The first person Liang En contacted was Butler Robuchon. This was mainly because the previous cooperation between the two parties was very smooth, and the count was still running a high-end jewelry company.

Although jade is not common in the West, this semi-precious stone that represents the Mayan culture has enough historical heritage and should have a large market.

More importantly, the turquoise mine in the Sinai Peninsula before this jade mine was also mined by ancient people, so it is still very valuable from the perspective of cultural value.

For Piaget's jewelry company, it has actually been in a rather embarrassing position before. Although it is considered to be a privately customized high-end product, it has no special features of its own.

If there is a selling point, it would be the long history of the Earl family. Unfortunately, there are not many top jewelry manufacturers that use this as a selling point, so everyone is naturally very tight in the competition, and no one There is an absolute advantage.

In particular, the Piaget family did not have its own master designer before, so it could only find external help to design its own jewelry. This resulted in the fact that the jewelry style produced by their family was indeed a top brand, but it was still a bit messy.

However, the overall situation has changed since Liang En joined them. In any case, a historian plus the title of jewelry design master will definitely attract a large group of jewelry enthusiasts.

Although Liang En is not yet recognized as a master because of his low qualifications, judging from the company's inquiries about his works.

Most people still agree that he will become a famous jewelry design master within 35 years. After all, for designers, the designed works are the foundation of everything, and Liang En, who has mastered Mucha's level of jewelry design, can be called a master no matter from which perspective.

Because of this franchise, Liang En could see many internal documents of the jewelry company, and several of these documents pointed out that the company now needs to find some sources of jewelry raw materials with historical origins.

For example, the company has reached an agreement with an ancient crystal mine in Uruguay to purchase a batch of crystals from there every year for the production of jewelry, and there are several similar transactions.

This is why Liang En is confident that he can find them, because these things are exactly what the jewelry company needs now, and the cooperation between the two parties is obviously a good idea that can make everyone win-win.

And this is also true. After calling to report the situation, the other party quickly agreed to the cooperation and said that he would send someone over soon to discuss the content of the cooperation.

After talking to this old friend, Liang En called again the number the receptionist gave him during his last inspection in China.

In fact, when he returned to China last time, Liang En told the other party that he hoped to apply for a Chinese green card, but he gave up the idea after the receptionist of the other party persuaded him.

This is mainly because Liang En's current job may be a bit troublesome to move around in Europe and the United States. It would be a bit troublesome for someone with yellow skin to move around in Europe and the United States. If he has a Chinese green card, the situation will definitely become worse.

However, the receptionist also told Liang En that his hometown will always remember his contribution, and if there is anything that needs help from his hometown in the future, Liang En will be provided with the help it can.

In the end, the staff member gave Liang En a phone number, which was the one he was calling now, and told him to call him if he needed anything.

Soon, the call got through, and after a few simple polite words, Liang En revealed his findings and expressed his desire to find the miner.

From the phone call, Liang Enneng heard that the other party was indeed interested in this matter, so he quickly said that he would introduce Huaxia Jewelry, a state-owned jewelry company, to discuss cooperation matters with Liang En.

Considering that Central America is the back garden of Americans, state-owned jewelry companies may not choose to come here just because of economic benefits.

However, these things have nothing to do with Liang En. For him, the most important thing is to recruit some strong collaborators who can compete with local forces. He does not intend to explore what is behind it.

The next call was made to Mr. Scold because the two parties had cooperated smoothly many times before. So this time the two parties naturally reached a cooperation agreement in a very short period of time.

After the two people discussed cooperation, Mr. Scord talked to Liang En excitedly about the next expedition. According to him, he planned to go to Russia this summer or autumn to look for mammoths. ivory.

Liang En was not very interested in this matter. After all, mammoth ivory was only economically valuable, but its value was very low from a historical perspective.

However, he finally agreed to the trip, partly because of the relationship between the two parties, and partly because Russia also has many ancient ruins. Liang En thought it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to investigate.

Of course, going north in the summer will obviously be much cooler than staying here, so it’s also a good idea to take this opportunity to go to Russia to escape the summer heat.

At least for most people, having the opportunity to go to a cooler place when the weather is hot is always a good thing, at least it can make summer easier.

The last call Liang En made was to several leaders of his new Golden Dawn. Judging from the tone of the other party after receiving the call, they were very interested in this mine originating from the mysterious Mayan civilization.

In order to avoid risks and improve their voice, Golden Dawn plans to invest as a whole, but this also means that they will enter the market relatively late.

However, for them, the income from their investment is not very important. What they really care about is whether they can obtain enough gems from this mine.

After all, from the perspective of traditional witchcraft theory, many mystical rituals require gems. According to ancient traditions, the older the gems used in such rituals, the better.

This is exactly the case with the wealth from the ancient Mayan civilization. For the people of the Golden Dawn, the gems here are definitely worth selling, because it means that they have a new source of deep understanding of supernatural power.

When all the contacts were over, Liang En also realized that his future job was absolutely stable, because the power he brought now should not be any worse than the power found by the American couple in another world.

In such a chaotic country, if you want to make money, you must show your sufficient strength. And if you want to show your strength in this place, you may often need some national power as a backing.

Although the people Liang En is looking for now are not as great a deterrent as the Americans to these people in Central America, it is still very powerful to find three of the five permanent members of the United Nations. At least they are not worse than the Americans that those people were looking for back then. .

But before everything begins. Liang En and the others still need to go back to Guatemala City because they need to apply for an excavation permit to facilitate the subsequent excavation work.

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