after human bones were found in the trunk of the vehicle. The police who came to maintain order quickly set up a cordon and began calling for support. Liang En also quickly took out his satellite phone and called Mrs. Alkader.

But while everyone was busy, Fan Meng, who was responsible for checking the boxes around him, suddenly became nervous after carefully opening a box, and then shouted. There are poison gas bombs in the box, everyone get out quickly!

What? Gas bomb! Liang En, who was on the phone, heard the news and immediately translated the sentence into Spanish and shouted to the police who set up a cordon, and then quickly exited the cave.

Although he is wearing a gas mask now, some poisonous gases can corrode the skin, so for safety reasons it is better to stay away from these dangerous items at this time.

After hearing that these boxes contained poison gas bombs, the onlookers immediately retreated back. At the same time, the two policemen who came to maintain order quickly expanded the cordon outwards and reported this information.

Why are there gas bombs in this place? After confirming that she had arrived at a safe place, Joan quickly took off her gas mask and asked Liang En after making the call. It's so close to residential areas.

These gas bombs were produced before World War II. The reason for putting them here is probably to dispose of some gas bombs that need to be discarded. Liang En took a look at the words on the box when he came out just now, so he probably guessed this what's going on.

In fact, from the end of World War II to the 1950s, the countries that produced poison gas were very sloppy in handling poison gas bombs. For example, both Europe and the United States had the practice of throwing poison gas bombs into offshore waters.

Considering that the Spanish used a large number of poison gas bombs when they suppressed the North African colonies, it is not incomprehensible to use some abandoned ammunition warehouses to dispose of poison gas bombs.

More than forty minutes later, support gradually arrived. In addition to some police officers, there was also a chemical defense unit from the Spanish military. Of course, reporters who came running over at this time were also indispensable.

Obviously, the gas bombs in this ammunition depot must be moved away. After all, it is too close to several villages, and we really cannot afford the risk of the gas bombs accidentally bursting.

However, after discussion, Liang En and the others were allowed to get the ancient car out first, so several people quickly used pulleys and winches to drag the car out.

There was no difference between this car and the one Liang En saw through the license plate, except that it was much worn out. Although the license plate of the car was deliberately damaged, during further inspection, they determined through the frame number that the car belonged to Canada. Mr. Sia.

Obviously, the situation is now obvious. The pair of attacker brothers probably discovered this abandoned secret ammunition depot by accident, so they hid the car here directly after the robbery.

This is why so many people failed to discover the problem before, because without being sure that these two people were the attackers, they certainly did not have the time and energy to check everyone here.

And if you don't conduct detailed inspection, you will naturally not discover these small details, and then use these details to find the secret arsenal hidden in the mountain.

Of course, Liang En can't say to the outside world that he used a certain card to find these clues. He will only say that he just discovered a hidden road after habitual field research, and then found this place out of professional habits.

As for the car and the missing person inside, Liang En would only say that it was due to good luck. He accidentally found the missing Mr. Garcia in an accidental collision.

In the afternoon of the same day, Mrs. Alkader arrived here by plane and several entourages, and then conducted a DNA test after negotiating with the police.

Of course, this inspection was just for final assurance. In fact, through the previous car and the bloody clothes on the trunk, Mrs. Alkader could basically determine that it was her grandfather and his driver who died here. .

At the same time, through the blood stains around her, she was also able to determine that her grandfather and driver died of a senseless murder, and through the clues found by Liang En, she locked in the identity of the murderers: the Lopez brothers who immigrated to Argentina.

It must be said that the brothers were indeed cautious enough. They gave up their most valuable and conspicuous vehicle and only left here two or three years after the incident.

In this case, no one of the previous investigators cast doubt on them. After all, during Franco's era, a large number of Spaniards immigrated overseas, and South America with the same language and culture was naturally their first choice. place.

Judging from the church records left in the two surrounding villages, at least 1/7 of the people in the two villages immigrated to South America during the Franco era, and those who went to Argentina accounted for half of these immigrants. Therefore, the Lopez brothers The departure was unremarkable.

However, judging from the information obtained by Liang En and subsequent calculations, the other party should have taken away a series of valuable things that Mr. Garcia was carrying at that time, and then sold these things through the channels he found when he was wandering in the city.

Maybe it's because these two people have been wandering outside for too long, and have experienced a brutal war and subsequent reckoning, so they are not as impatient as young people at all.

At least judging from the current clues, the wealth they obtained through this robbery was not spent in Spain at all, or even exchanged for money in Spain, but was taken to Argentina by them.

In other words, the other immigrants' money was actually earned by themselves, which is a very rare thing for people who have a fortune.

It is not difficult to understand how the other party hides this wealth, because all this wealth can be packaged in a small amount of money.

Considering that the brothers had basically been living in Seville, there was naturally a place to hide their gains in the city, so that subsequent officials and detectives could not find any clues.

At the same time, the other party also spent a lot of time hiding the previous vehicles. For example, when he checked the secret warehouse where the gas bombs were stored, he was basically sure that the dirt and trees should be arranged by the other party.

To be honest, such thoughtful criminal behavior is very rare. Considering the fact that criminal investigation methods were not developed more than half a century ago, their crimes were basically impossible to detect at the time.

And as time goes by, all evidence will gradually disappear. And this also makes the detectives behind even with more advanced technology unable to find the key evidence.

If it weren't for the use of cards, Liang En felt that solving this case might depend on one day when fate exposes this secret ammunition depot.

So being able to find so many clues this time was a bit of a fluke. If Liang En hadn't been accustomed to tracking these historical relics, he might have missed these valuable clues.

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