Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 470 Harvest of Excavation (Part 1)

The three-week-long first excavation work went very smoothly. For example, in addition to the Lion Gate, the palace and several cemeteries, they also dug out a huge stone wall named the Cyclops Wall.

This wall is actually the outer wall of the ancient city of Mycenae. The average thickness of the city wall is 6 meters, and the thickest part is even as high as 8 to 10 meters. It is built according to the shape of a mountain, rising and falling at times.

This wall, or the entire Mycenaean architecture, has a common feature, that is, huge stones are piled together in many places without any adhesive materials.

Considering the technological level of mankind at that time, being able to do this seems very legendary today, especially since these buildings can still be completely preserved to this day.

However, the number of movable cultural relics unearthed during this period was very small. Although they found a large amount of precious metal reactions in a huge circular shaft inside the Lion Gate, they could not speed up in this case.

Based on the experience of several archaeologists and the detection of metal detectors, it was found that there was at least 10kg of gold underneath, as well as a large number of other metal products. It should obviously be a cemetery with a large number of funerary objects.

For archaeologists, this kind of undisturbed cemetery is a huge treasure, because the things found inside can infer the conditions of the era when the owner of the tomb lived.

Therefore, in this case, the other party will naturally treat this area with caution. It may take half a year or more to dig out the contents.

In fact, this can already guarantee our victory in this competition. That day, when Liang En ran to the edge of the big pit again to observe the progress, a Baron Paul who came from England temporarily said to him .

Unless other teams can really find the grave of Knight Roland or the ruins of Camelot City, we will definitely win this time.

But then again, you did surprise everyone once again. None of us thought that you could really find this Mycenaean city that appeared in mythology.

This Paul is also a member of the Golden Dawn. This time he is mainly responsible for discussing with the Greek officials about the development of this ruins. Of course, he also takes this good opportunity to chat with Liang En about some things related to the excavation of the ruins. .

As we all know, the overall economic situation in Greece was not good during this period, especially when the official economic deficit was rising. Naturally, it was impossible to invest too much money and energy in archaeological excavations.

But the problem is that this archaeological site is indeed very important. At least the Greek side will never dare to give up on the archeology of this site, and it is unacceptable to even delay in this regard.

This is the best time for the Golden Dawn to intervene. They can use their own strength and wealth to gain some industry benefits at this site and gain the right to have close contact with cultural relics and archaeological sites.

However, this is not a bad thing for the Greek officials. They can get enough funds for the archaeological excavation of this important site. As for the commercial benefits, it is completely acceptable to them at this time. .

Of course, according to Golden Dawn's internal rules, Liang En can naturally get the most valuable part of the next investment. This is also one of Golden Dawn's policies to encourage internal personnel exchanges.

The reason why everyone set up such an organization is actually to communicate with each other about things they are interested in, so there will naturally be corresponding rewards and punishments to encourage everyone to follow this purpose.

The reason why Baron Paul volunteered this time was that on the one hand, his identity was indeed conducive to negotiations with the Greek officials in this regard, and on the other hand, he hoped to rush to the scene as soon as possible to collect first-hand information.

In addition to the archaeological data, these first-hand information are naturally also very important as the investigation report of the discoverer Liang En. This is why Paul first talked to Liang En as soon as he entered the scene.

This may be because I have better luck, plus I do have talent in this area. Liang En said with a smile after hearing Paul's emotion.

Actually, on the Peloponnese Peninsula west of the Corinth Canal, I had prepared ten places and planned to explore them one by one this time. But I really didn't expect that the first suspicious place would be less than 30 kilometers away from the Corinth Canal. The location turned out to be exactly what I was looking for.”

I think what you just said is right. You do have extraordinary talents in this area. Baron Paul nodded. So accepting you into the Golden Dawn this time is definitely the right choice.

Liang En no longer needs to be here to watch the next work, and as the excavation work deepens, discoverers like Liang En are not suitable to serve as the on-site commander.

So he quickly found an excuse to hand over the work to others, and then drove to Athens with Fan Meng and Joan of Arc to prepare to meet Pierce who was attending the trade fair there.

Liang En was very satisfied with the amount of archaeological work this time, because he obtained a total of six cards this time, and they were all valuable cards.

In addition to two [Detection (N)] and two [Legendary Power (N)], he also obtained 1/3 SSR cards and an SR-level skill card.

1/3 of the SSR cards are the [Barrier Breaking Power (SSR)] obtained last time, because the Mycenaean ruins are indeed related to epics and can be regarded as a bridge between fantasy and reality.

Therefore, after finding this ruins, he was equivalent to finding the basis of the legend, and then obtained a large amount of information energy that could break the seal between illusion and reality, and formed this card.

In addition to the 1/3 of the cards obtained on Crete, Liang En has now obtained 2/3 of this card. In other words, if there are no accidents, he can find another thing of the same level or You can get this card from the ruins.

As for the other card, it should be considered one of the most practical among SR-level cards, because the name of this card is [Atrus Treasure House (SR)]

[Treasure House of Atreus (SR): Compared with the older and better-preserved tombs within the walls of Mycenae, this looted tomb outside the city is more likely to be the final destination of the Trojan heroes.

Because of the legends of these heroes, the natural eyes of these tombs have accumulated a large amount of information power, and can be transformed by historical explorers into their own power.

Skill card (permanent), the owner can now obtain a special storage space. The entire space will be as large as the interior space of the largest vaulted tomb next to the city-state of Mycenae.

Each legendary point can support the operation of this space for one day. Once it starts, one legendary point will be automatically deducted every day to maintain this space. This kind of activation can be turned off actively, but the things inside will also return to nothingness like a space that loses its energy supply. .

However, because of the origin of this space, the things stored in it can only be treasures or weapons that the user deeply recognizes in his heart, or some food, or animal carcasses. Other than that, the rest of the things cannot be used. Put it into this space. 】

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