Now the situation is correct. After realizing that he was observing the scene of the famous criminal case, Liang En immediately became energetic, because the following paragraph is likely to reveal the core part of this mystery.

I have to say that Mr. Garcia's bodyguard is a bit amateurish, because under normal circumstances when encountering such an attack, the first thing the bodyguard does is to speed away from the dangerous place where he is attacked, rather than get out of the car to check the situation.

Unfortunately, the popularity of this kind of knowledge was not high at that time, and Mr. Garcia was just a wealthy man with status, so he and his bodyguards obviously had no training in this area.

In Liang En's field of vision, Mr. Garcia said a few words to the bodyguard and then got out of the car. Then the two of them removed the spare tire from the back of the car and took out the jack to start changing the tire.

At this time, the two young men who had ambushed before got together and quietly reached into the drainage ditch on the roadside, then rushed out and launched an attack.

Although Mr. Garcia's bodyguard noticed the attack immediately and pulled out a pistol, because the distance between the two parties was too close, the bodyguard had just had time to pull out the pistol and was already fighting with a young man.

Soon, Liang En heard a gunshot. Judging from the situation of the fight, it should be that the bodyguard and a robber accidentally pulled the trigger during the scuffle.

Compared with modern firearms, these past firearms were more likely to be accidentally triggered. As a result, the shot hit the bodyguard directly in the thigh and caused him to kneel on the ground.

This shot also broke the stalemate between the two sides. The young man who was scuffled with the bodyguard was stunned for a moment when he heard the gunshot, and then his facial expression became ferocious. He took out a small knife from his pocket and stabbed the other side. bodyguard.

After killing the bodyguard, the man stabbed Mr. Garcia in the back with a bloody knife and started arguing with his companion.

Judging from their previous preparations and current state, these two people should have only planned to rob, but in the end, stimulated by the gunfire, they directly drew their swords and killed.

However, the two attackers soon recovered. They used the tools on the bike to dismantle their broken bicycles into several sections and then stuffed them into the back and trunk of the car together with the two corpses.

Then the two people worked together to load the bit of blood-stained soil on the ground into the car. After wiping away the traces left by digging the soil with their feet, they installed the tires and drove away.

Since they wanted to take away their bicycle, the other party had no choice but to throw the replaced bad tire on the side of the road, and this became the most valuable clue found by the police in the future.

Although he had finished watching the scene where Mr. Garcia was killed, Liang En watched all the time he could in the spirit of not wasting. As a result, he was surprised to find that the two men came back here on bicycles the next morning. .

They first looked around the scene, then picked up a shell casing from the ground and disturbed the ground with bundles of branches, and then slowly returned.

Did you find anything? When Liang En finished his observation and walked down the mountain, Joan of Arc who was standing by the car asked seriously.

I discovered a lot of things. Liang En said with a smile and nodded. Let's drive to the town ahead to have some lunch. By the way, let me tell you what I just discovered.

The village was only three to four kilometers away from here, so it was just a matter of stepping on the accelerator. So just ten minutes later, the two of them sat at the outdoor table of the only restaurant in the village and had lunch.

What did you find just now? When lunch was almost finished, Jeanne asked after looking around to make sure there was no one. I can feel that you looked very, very happy when you came down from that hill just now.

I saw what happened at the scene of the tragedy. Liang En said after taking a sip of the drink in the cup in front of him. At this time, the waiter had already taken away the empty plates left over from the finished pasta and brought them to them. Two cups of hot cocoa.

Through observation, I successfully saw the appearance of the attackers and was able to determine that there were only two attackers and they should have lived nearby when the crime occurred.

Liang En saw the two attackers, and deduced that they lived nearby.

After all, the fact that two people rode together the next day may mean one thing, that is, the other person not only lived very close to the incident site at the time, but also had a legal status in the surrounding area at the time.

Because the broken bicycle could not ride very far with two people, and this kind of countryside is basically a closed society. If the two robbers were outsiders at that time, they would have been found in the previous searches over and over again. Instead of having no clue before.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were not many people around, Liang En quickly took out paper and pen and used his sketching skills to draw the appearance of the two attackers and made another copy, and then started searching with Jeanne.

According to his previous analysis, the fact that the opponent dared to attack at night while riding a bicycle meant that most of the opponent's journey would be along the road. Otherwise, two people on a broken bicycle would not be able to travel in the wild at night without lighting.

And this distance will not be too far, at most it can be reached by bicycle in about an hour. Otherwise, if someone disappears for a long time at a critical moment like this, it will definitely be marked in the previous information. It's not like now where nothing is wrong at all from the data.

Unfortunately, because cameras were not widely available in that era, only a few people worth paying attention to in the collected information had photos, and there were no photos of the two people Liang En was looking for.

However, this was not a problem for Liang En. After all, there were only two villages that met his requirements, so he simply took the village where Joan and the others were now to start searching, and the first target of the search was the church.

After all, in a traditional Catholic country like Spain, everyone basically goes through the church whether they are born, married or died. At the same time, the clergy in the church are also the most prestigious people in the settlement.

In this case, it is not impossible to find information about someone even if they are 60 years apart, especially in a rural place where the flow of people is very low and the population is small, so it is not difficult to find two people.

Sixty years ago? That was when my predecessor's predecessor took charge. After listening to the person Liang En described, the priest with a white beard took them to the archives of the church behind him, and then rummaged through the archives. Said the information.

But I have some impressions of the two people you mentioned. The information about them should be in this large pile of documents, but it may take some time to rummage through it-

Theoretically, the clergy of a Catholic church should be assigned by superiors, but for these grassroots churches, the clergy are often from their hometowns, so they can be said to know a region very well.

This is the reason why Liang En came here to search. After all, this place is in the Spanish countryside. If you want to find someone, the church is naturally the easiest place to get reliable information.

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