The reason why everyone stopped to fight was also very simple, because they were now obviously surrounded by a large group of armed men, and the fact that the school bus ran off the road proved that the option of moving along the road was not that safe.

The facts were just as guessed. When Liang En and the others got out of the car with their weapons, they found that someone had placed a lot of broken glass and iron nails on the road ahead. This was the reason why the school bus ran off the road. .

The target of this group of attackers is the school bus that has now rushed off the road. They should first shoot in front to attract the attention of the school bus driver, and then force the school bus driver to sprint forward desperately, and then hit these roadblocks and lose his movement. ability.

This also shows that Fan Meng is indeed experienced in combat, because if they continue to rush forward, they are likely to lose their mobility like this unlucky school bus.

Obviously, these ambushers did not intend to let the people who witnessed their actions leave here alive, so after being accidentally interrupted by Liang En and others suddenly rushing into the scene, the other party immediately turned their guns to kill these guys who were in the way. .

But at this time, Liang En and the others had already gotten out of the car and were ready for battle. They turned on the gun safety and shot at those who were raising their rifles and preparing to shoot at them.

Although firearms can indeed bring people with different physical fitness closer to the previous combat effectiveness ratio, the party with better physical fitness and better training can gain a greater advantage when both sides have a gunfight.

Therefore, after a few critical seconds, there were several bullet holes in the vehicle and the trees on the roadside that Liang En and the others used as bunkers, but the five or six people on the opposite side were also shot in the head or chest and fell to the ground.

After these people fell to the ground, the bullets fired from the woods suddenly became sparse. Obviously, the other party did not expect that the ones who broke into the encirclement were actually tough ones.

For a ragtag group of gangsters, it is their nature to bully the weak and fear the strong. Therefore, after these selected gangsters were shot and fell down in a short period of time, the people behind them really did not dare to rush forward for a while.

However, the situation became more difficult because the gangsters were hiding in the woods and constantly changing directions while shooting at Liang En and the others.

Although the security personnel hired this time have received professional training in jungle combat, and the gangsters are indeed a ragtag group, they can still pose a threat to Liang En and the others with the help of the surrounding jungle.

Especially now that this group of people were shooting in the woods, which obviously slowed down Liang En and the others. No one could clear the roadblocks and drive away from here despite the bullets.

As for returning the same way, it is impossible now, although the gangsters are indeed a mob and their marksmanship is also poor. But turning around on a street without obstacles will obviously become a huge target for bullets.

We must find a way to force the other party to leave. Fan Meng took out a mirror and looked at the school bus on the other side of the road and said. But there is probably the other party's main target in that car. It's not that simple to get the other party to leave.

The school bus Fan Meng was talking about was a standard American-style school bus, but now it was not used to transport students, but was used for long-distance passenger transportation.

In a series of Central American countries such as Guatemala and Honduras, many American school buses will come here after their useful life and then serve as a part of the public transportation in the region.

Of course, considering the poor local public security, taking this kind of vehicle is obviously potentially dangerous, so when tourists come here, it is best to take the kind of bus that stops in the parking lot in the tourist area.

The school bus now in front of Liang En and the others had the logo of a long-distance bus company painted on the side. It was obviously a common local long-distance bus. As for the target of the surrounding gangsters, it was someone riding the shuttle bus.

To be honest, Liang En didn't want to know what happened, but given the current situation, they couldn't continue their journey without driving these gangsters away.

So after thinking about it for a while, he spent 12 legendary points and one [Appraisal (N)] at one time as a cost to activate [Eye of Daedalus (SR)]

In an instant, Liang En could feel the traces of all enemies within 120m with himself as the center of the circle. So using the 38 seconds to open the map, he quickly picked up his M4 assault rifle and started shooting.

At this time, Joan of Arc also came out from the other side of the vehicle holding a gun. Of course she knew how Liang En was fighting now and what she should do.

I saw Liang En aiming at the jungle and pulling the trigger, but what was interesting was that he only fired one shot in each direction, and then quickly turned his designed direction, making it look like he was shooting blindly.

On the other hand, Joan of Arc next to her seriously fired three bursts at certain places, which gave people the impression that her shooting skills were better and more stable than Liang En's.

At this time, other security personnel were also shooting, but they soon discovered that the firepower from the woods was getting sparser, and they could even hear one or two screams that were weakened by layers of branches and leaves.

Obviously, after Liang En opened his vision, the balance of victory quickly turned to his side. Each of his shots actually indicates the enemy's position, and Joan is responsible for firing in those directions.

Although there are tall trees everywhere around him, if the opponent wants to shoot, they must choose a place with not many trees to cover them. This also gives Liang En the opportunity to shoot them.

After a little more than half a minute of shooting, Liang En stopped pulling the trigger. At this time, he had already emptied a magazine, and Joan of Arc next to him had even emptied the drum containing 60 bullets.

According to what Liang En observed on the map, there were 24 people ambushed in the jungle, but a total of 9 of them were killed by himself and Joan just now, and some others were injured.

With more than half of the casualties, these bandits had no choice but to retreat, because they were not regular troops after all. If the surrounding rainforest had not prevented them from seeing clearly the situation of their companions, they might have run away long ago.

However, because the security personnel were shooting before, neither the gangsters, the security guards nor the people in the school bus realized that such heavy casualties were actually caused by the cooperation of Liang En and Joan of Arc.

So when the people in the school bus were rescued, they kept thanking these security personnel for their help, otherwise they would definitely be dead today.

After a brief conversation, everyone finally got the answer as to why the group of gangsters attacked a bus. This was because the bus contained the militia captain and police chief of the town where Liang En and the others were going.

According to the militia captain, this attack was probably the same as the last time they rejected the request of a group of lone criminals to plant unique products around them, so they launched the attack today.

The reason why the judgment can be so accurate is also very simple, because these people did not hide their intentions and whereabouts at all, so they were naturally recognized directly.

And this is a microcosm of Latin America. In many Latin American countries, these outlaws can live openly in the sun, but the law enforcement officers have to remain anonymous for the sake of safety.

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