Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 415 The work is completed

Early the next morning, Liang En carried a schoolbag and took a bus alone to the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine at No. 32 Grushevsky Street in the center of Kiev.

After staying inside for an hour, he left the building with a relaxed expression, leaving behind the huge trouble in Chernobyl and the two document bags in his schoolbag. middle.

To be honest, these things are far less sensitive than rockets, aircraft carriers or large-scale welding technology. They are even worthless to most countries in the world that do not plan to fully develop heavy industry, so it is one step less difficult to take them away. grade.

Of course, even if the difficulty is low, Liang En cannot take him away, and even if he is taken away, it is really not easy to take action, so

After weighing the pros and cons, Liang En chose to pass the news to China through previous channels.

As before, this time Liang En did not get any money from this incident, but he got many things that were much more precious than money.

Because Liang En chose those materials, the 50g gold bar and the $5,000 gold bar were given to Joan of Arc and Fan Meng as bonuses and hush money scores.

Compared to more than 20 years ago, although these old U.S. dollar banknotes are still in circulation, they are far less valuable than that era. However, it is still a good harvest to get this money as a bonus after traveling for a week.

In addition, Liang En also gave the previously agreed reward to Fan Meng's uncle, which finally ended the matter. After doing all this, Liang En and the others left Ukraine and returned to Ireland early the next morning. .

After separating from Fan Meng at the airport, Liang En and the others did not go home. Instead, they drove to the stained glass workshop on the outskirts of the city in which he held 40% of the shares.

Because on their way back to Kiev from Chernobyl, Liang En received an email from the workshop owner Paul, saying that the set of four stained glass windows they had prepared previously and named the Four Seasons had been Once it's done, he needs to accept it.

Happy New Year, Maria! Liang En greeted Maria, Paul's wife, who opened the door for them, and then asked. Where's Paul?

He is now doing the final touches on the stained glass window. Maria let Liang En and the others in, and then led them through the living room where guests were received to the studio at the back.

As soon as he entered the studio, Liang En was attracted by the four stained glass windows on the shelves in the room. These four windows are all rectangular, 1m5 wide and 3m5 high, which is exactly the same as the New Museum window in Prague. The frame size is consistent.

Above these four glass windows are four beautiful girls wearing ancient costumes. The different postures and looks of the girls and the different scenery on the edges imply the changes of the four seasons.

To be honest, I never thought that the present and the past could be integrated like this. Just when Liang En and the others walked into the studio, Paul, who had been standing five or six meters away from the four stained glass windows and looked at the finished product, turned around. Looking over his shoulder, Liang En showed an excited expression.

I think this work is somewhat subversive. Very few people use the ancient art of stained glass to create these very modern contents.

This is just an attempt. It doesn't matter even if not many people accept it. Liang En said with a smile while looking at the obviously modern fantasy-style patterns on these windows.

Different from Mucha's traditional female painting style, the female style on the four windows designed by Liang En is closer to the style of modern anime women, while the matching background has a style that blends fantasy and science fiction.

If I have to make an analogy, this style is closer to the Final Fantasy series or the style of rwby, a niche American animation. It is completely different from the patterns on most stained glass today.

Obviously, this may seem a bit rebellious in the eyes of orthodox stained glass artists, but Liang En is essentially a historian, so he doesn’t need to pay too much attention to the thoughts of his colleagues in this field.

At the same time, Liang En is not yet 25 years old, so it is reasonable to show a young side in this regard, and it can also dispel the idea that some people always think that Liang En is using some unpublished manuscripts of Mucha. .

But then again, even with the artistic level and creative inspiration of the great artist Mucha, Liang En also spent a lot of energy on combining different styles to create this set of works.

Fortunately, judging from the final product, all the efforts are worth it. When the midday sun shines from the skylight through the stained glass, it casts mottled light and shadow on the floor, like a dream.

Thank you! Looking at the beautiful scenery, Paul suddenly turned his head and thanked Liang En, Thank you for trusting me and giving me the opportunity to join in the creation of such a special work.

For Paul, he had been busy for several years but failed to make a breakthrough in art, so he had given up on his dream of artistic creation and was preparing to show off his talents in the field of craftsmanship. The cooperation with Liang En was just the perfect way to complete his dream. dream.

Don't worry, this is just the beginning. Liang En gently patted Paul's shoulder and said, Believe me, our works will one day become classics.

In the next few hours, the two people began to make final adjustments to the four stained glass windows. Fortunately, although the two parties had not met several times before because Liang En was very busy, the advanced technology now allows the two people to pass Communicate online and make adjustments to your work.

Therefore, the final adjustment did not take long, but considering that this thing needed to be transported long distance to Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, they spent twice as long as the adjustment to make various safety arrangements for these beautiful and fragile items. Assure.

Where will this thing be placed in the museum in the future? Paul suddenly asked while fixing these glass windows in the shock-proof box. He wanted to know where his work would be placed in the end.

These things will be placed at the end of the entire exhibition, which is the part about the development of decorative art today. Liang En said with a smile.

After all, the main part of the museum displays content related to Mucha, so things of the same style like ours are naturally placed at the back.

Because the number of works discovered last time was indeed relatively large and could be linked together by a timeline, the entire exhibition naturally focused on changes in time as the main line for visitors.

The entire exhibition hall is designed according to the era of those works, allowing the audience to understand the life of this artist and patriot through the changes in these works and the surrounding materials.

At the end of the entire exhibition, they also designed a specially designed exhibition hall to display the development and changes of decorative art from the time after Mucha's death to the present, to show the development and future of this art.

The items in this exhibition hall are all-encompassing, from cigarette calendars in the Chinese period, to Japanese girl comics from the 1960s and 1970s, to today's retro trend designs, showing the changes in decorative art over the past few decades.

The four pairs of stained glass designed by Liang En will also be inlaid on the upper windows of the exhibition hall. As part of the exhibition hall, they will echo the content of the exhibition hall and the internal exhibits, forming a three-dimensional exhibition environment.

As a novice, it is indeed something to be proud of to be able to exhibit your works in such a place, but having said that, it is almost impossible for ordinary novices to get a place for their works in such a place.

Liang En was able to get this opportunity mainly because the most important collection in the museum belongs to him, so he has a little bit of the privilege of the museum owner.

Of course, the works Liang En prepared this time were also carefully polished and high-quality, otherwise he would not have left them there to scold.

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