Ah, I found it, this is it. After half an hour of searching, the old priest finally found what he was looking for among the mountains of information.

The ones you are looking for should be the Lopez brothers, but they left here and immigrated to Argentina more than fifty years ago. If they are still alive, they should be over eighty years old.

With that said, the priest placed the document on the table. At that moment, Liang En recognized that the photo posted in the upper left corner of the document was indeed the target he had planned to find.

After opening the information, he found that the information was a bit thin. Apart from the date of birth and the date of moving out of this area, there were only a few clues in it.

During the civil war, our village was a battlefield, so many people fled to other places. The Lopez brothers left here with their parents when they were very young, and it was not until they were seventeen or eighteen years old that they return.

After seeing Liang En's expression, the old priest quickly talked about the Lopez brothers. According to him, these two people were also celebrities in this small village.

After all, this village has simple folk customs, so the two sneaky guys who occasionally come in will naturally stand out. Therefore, even though the current priest was not born at that time, he still heard his parents talk about this pair of brothers.

According to the priest, after two or three years of living in poverty, they suddenly changed their ways, and after saving money honestly for a few years, they immigrated to Argentina together.

As a result, this story has been regarded by the villagers in the village as the best case of the prodigal son turning back and has been passed down by word of mouth. Naturally, the priest had heard it from his parents when he was young, so Liang En could remember it immediately when he asked him. .

Can you tell me where they lived back then? When he heard that the brothers changed their ways, it happened to be the year after Mr. Garcia was killed, Liang En became more and more suspicious of them, so he immediately asked.

The house the other party lives in is the two-story building at the end of the village, but it has been occupied by someone else for a long time. The priest pointed to a small building through the window. The things left by the brothers can't be found in the building now.

In addition, there is a wheat field they used to plant on the edge of the village next to the mound. There is also a hut next to it that they also left behind. It is basically abandoned now. If you want to find something, you can go there. have a look.

Thank you, Father. Liang En and Joan of Arc saluted at the same time, and then left the church. It must be said that the previous donation of two hundred euros to this church was still very valuable, otherwise the priest would not Would you spend so much energy looking up information?

The next goal was naturally to go straight to the wheat field. After all, in addition to the two people missing at that time, there was also a car, and it was absolutely impossible to fit a car into that small house.

Not to mention that the residents have changed three times in so many years. Even if the brothers really left any information back then, it is almost impossible to find it now.

This building is a bit strange. After Liang En walked into the dilapidated building, he immediately noticed something was wrong. Why are the building materials in such a remote room so good?

Houses like this on the edge of fields are often built by the owners of the fields to look after the crops, so under normal circumstances the houses will be relatively simple.

Therefore, the current semi-underground guard residence with walls at least half a meter thick seemed a bit too luxurious, not to mention that the two brothers did not seem to be very hard-working people.

This place is most likely a fortification left over from the Spanish Civil War. After checking the house with a leaky roof, Liang En suddenly discovered the clue.

Because the ground inside the house is obviously higher than outside the house, and after digging with the shovel that I carry with me, it can be clearly seen that the ground of the house is padded out, and there is a circle around it made of arm-thick wood and gravel. barrier.

What's more, when the two men took out a portable metal detector from their bag for inspection, they dug out various metal fragments including bullet casings and shrapnel from beneath the rammed earth.

You're right, this place looks like it was converted from a former bunker. Looking at the rusty fragments, Jeanne nodded, and then looked out the window along the broken window. .

But I don't know the point of building a bunker here. Although this place is surrounded by hills on one side and farmland on the other, it has no military value at all in my opinion.

Under normal circumstances, a bunker should cooperate with a series of fortifications to form a link in a certain defense system to guard a certain location, but the current location of this bunker is very abnormal.

Because its location is not at any strategic point, and it is not close to the village, so it is not part of the village's defense system.

In archaeology, many anomalies often represent a precursor to some kind of discovery, so Liang En and Jeanne quickly got out of the house and started searching the surrounding area.

Soon, they discovered that there was a temporary rammed earth road remnant seven or eight meters away from the building, extending toward the interior of the hilly area.

While much of the road is now integrated into the surrounding natural environment, some low-lying areas still retain traces of when gravel and wood were used to smooth the road.

It seems that there should be key buildings like a command post or ammunition depot here. Looking at this road, Liang En quickly remembered what the priest said before.

According to Fr. This village was on the front line during the civil war, so most of the people in the village fled, and they did not return until the end of the war.

Therefore, if someone really wanted to build something near the village at that time, the villagers in the village might not find those extra buildings built during the war.

Of course, if the building is built in a place where villagers are active, such as in a village or a field, villagers may find it, but if something unknown to people appears in a place far away from people's activities, people may not care about it.

The reason why fortifications are built here is also very simple. Compared with conspicuous targets like villages, the concealment in the wild is obviously much better, so it is completely understandable that some important facilities are built here.

Soon, Liang En and Jeanne arrived at the end of the road, and discovered a mound at the end of the road that was not much different from the surrounding mounds.

Although this mound looks the same as its surroundings in terms of height and size, anyone with a little knowledge of geography will find this mound very abrupt, as if it popped up directly in the valley.

The reaction of the metal detector after getting on the metal detector also confirmed Liang En's conjecture. There was a strong metal reaction on one side of the mound, which was obviously not an ordinary mound.

Obviously, there should be a big bunker here. After using the metal detector to roughly mark the reaction that produced metal, Liang En immediately made a judgment.

This metal gate can even drive a truck in, but there is too much dirt and rocks piled up outside, so we may need to find some help. The two of us will definitely not be able to dig this place out.

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