Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 428 Ammunition Depot

If only two people were digging, they could dig first and then report to the local responsible department. But now that the situation requires them to mobilize more people, they must obtain official permission before digging.

After all, this place is densely populated Spain, not Russia, Canada or the United States, which is vast and sparsely populated, so instead of being stopped halfway through digging, it is better to go through the application process directly.

Fortunately, the subsequent application process went very smoothly, and because of his status as a historian, it was easy to obtain permission from Spanish officials to excavate on this official land.

Even because Spain, a traditional cultural relics country, does not have much overall funding, the local cultural relics management department only sent a young man who is less than two years older than Liang En as a supervisor.

In other words, Liang En himself is responsible for both digging and cleaning things. If he has any bad intentions, this monitoring is no different from no monitoring.

In fact, there are quite a lot of this kind of bad things reported by the Spanish Antiquities Department. For example, when the Castello Madreira was restored a few years ago, the restoration project used cement to directly reinforce the wall, giving people the feeling of a dog's tail continuing to work.

In addition, weird things like turning the portrait of Jesus into a monkey face, or painting precious wood carvings in an amusement park style are also done by Spain, which also shows Spain's confusion in cultural relics management.

But this high degree of freedom was a good thing for Liang En. With the help of the local priest, they quickly found enough labor from the surrounding area, and at the same time, they also waited for Fan Meng, who arrived temporarily.

After all, there is a high possibility that there are various explosives and weapons in this place, so a professional is needed to solve those possible problems.

To be honest, Liang En also applied for the intervention of official EOD personnel when reporting on the ruins. Unfortunately, the answer he got was that unless the presence of explosives was confirmed, official personnel would not be dispatched, but he could hire relevant personnel himself. .

Because the labor force came from the surrounding areas, Liang En also asked them about the ruins during the excavation process, but unfortunately he did not get much information.

They only knew that several battles broke out between this village and another village during the civil war. They were then occupied by the National Army and drove away all the villagers. The villagers were not allowed to return until two years after the war ended.

Before that, they had found a series of military buildings such as command posts and bunkers left by those people in the village, but basically all the contents inside had been transported away, leaving only a few empty rooms.

In this case, after the returning villagers confirmed that the army would not come back, they rebuilt or dismantled the fortifications that were in the way and used the materials for other purposes.

For example, this is the case with the building next to the field. They took apart the top of the original bunker and used the wood to build other things. Then they filled in the remaining part and built the current building on top.

It's a little strange. There has never been any information about these things in the information we checked before. After listening to what these villagers said, Jeanne said with some curiosity.

It's normal. Don't forget that we saw the two attackers through special means and then tracked them here. Liang En replied in a low voice after seeing that no one was around.

For other people, it is very normal that there are many traces of the war in this place that was once the front line of the war, so naturally it will not be recorded in those search files.

Especially since Mr. Garcia's granddaughter used professional detectives, so the focus was often on people, records and clues on the scene, and would not pay attention to such military relics.

Because Liang En was relatively generous in salary and had a local priest platform, a large number of people were hired and the excavation work was carried out very quickly.

After just over an hour of digging, they dug out the surface shrubs, grass and soil beneath these plants, and found some sticks, planks and branches placed close to the mountain.

Although most of these things have decayed over time, based on the only remaining contents at the site, it can be easily seen that these debris were placed here specifically to hide something underneath.

After seeing the traces, everyone became excited and quickly accelerated their digging progress, because the two people had promised to give each of them an additional bonus of 20 euros as long as they dug out what they wanted.

The power of money is indeed great. As more and more soil and gravel were dug out, a 3m×3m square iron door finally appeared in front of everyone.

After using some kind of fiber optic endoscope to follow the large rusted hole in the iron door to confirm that there were no traps inside, Liang En used a large hammer to break open the rusty hole while a group of villagers and the staff watched. big lock.

In an instant, the sound of camera shutters rang out all around. Almost all the villagers took out their mobile phones and started filming the scene. With the sound of these shutters, the door with remaining black paint slowly opened.

Stay back and be careful of the poisonous and harmful gases inside. With the help of the police from the village who arrived, they quickly pulled up a warning circle and began to ventilate the cave. As the warehouse door opened, there was a smell mixed with rust. The musty smell also rushed out of the warehouse.

Because of the smell, the onlookers voluntarily took a few steps back. Only Liang En and the three of them walked to the door wearing gas masks and saw the situation in the cave through the sunlight.

The space inside this tunnel is not very large, and even standing at the entrance can clearly see the situation inside the tunnel, so everyone onlookers quickly discovered that this should be an ammunition warehouse.

It's just that unlike a normal ammunition warehouse, there is an entire empty space in the middle of this ammunition warehouse, and in this empty space is an old black Buick car parked.

This should be the car that Mr. Garcia and his bodyguard drove back then. Looking at this 1940s-style old Buick sedan, Liang En immediately recognized the car he had seen before.

It's just that unlike the vehicle seen through the card, the tires of this car are flat and covered with a layer of dust. If you hadn't been prepared in advance, you wouldn't have recognized that this car was the same car from back then. .

The things here look a little mismatched. Fan Meng's angry voice came from behind the gas mask. Why is there a civilian vehicle in the warehouse?

Because these two things didn't enter the warehouse at the same time. Liang En said, taking the lead into the warehouse, and then came to the side of the car and wiped the dust on the glass with his hands.

Through the not-so-transparent car glass, Liang En saw that both the front and rear seats of the car were empty, but when they opened the trunk, a strong stench came from a pile of things in the trunk. came out from the rotten blanket.

I think we have found Mr. Garcia, although the situation is not good- Joan stepped forward and used a wooden stick to lift the blanket, and some human bodies that had turned into white bones were exposed from the blanket.

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