For Liang En, his biggest gain this time was getting two cards. To be honest, he had always felt that this secret warehouse was not old enough, so there was a high probability that he would not be able to get the cards.

But later he discovered that as the prelude to World War II, the Spanish Civil War was also very important in history, so this secret ammunition warehouse was there. Still, enough information was gathered to produce two cards.

One of them is a common card [Detection (N)], while the other card is a very rare skill card [Poison Barrier (R)]

[Gas barrier (R): Since the first large-scale use of poison gas on April 22, 1915 in World War I, the evil gas on the battlefield has been released from Pandora's box.

Since then, countless people have been injured by poisonous gas, some of them were soldiers on the battlefield, but most of them were innocent civilians. Even after various countries signed agreements, the shadow of poisonous gas has always lingered over the heads of mankind.

However, poisonous gases naturally come with corresponding defenses. From the earliest masks to gas masks, and then to full-body sealed protective clothing, humans' defense methods against poisonous gases have also become diverse.

[Skill card (permanent) (active), by consuming legendary power, now we have a way to use extraordinary power to solve various poisonous gas hazards.

When the skill is activated, the user will form a powerful protective layer around the body, protecting the user from various toxic gases and ensuring the user's safe breathing.

This skill can only be used when the user is in an air environment, and cannot be used underwater or in a vacuum. Each legendary point can maintain this protective layer for one minute, and less than one minute also requires one destiny point. 】

For Liang En, although this skill card has many restrictions and obvious directionality, it is also a very practical skill from an archaeological perspective. This is why he feels that the card he obtained this time is very affordable. .

Of course, the card was really just an unexpected surprise for him, and the real gain came from his employer, Mrs. Arcade.

Three days later, Liang En's previous client, Mrs. Arkad, met again. The situation was different from the last time they met. Although Mrs. Arkad's eyes were a little red today, she seemed to have let go of a heavy burden.

Thank you so much. Both me and my father are very grateful to you. This is a favor that our Garcia family owes you. After the meeting between the two parties, Mrs. Alkader said to Lian Liang with a grateful look. Well said.

It should be said that my luck is very good this time. Liang En said with a smile, I just searched for the single men around me after I couldn't find any clues, and then looked for places related to them, and then I Found this way.

Yes, it seems that my choice is right. Sometimes a change of thinking can often solve the problem at hand. Mrs. Alkader had a smile on her face. I'm glad to have your help.

After chatting for a while, everyone quickly got to the point. After all, none of us usually have a lot of free time, so we got together today not just for chatting.

Because Liang En completed the task very well this time, when receiving the reward, in addition to the previously agreed apartment room and reimbursement of travel expenses, Mrs. Alkader gave Liang En an additional 50,000 euros.

Because the property had to be delivered, both parties quickly went to Barcelona to go through a series of corresponding procedures. Then Liang En and Mrs. Alkader said goodbye to each other and left the place where the documents were processed.

It is different from the vineyard transaction, because this thing is not very popular anyway, so we don't directly invite the staff back like the last transaction, but we have to go to this kind of specialized department to handle the matter.

Where should we go later? Jeanne asked after leaving the house, Should we go home directly?

Don't rush back now, let's go to that house and have a look first. Liang En thought for a moment and said. After all, I had only seen that masterpiece from the computer and TV before, so now that I have an apartment there, I must go and see it first.

After making the decision, the two people quickly took a ride to the vicinity of La Pedrera. As soon as they got off the car, they felt the masterpiece created by Gaudi, one of Spain's most outstanding architects.

As the designer of this building, Antonio Gaudi was considered the most famous architect in Spain during the Art Nouveau period at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, and was also a representative of the plastic architecture school.

Gaudí's architecture belongs to the modernist architectural style. He combined many elements such as Oriental Moorish style, modernism, and naturalism to create an almost grotesque unique style, giving people a unique architectural visual feast.

Different from ordinary buildings, the most obvious feeling of Gaudi's buildings is that they imitate the natural world. For example, there are very few straight lines on those buildings. Both the interior and exterior of the house are full of curves.

The reason for this design is that only a madman would try to depict something that does not exist in the world, so his house does not need to be designed from scratch, but just imitating nature is enough.

For example, this is the case with La Pedrera. Because of the milky white original color stone, La Pedrera is nicknamed the quarry by Barcelona locals. From a distance, it looks like a white wave frozen in the streets of Barcelona.

The appearance of the entire building is an incredible white wavy building, with exquisitely carved wrought iron balconies, which appear majestic and luxurious. It reflects the designer's familiarity with cast iron materials and his ability to use them to their full potential. Incisively and vividly.

Standing on the opposite side of the street, Liang Enneng could see that the apartment roofs were staggered, the walls were uneven, and winding curves could be seen everywhere. The whole building was like a rough sea, full of movement.

In particular, there are some strange-shaped protrusions on the roof of the apartment. Some look like soldiers in full armor, some like mythical monsters, and some like church bells, which look very eye-catching.

In fact, these things that protrude from the roof are not just decorations, but some special chimneys and ventilation ducts. However, Gaudí used ingenious techniques to integrate these functional facilities into the overall design.

When they got closer, Liang En discovered that there were many religious symbols on the building, such as the capital letter M representing the Virgin Mary, and the rose relief that also represented the Virgin Mary.

The most obvious of them is a line of embossed words: Ave - Gratia - M - Plena - Dominus - Tecum. It means God saves you, Mary, you are full of grace, and God is with you.

After walking around outside, Liang En and the others came to the main entrance of the apartment. There is a ticket office here. All tourists need to buy a ticket to enter. The tickets range from 22 euros to 41 euros depending on the entry time.

We don't need to buy a ticket. Liang En smiled and grabbed Joan who wanted to pay and showed her key to the conductor, and then the two of them entered the apartment building smoothly.

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