After leaving the airport and driving for more than an hour, Liang En and their vehicle successfully drove into a yard halfway up a mountainside on the outskirts of Guatemala City.

When the car arrived at the door, the gate of the yard opened, and then a fat Indian woman directed the car to drive into the yard.

From the Spanish conversation between the local driver and the woman, Liang En learned that this place was the driver's home and the home of someone in the security company. It was now open to the security company to make money.

Because it was already past 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and because there was very little food on the plane at noon, everyone felt a little hungry. Fortunately, the host here had prepared dinner for everyone.

Considering that none of us are locals, this meal is more European. In addition to corn tortillas, local roasted corn on the cob, and an absolutely sumptuous fruit platter, the rest is European-style stews and barbecue.

If you want to give an overall evaluation, these dishes can be said to be quite satisfactory. Although they are not very delicious, they are not unpalatable. However, the fruit served as dessert after the meal does taste very good and is large in quantity.

As a country with a tropical rainforest climate and dominated by agriculture, this country is rich in tropical fruits. The most important reason is that there is no need for long-distance transportation, so the ones on the local market are picked after they are ripe, and the taste is better than those that have been transported long distances and then pressed The cooked ones are much better.

After eating, the security personnel went to the attic to pick up their weapons and perform maintenance inspections, while Liang En and the others stayed to communicate with the owner of this room.

Because of the function of the card [Catholic Language (R)], Liang En's Spanish with a local accent suddenly shortened the distance between the two parties, and then they started chatting.

The place you are going to has good security, because it is too poor and not on a key road, so the criminals are not interested. Just pay attention to wild beasts and mosquitoes. The hostess of the room nodded.

Although there are more than 70,000 criminal organizations in this country, they are willing to be outsiders just for money, so there are not many criminals in remote areas like that.

This news is of course a good thing for Liang En. After all, compared to wild beasts or poisonous insects, humans are the most dangerous creatures in the world, not to mention that Guatemala is still a country filled with guns.

After all, his plan this time was a treasure hunt to find the lost ancient Mayan emerald veins, not a gunfight with someone in a tropical rain forest or a concrete jungle in the city.

Anyway, the Americans have already put their lessons there, letting people all over the world know how stupid it is to fight the local indigenous people in the vast tropical rain forest.

Because of preparations in advance, all equipment and vehicles are ready. So after resting here for a night, Liang En and the others drove three off-road vehicles to the east early the next morning.

According to the plan, several of them will drive all the way to the nearest town to their destination, and then transfer to the prepared mules and horses to enter the real rainforest along the river valley.

January happens to be the dry season in Guatemala, so this small convoy of three off-road vehicles brought up bursts of dust as they drove on the dirt road.

Although after leaving the city, both sides of the road were occupied by lush tropical rainforest plants, but even if it didn't rain, there was still thick dust on the dirt road.

Liang En missed his ravens a little at this time. After all, aerial reconnaissance still has a certain value. Unfortunately, considering that the dense vegetation in the tropical rainforest is actually not conducive to the activities of these guys, he did not take those three with him this time. Fat bird.

Does the contact in that small town we went to have a good relationship with everyone? Liang En asked Fan Meng next to him while the road was relatively straight. The security company actually paid him the full amount in advance.

The reason why he asked this was because it was not an easy task to provide more than a dozen mules and horses in such a small place at one time, but the security company did not hesitate to hire these animals five or six days in advance. full fee.

Very reliable. The person who responded to us is my old squad leader, who is also the old squad leader of some of these security personnel. Fan Meng smiled and said, Unfortunately, half of his foot was blown off by a landmine during a mission in West Africa, so I only I can go home with my pension.”

The soldiers of the French Foreign Legion come from various countries. In a chaotic and poor country like Guatemala, there are many people who are willing to earn the blood-licking money. Unfortunately, not many people can pass the layers of screening to enter the Foreign Legion every year. .

Then why doesn't your squad leader stay in France? Liang En asked with some confusion, because with Fan Meng's introduction, Liang En learned that his squad leader was a senior sergeant. It seems that I can stay in France.

Because the other party has a lot of family here, and he needs to take care of his family. Fan Meng pursed his lips hard and said. And it's not a good idea for a disabled person to stay in France.

An important reason why France has a Foreign Legion is to find foreigners to die in place of its own people. In this case, the foreign legionnaires are obviously different from the genuine French soldiers in terms of wages, bonuses and pensions after death.

Take Fan Meng's squad leader as an example. The total retirement pay and casualty benefits he receives may only be enough for him to survive alone in a small city in France. This kind of life without a future is definitely not what the other party wants. .

So the other party chose to take the money back to his hometown to marry a wife and have children. According to Fan Meng, the squad leader lived a good life in his hometown and even became a quite prestigious person in the local area.

——His hometown is the town we are going to. Fan Meng said while driving. We can have a good meal and rest there, and then start our search work.

You're right. At least in this kind of operation, having enough support and not having enough support are completely different things. Liang En nodded. After all, this is an unfamiliar place—

But before Liang En finished speaking, there was a bang in the distance, and then Liang En and the others felt that the left rear wheel of the vehicle seemed to be deflated, and the whole car jolted violently.

Get ready to speed up, there's an attack! Fan Meng immediately grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted, then stepped on the accelerator, and at the same time, one after the other. The other two cars also started to accelerate.

As professionally trained security personnel, everyone knows that the first thing you should do after encountering an attack is to leave the scene of the attack and get rid of the enemy's attack.

But what they didn't expect was that just after they turned a corner a few hundred meters along the dusty road, they found a somewhat dilapidated American school bus running off the road and lying on the side of the road. At the same time several gunmen were approaching the school bus.

Get ready to fight! Seeing this scene, Fan Meng immediately said to Liang En and the others. At the same time, the car slowed down and drove towards the roadside. At the same time, two other vehicles driven by security personnel also stopped.

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