Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 416 About the Orient Express deal

Completing the production of stained glass windows is just the beginning. The next task for Paul and his team is to produce a set of four Fate series of King Arthur-themed glass paintings.

Fortunately, unlike those huge stained glass windows, this set of stained glass works is only about one square meter and rectangular, so it is not very difficult to make. It can be regarded as a personal gift from Liang En to Xingyue.

According to his plan, he plans to accept the invitation and go to Japan this spring to see the company and travel around to see if there is anything worth discovering.

Both Paul and Maria are quite satisfied with the continuous work. After all, the situation of being empty before they met Liang En and received investment was too bad.

Moreover, Liang En also knows that this kind of artwork cannot be rushed, so the planned construction period is not tight, and people are not very tired. In this case, Paul and the others can keep running.

In the next three or four days, except for visiting his parents every day, Liang En spent most of his time relaxing. After all, although this trip to Ukraine was not long, the tight schedule made him a little nervous and exhausted.

Fortunately, because I summoned an elf who is good at cleaning work through the card [Tombak Summoning (SR)], I can save a lot of housework.

To take the simplest example, the amount of labor involved in cooking is not too large, especially when cooking Western food, but cleaning up those pots and pans after cooking is a big project.

But now that you have this summoned elf, you only need to pay a little bit of the legendary power that is replenished every day to avoid a series of tasks from washing pots and dishes to doing laundry.

You know, this kind of work is the most trivial and time-consuming, so this skill solves a big problem for him.

This also gave Liang En the idea of ​​summoning a few more elves. Unfortunately, except for the soap box last time, he has not been able to find a medium that can be used for summoning. It is really a pity.

In this way, time passed quietly for nearly a week. When Liang En was summarizing the contents of Cretan Linear B and preparing to publish a paper on Mycenese Greek writing, he received a phone call. Stopped his job.

This call came from Butler Robuchon, and the reason for choosing this time to call was also very simple, that is, all the previous work on the Orient Express matter had finally been completed, and it had reached the final transaction stage.

So I invited him to go to Bordeaux within three days. After hanging up the phone, Liang En's lawyer in charge of negotiations also called him on the same phone to inform him of the matter and said that the next work would be carried out in Bordeaux.

It seems that we are indeed going on a long trip again this time. After hanging up the phone, Liang En said to Joan of Arc who walked in, This time the target is Bordeaux. The last transaction involving the Orient Express finally came to an end. It worked out.”

Bordeaux? In my time, this was considered the home base of the British on French territory, so I had plans to recapture Paris and Reims, but I had no plans to recapture Bordeaux in the short term.

After hearing Liang En mention the place name Bordeaux, Jeanne Deli talked about the stories about Bordeaux in his memory that he had in his time, while Liang En listened carefully and from time to time wrote down in the notebook at hand. A few strokes.

Interestingly, before the Hundred Years War, Bordeaux did belong to the British, because this land first belonged to the Principality of Aquitaine, and was then used as a dowry by Eleanor of Aquitaine when she married the English king, and then became the Duchy of Aquitaine. British land.

After remarrying Henry II, Eleanor gave birth to 5 boys and 3 girls. Most of her sons were in charge of European royal families. Her daughters also married various European monarchs. Eleanor even earned the title of European Royal Grandmother .

Among Eleanor's sons, Richard, the Lion-Hearted King, and John, known as the Landless King, made Bordeaux wine develop rapidly through tax and land preferential policies, and made Bordeaux the center of the wine trade at that time.

As a result, this land became British territory for a full 300 years. During this period, Bordeaux red wine was gradually accepted by the British. Even if they were driven out of France, their preference for Bordeaux red wine did not change.

Even in the era when Britain became an empire on which the sun never sets, Bordeaux red wine followed the pace of British expansion and spread to the world. Bordeaux red wine was even regarded as synonymous with French red wine.

So much so that when people mention this city, the first thing they think of is red wine, and the reason why Liang En was called here this time is also very simple, that is, this transaction may involve something related to the local wine industry. content.

So after hurriedly packing up, Liang En took Joan of Arc to Bordeaux the next day, and then went straight to the previously agreed upon hotel to negotiate the last part of the deal.

Nice to see you again. After the meeting, Butler Robuchon shook hands with Liang En and the others and exchanged a few words. Then, accompanied by the lawyers, they got straight to the point and talked about the Orient Express transaction.

What Liang En had expected was that the valuation given to the carriages of the Orient Express was as high as 36.5 million euros, which was not a small amount of money from any point of view, equivalent to the sale of one carriage for 1.8 million euros.

Compared with Liang En's previous estimate of 500,000 to 700,000 euros for a carriage, this price is obviously overflowing. Considering the current relationship between the two parties, he simply asked Butler Lubuchon his doubts directly.

After all, this price is far different from the previously expected price, so even if the amount of reward is higher than previously expected, Liang En feels that it is more appropriate to ask clearly in advance.

Because the two parties were partners, Butler Robuchon was also very willing to help him clear up this doubt, so after a few minutes of simple explanation, Liang En figured out what was going on.

The principle here is very simple, that is, compared with a single carriage, the price of the Orient Express with most of the interiors will naturally be much more expensive, and it is definitely not possible to take the train based on the simple whiteboard carriage price. Calculated based on the number of carriages.

More importantly, for the earl, the purchase of the Orient Express was not simply for collection like some collectors, but to operate a luxury train travel line.

Compared with that kind of empty carriage, this kind of carriage that retains most of the interior decoration and facilities is obviously much more valuable, and naturally one is willing to pay more money.

After all, people who can choose this kind of luxury travel are definitely rich people, and for rich people, those antique facilities are obviously not as attractive as the original ones.

To put it bluntly, with these original decorations and facilities, the ticket price can be 10% higher.

However, just as Liang En had guessed before, even if it owned an industry worth several billion euros, it was impossible for Earl to withdraw more than 30 million euros of liquidity in one go.

So this time the other party planned to conduct a barter transaction, and as a price for purchasing the Orient Express, the other party planned to deliver the Earl's family's Chateau Heburg in Bordeaux to Liang En.

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