Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 439 Reaching the Destination

The discovery of ancient Mayan ruins boosted everyone's morale. Although these ruins could not confirm anything, it greatly increased the possibility of them finding the mine.

Their target is located in a very secret valley deep in the river valley, because according to everyone's analysis, although the valley is hidden, it can be transported with the help of rivers, and it also has enough flat land for a large number of people to be stationed.

You must know that mining in ancient times required a lot of manpower and material resources, so when choosing a mining location, you must consider the issue of personnel stationing and material transportation.

Now the straight-line distance between them and the valley is only a little more than 3km, but considering the complicated road conditions along the way, they think it may take a day to cross this distance.

This is why they stopped now with two or three hours before dark, because it is obviously a very stupid thing to camp in the unknown rain forest at night, and this platform halfway up the mountain is before heading to the valley. The last campsite.

To be honest, it sounds very exaggerated to walk a distance of 10km in two days, but this is a very common thing in the tropical rainforest, because there are too many roads to go around, and there are too many places that are very difficult to pass.

The tropical rainforest is obviously a very lively place. Even at night, you can hear the sounds of animals one after another, and some of the sounds are a bit permeable. Fortunately, there are many people and enough manpower to keep watch, so everyone had a good rest that night.

Early the next morning, they finished packing up and had breakfast in the white mist. Then they left two security guards and a guide to guard the camp and the animals, while the rest set off in the morning light and the dissipating mist. .

Unlike yesterday's areas where there were still people active and there were even a few logging camps, the next journey was to advance in the real tropical rainforest, and in some places even machetes and axes had to be used to open the way.

A damp smell with a bit of rotting smell hit your face, and from time to time, a few brightly colored birds would jump over the tall trees around.

As the camp behind them was covered by dense trees, the only things they could use to determine the direction were the altimeter and compass in their hands, as well as the GPS navigation equipment that sometimes didn't work.

As the distance from the target location got closer and closer, the sky that could be seen above became more and more mottled. Tall trees as thick as several people could hug each other could be seen everywhere.

This place is completely primitive forest in every sense. Perhaps no one has been here since the ancient Mayans completely abandoned this mine hundreds of years ago.

A group of twelve people fought through thorns and thorns, advancing hard in the forest filled with various shrubs, vines, weeds and wild animals. When the sun passed its highest point and began to set, they finally arrived at a place only separated by a hill from the valley.

This is a highland on the edge of the river. Because the river bank is made of stone, there are not many plants and there are not many dangerous wild animals on it, so it is just the last place for everyone to repair before reaching their destination.

I didn't expect that you were actually the best among us. Fan Meng said as he squatted there and let Liang En use a lighter to find a way to remove the leech from his neck.

At the same time, several security personnel and the two guides around also looked at Liang En and Jeanne with admiration.

The reason why these people showed such expressions was because they were a little worried from the beginning whether Liang En and Jeanne, two people with no experience in rainforest life, could keep up with everyone.

In fact, from the very beginning, this group of security personnel had been prepared that Liang En and the others would not be able to run away, and even made many plans to deal with this situation.

After all, the information they got said that Liang En was a scholar, and in the eyes of the security personnel, even a scholar who often went to the wild was not necessarily suitable for traveling in the tropical rain forest.

But what they didn't expect was that although Liang En and Jeanne were obviously not good at advancing in the tropical rainforest area at the beginning, they became more and more proficient later on.

What makes them even more admirable is that even professionals like them sometimes cannot fully abide by some of the rules that need to be followed when moving in the tropical rainforest, but Liang En and the others did it.

For example, because of the heat, many of the security personnel subconsciously unbuttoned their clothes. Their necks were bitten by poisonous insects, and Fan Meng even had a leech that fell from the sky sucking on his neck.

But Liang En and Jeanne were not bitten by any mosquitoes. This was mainly because they were able to wrap themselves tightly in this extremely hot and humid environment, so that the poisonous insects could not find a place to bite. .

Being able to do this is indeed related to Liang En's firm will, but more importantly, their strengthened bodies allow them to withstand this extremely hot and humid environment.

However, in the eyes of other uninformed people, this is definitely a reflection of Liang En's firm will, and they will naturally gain everyone's admiration.

Another benefit that their strengthened bodies brought to them was that they greatly accelerated their learning speed, so along the way, Liang En and the others quickly learned how to move forward in this tropical rainforest.

It has to be said that those experiences that have been summarized by countless people using their own experiences and even lives are indeed very effective. However, fully complying with these regulations requires sufficient perseverance and physical fitness, which is not something ordinary people can achieve.

Let's release the drones now. Liang En said to a security guard after applying medicine to each other and catching some bugs adsorbed on the skin. You should be able to see the valley from this distance.

The young security guard with short Mohawk hair in the style of the 101st Airborne Division nodded, then took out a box and took out a civilian drone from China.

Then it was controlled by remote control to carefully lift off, leaving the rainforest following the gaps between the tree crowns, and finally hovering at a height of less than ten meters above the top of the tree crowns.

For this former soldier of the French Foreign Legion, operating this simple drone is a very skilled job, because he also used this drone when he served before.

Despite the ferocity of these European countries' boycotts of Chinese products, for these soldiers who are close to the battlefield, as long as they can save their lives, it is a good thing. As for where these things are produced, they don't care.

Soon, the drone reached the top of the valley, and then ventured down through the trees. As the drone passed through the canopy, they quickly saw the situation in the valley.

Unsurprisingly, the valley has been covered by various tropical rainforest plants. There are no traces of human presence on the ground at all, but some blue-green colors can be seen with the naked eye in the surrounding river. of stones.

Although the stones looked broken and small, Liang En could still tell that these stones were indeed the targets they were looking for.

I think we are close to our destination. Liang En looked at the pattern on the screen and said with a smile, It seems that we have indeed found the right place today.

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