Because they were sure that they had found the right target this time, everyone present became excited, so after resting for a while, they immediately walked towards the valley.

After more than an hour, they finally entered the valley, and Liang En gave up his rest and immediately started his inspection work.

According to a series of knowledge he learned temporarily, although this valley is called a valley, it is actually an east-west fault zone.

Judging from the fracture surface of the fault zone, Liang En discovered that the rocks on the mountain should be serpentinite, which is also the easiest rock to produce jadeite. It is even mixed with some gneiss and actinolite.

Considering that it was not suitable to set up a camp in the rainforest, everyone simply moved the camp to a high ground on the stone river bank, so that it was easy to get water and there was no need to worry about flooding.

After everyone set up the tent, a few people who were free now walked down the slope to the shore, and then excavated various samples under Liang En's command.

Perhaps it is because the surrounding rocks have been weathered continuously for hundreds of years and no one has excavated them, so there are many small jade fragments in the river now. People have found many jade fragment specimens just by simply digging.

According to the information Liang En obtained from the jeweler before arriving, the appearance of these specimens proved that the mine should be nearby.

Early the next morning, Liang En and the others entered the valley and started searching. Although these security personnel were not professional scholars, their training allowed them to find traces of ancient human excavations.

Of course, considering that the size of the mine in his memory was not too small, Liang En quickly found a place that he thought was good, and then spent a [Detection (N)] and 12 legendary points. Used [Eye of Daedalus (SR)].

As the skill was used, Liang En's mind immediately showed a situation within a 120m distance with himself as the center of the circle, and just as he had guessed before, many lights gathered together appeared on the periphery of the detection circle. point.

You must know that each of these light spots represents a historical item, and it is indeed not normal to have so many items used by humans gathered in such a wilderness.

After walking past those light spots, Liang En found that the place where those light spots were was occupied by a large number of tropical plants. Obviously, this place has now been reoccupied by nature.

Faced with this situation, everyone can only spend some time and energy to level the vegetation on the surface first, and then dig deeper. This is definitely not a small-scale project.

Fortunately, the people present didn't know much about archaeological excavation work, so they dug wherever Liang En said, and they didn't care why they had to dig into a tropical rainforest that was not much different from other places.

In the eyes of this group of people, Liang En has demonstrated his extremely rich knowledge of archaeological excavation along the way, so there must be a reason why he is asking them to dig an open space now.

And this is exactly what happened. When they cleared away the surface plants and dug down less than 30 centimeters, some things made of stone appeared in front of everyone.

Unlike the rough, unobtrusive stone tools of the Paleolithic Age, the Maya's level of making stone tools has reached the level of the Neolithic Age, so even amateurs can recognize the stone tools excavated now.

These should be some stone axes, stone hammers and stone chisels. After arranging a dozen excavated tools on the ground, Liang En explained to everyone in a low voice, They are the tools used by the Mayans to mine mines.

After removing the soil on the surface of these stone tools, everyone was surprised to find that at least 1/3 of the tools were actually made of jade.

You know, for the ancient Mayans in the Stone Age, jade was a real treasure, because jade is harder and tougher than ordinary stone, and the tools made are easier to use and more durable.

Due to the properties of jade, they were even regarded as treasures greater than gold among the ancient Mayans. Therefore, such items are rarely unearthed in ruins. In addition to various decorations and ritual vessels, jade can be used as a treasure. There are even fewer raw materials.

Such a concentration of labor tools made of jade is very rare in previous archaeological processes, so Liang En is inclined to believe that this place itself is an jade mine.

Therefore, workers of that era were able to use local materials to make their own labor tools using materials that were extremely luxurious even in the Mayan era.

Judging from the overall condition of these jade working tools found so far, although all jade products look very rough, the planting water looks very good, and they can be regarded as good jade.

In the next three days, they conducted a comprehensive exploration of the entire valley. Although none of them were professionals and could not see how much jade there was, they were able to confirm that this was indeed the place where the ancient Mayans mined jade. .

Because during the past few days of excavation, Liang En found several ancient Mayan mining relics and discovered more various stone tools.

From the perspective of jade tools alone, Liang En can guarantee that this should be the site with the most jade tools unearthed at one time in the past 20 years.

However, because of the search in the past few days, Liang En can also confirm that even though he has made huge progress in wealth and power compared to a year or two ago, there is definitely no way to monopolize this jade mine.

Just think about the fact that the biggest financial source of a group of warlords in Myanmar who are able to fight back and forth with the Myanmar government is several jade mines in northern Myanmar, and you will know what these mines actually represent.

Not to mention that the security in Guatemala is inherently poor. After leaving the city, many places are even in a state of anarchy, with various illegal armed organizations emerging one after another.

Therefore, it is impossible to open a mine in such a place without a strong background and sufficient military support. Even if Liang En has enough combat power, he would not want to spend a lot of time and money to suppress bandits in this green hell.

Not to mention that the local officials have shown various unreliability. For example, Liang En and the others passed through several police or military checkpoints before, and ended up having to pay money at each checkpoint.

Although in Liang En's last world, an American couple successfully developed the jade mine in Guatemala, in fact, there was American capital behind it, otherwise they would not be able to hold on.

For Americans, these small countries in Central America are like their back garden, so even if you give that group of Guatemalans ten courages, they would not dare to erode the interests of these American capitals.

But if it were anyone else, this place would definitely not be able to be defended, so it was not an easy task for Liang En to exploit those mines.

Fortunately, Liang En was now out of his early days of working alone, so he climbed to the surrounding mountains on the last day of exploration, and then began to use satellite phones to contact people he knew to see if he could get enough investment.

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