clothes next to him were not put in. Not going in.

However, when he used it for the first time, he also knew that although this space was not allowed to put any living things in most cases, the corresponding things inside would stop oxidizing and remain in their original state.

Considering that this space is very huge, even if half of the space is used to hold food and water, Liang En can feed himself for a month, not to mention how valuable such a space is to him, a professional archaeologist.

So after opening the space and trying it for the first time, Liang En immediately decided to spend a few legendary points every day to maintain the existence of this space.

What's interesting is that when loading things in this space, Liang En does not need to touch those things with his body. Instead, he can load things into the space as long as the two sides are within 1m of each other and he can observe them with the naked eye.

This is an important reason why Liang En has a smile on his face even when driving. After all, gaining a practical skill is a very worthy celebration for him.

But today he went to Athens, the capital of Greece, not just to meet with Pierce and attend the exhibition, but also for a very important reason: to find a lamp with historical value.

The sudden request was not because Liang En was suddenly interested in this kind of thing, but because he had acquired a new professional accessory skill.

Because the upper limit of legendary points has accumulated a lot during this period, Liang En prepared to spend some points to increase his power after verifying the [Atrus Treasure House (SR)] card yesterday.

After a simple selection, Liang En quickly selected the card [Sun Apostle (Groom) (SR)] and prepared to activate new professional skills.

After injecting two legendary point caps, the pattern of the light on the edge of the card changed from gray to now gold, emitting a soft but bright light.

[Lamp of Light (N), from ancient times to the present, the power of light has been very important to human beings, because only with light can everything in the human world operate normally, and at the same time, light that can dispel darkness can also Emotions that bring various positive attributes to humans.

Skill card (permanent) (professional accessory skill), you can create a lamp full of light power. The light emitted by this lamp can reach the brightness of 12 o'clock at noon on a sunny day. Only the user and the people designated by the user can see these lights. .

After consuming a few legendary points, this lamp will emit light that covers a 100m range with the lamp as the center of the circle, and lasts for one hour. After that, each additional point can increase the 100m range or increase the lighting time by one hour.

This lamp can also be fixed anywhere within 25m around the user according to the user's wishes, and can be moved at will during subsequent use. At the same time, this lamp does not exist in a physical form and can pass through matter. hinder.

In addition, the light created by this lamp also damages dark creatures. Any dark creature that enters the light range will be suppressed by a comprehensive DEBUFF.

Note that the prerequisite for using this skill is to obtain a lamp recognized by the card and modify it accordingly, and then use supernatural abilities to turn it into a card, otherwise this skill cannot be used. 】

Because the Historical Explorer card itself comes from another world, it was within Liang En's expectation that the card would have some supernatural power.

It's just that this skill, which may be very important in other worlds, has almost no effect in this world. After all, there is no supernatural power in this world.

In other words, there is no need to worry about ghosts or zombies jumping out of the graveyard in this world. The safety will be higher, but some of the powers in the corresponding cards will not be used.

However, Liang En didn't feel that much regret for wasting such cards. After all, he was now an excavator for a cultural relic. If there were such messy things in this world, he wouldn't be able to do this profession at all.

Although this skill is currently only equivalent to a night vision ability that only works for the user and the designated person, which is about half of the card used, it is enough for him to be able to obtain the same vision as during the day in the dark. .

This is why he is now driving in a hurry to Athens, the capital of Greece, because he hopes that he can obtain a lamp that meets the requirements of the card as soon as possible and completely activate the card.

In fact, he also tried it in the hotel last night, but found that neither the lights in the hotel rooms, the lights in the corridors, nor even the street lights outside the hotel met the requirements.

Later, he remembered that his card system was related to history and archaeology, so he felt that he should look for an ancient lamp, and the exhibition currently being held in Athens should meet his requirements.

The antique fair in Athens only started three days ago. The reason why Pierce came so early was purely because Greece is very rich in all kinds of antiques, so he planned to spend some time buying a batch. goods.

After all, he only travels around the western part of Europe on a daily basis, so he rarely has the opportunity to come here. If he has the opportunity to come here this time, he will naturally take the opportunity to purchase some things he needs.

Of course, Pierce also needs some time to wait for the goods he prepared this time to arrive here. After all, whether they are antiques or antique handicrafts, it takes some time to pass through customs.

Fortunately, all these matters were dealt with accordingly before the trade fair started, so when Liang En and the others arrived at the hotel they had agreed on, they found that Pierce didn't look as tired as they had imagined.

To be honest, you guys came a little late. Pierce stepped forward and hugged Liang En, then took a step back and said.

However, it is very impressive that you were able to unearth an important archaeological relic in such a short period of time, and it was also very helpful to me.

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