Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 435 Arriving in Guatemala

A week after checking the information, Liang En and his group of 12 people took a flight from Dublin and crossed the Atlantic Ocean directly to La Aurora International Airport in the capital of Guatemala.

Different from the previous trips where there were usually only two or three people, this time in addition to Liang En, Fan Meng and Joan of Arc, there was also an eight-person armed team hired from a French security company to take charge of security.

This was mainly because unlike the places Liang En had been to, the security conditions in Guatemala were very poor, so he spent a lot of effort looking for a reliable security company during the preparations.

Originally, Liang En planned to use personnel from the newly established security company at the Sinai Peninsula mine. After all, this group of Copts was definitely more reliable than others, but after asking, he had no choice but to give up the plan.

After all, the target of their operation is located in the tropical rainforest of Central America, and this location cannot exert its own strength at all for the Copts who are better at deserts and cities.

So after repeated selections, he chose a security company suggested by Fan Meng. The main personnel were all retired soldiers of the French Foreign Legion, and several of them were comrades who had a good relationship with Fan Meng.

After a brief investigation in private through the channels of Butler Robuchon, Liang En also confirmed that this security company was indeed reliable and fully met his requirements.

According to the information compiled by Butler Robuchon, this is a small-scale security company. The founder is a captain of the Foreign Legion. The overall establishment time is only three or four years, and the scope of work focuses on security in South America. Mainly work.

In fact, the French, especially security companies with a French military background, basically operate either in Central and South America or in West or North Africa, and this basically overlaps with France's former colonies and special interest areas.

It's just that this company called White Knight has been developing very mediocrely recently. This is mainly because a mission they took at the beginning resulted in the death of four of their people, and the company shouldered the compensation of those four people and brought a lot of losses. economic pressure.

This industry is like this, one step is slow and one step is slow, so now the scale and strength of White Knight Security Company are not much different from when it was first founded, and it can only take on some small jobs.

Therefore, it was definitely a big business for Liang En to hire 1/3 of their combatants at once. For this reason, the other party specially sent an elite team to join this operation.

But it was also because of this that Liang En decided to hire this group of people as his security personnel, because people with such moral integrity as bodyguards would make people feel more at ease.

But then again, many of the big businesses in this industry are wandering on the edge of the law, and it is indeed difficult for security companies like this, which have their own bottom line, to find suitable jobs.

Through the window of the plane, Liang En saw that the ground had changed from the sea to lush woods, which meant that the plane was about to land. And this is also true. The flight attendant aunt began to issue entry forms and customs declaration forms to everyone.

After everyone basically filled in these contents, the plane landed on the runway smoothly. As soon as you step out of the cabin, you can feel the rolling heat waves hitting your face, as if you have entered a steamer.

Why is this place so humid? While everyone was queuing up to wait to clear customs, Joan of Arc said while wiping the sweat on her forehead with a handkerchief. It feels like the whole person is submerged in water.

Our season is considered the local dry season, and it should be the least humid time. Liang En shrugged and said, Of course, the lack of humidity refers to the local rainy season.

I don’t know why, but the customs officers at the airport are extremely slow. Not to mention the customs in China, even the customs in European countries are much faster than them.

Fortunately, even if the team moved at a snail's pace, they would always finish checking. Soon they took their luggage on the conveyor belt, and then walked out of the terminal together and headed straight to the parking lot.

As a White Knight security company with business in this area, they had arranged the response a few days ago, so after leaving the parking lot, they quickly connected with a brown-skinned local informant.

We will first go to a safe house in the suburbs to pick up weapons, and then rest for a day and wait until tomorrow morning to set off to the upper reaches of the Motagua River. Louis, the security leader, turned his head from the passenger seat and said. By the way, can you ride a horse?

Both of us know how to shoot, Liang En pointed at Joan of Arc and said, But we don't have the knowledge on how to travel and survive in the tropical rainforest, and we may need your help.

That would be good, because the second half of the journey to where you are going is so bad that cars can't even pass. Many times the only means of transportation are mules and horses. Louis nodded and explained.

Guatemala's infrastructure is very poor. From 1960 to 1996, the country fought a civil war for 36 years, resulting in 200,000 deaths and millions of people displaced. The consequences of the civil war continue to this day.

For example, the overall infrastructure is very poor. Except for cities and surrounding areas, the only roads connecting big cities in the country are hardened roads, which are also full of potholes and lack maintenance.

The destination planned by Liang En and the others was in a remote area, and the only way to the nearest village in that area was a dirt road that was clearly in disrepair. Considering the climate of the tropical rainforest, those roads were probably barely enough for cars to pass.

The second half requires entering the tropical rainforest. Although there is a road marked on the map, in fact that road can only be used by people and horses, and it is basically impossible for vehicles.

So in this case, being able to ride a horse is naturally much better than simply walking. It is not only faster, but also able to carry more things.

Soon, the car started speeding along a road. Both sides of the road were filled with shabby small rooms. You could see the people living in this place. The overall look was very messy.

Fortunately, they drove onto a dirt road not far from the city. Although the road was a little bumpy, they finally drove out of the slum that didn't look very safe.

This is the fifth most dangerous city in the world, and the slums are the most dangerous among dangers. Louis breathed a sigh of relief after driving out of the city. Except for the four districts of 10, 11, 14, and 15, there are fatal threats in other areas of the city.

For these security personnel, passing through such a dangerous area without a gun is always a little scary. Unfortunately, this is the only way they can go. Fortunately, no problem happened just now.

Of course, the smoothness of the journey is also related to the fact that the local staff know where it is safer to pass. For example, on the road just now, as long as you close all the windows and don't stop at that time, you can basically pass safely.

After passing an intersection guarded by police in black clothes and soldiers in green camouflage, they passed through a tunnel and then followed the mountain road on the side into a yard halfway up the mountain.

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