Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 414 Leaving Chernobyl

After returning to the house, they found a room on the second floor with intact windows, pried open the door and got in. Then they ran downstairs several times to bring all their luggage, including bicycles, into the room, and then used the bicycles to Withstood the door whose lock was broken.

After doing all this, they used the water produced by melting the snow they had just brought from downstairs to heat self-heating food in the empty living room, and stepped on the heating bag and used nails to nail the thick oilcloth they brought with them. on the window.

After doing all this, the self-heating food was cooked, and at the same time, the sky outside became dark. Liang En and the others lit an emergency candle and ate dinner with the help of the weak firelight.

Now all actions are in plan. They successfully used one afternoon to find the answer to the secret. The next step is to stay here for one night and return after dawn tomorrow.

After all, more than half of the nearly ten kilometers from here to the town is in extremely poor condition, with almost no lighting, and there are some wild wolves around, so it is definitely a stupid thing to drive all night unless there is an emergency.

Fortunately, they have all received professional wilderness survival training, and they also brought a lot of wilderness survival items specific to the area, so there will be no problem staying in this room with a temperature of minus 7 to 8 degrees Celsius and no wind for one night.

After arranging the duty schedule for the night duty, Liang En took out the notebook he had found before and looked at it. Unlike what he imagined, the notebook was not written in Ukrainian or Russian, but in Hungarian.

Hungarians are a minority in Ukraine. Although their numbers are small, they have always existed, so it is not surprising or surprising that Andrei Rotan can speak this language.

This was convenient for Liang En, because the cards he obtained before allowed him to master Hungarian, so Liang En could understand what was written in this book.

However, after opening the notebook, Liang En discovered that it was not a diary. Thinking about it, few normal people have the time and energy to keep a diary every day.

The book records some money transactions starting in 1985. At the beginning, it was daily income and expenses, but when combined, it can be described as deteriorating.

However, when the time came to the summer of 1992, Andre Rotan's income began to increase significantly, especially the records in the notebook showed that the increase at this time was in US dollars.

In the beginning, he only earned a few hundred dollars a month on average. But as time went by, the amount of foreign currency income became larger and larger. By the last month of the winter of 1993, the monthly income even exceeded 30,000 US dollars.

In addition to collecting money, in the summer of 1993, the other party spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in one go. At the same time, it was written on the side of the record that Martha left with the children. I made a few more dollars and then joined them in Canada.

At the end of the notebook was written a line of text, to the effect that there was a big business of US$200,000 this time. If completed, you can go directly to Canada.

From the other party's flying font, Liang En could feel that the person who said this must be in a very happy state. Unfortunately, the final facts were completely different from what the notebook owner imagined.

I always feel like this search is a bit of a loss. Liang En looked helplessly at the notebook in front of him, thinking about the dollars and small gold bars. Because this thing is not a cultural relic in any case, he didn't harvest any at all this time. card.

But think about it, there is no saying that every time you search, you will gain something. It has always been smooth in the past mainly because he has information about another world and powerful cards, so there is nothing surprising about the current situation. of.

Fortunately, these information are not worthless. As a military enthusiast, Liang En naturally knows that these failed test records also have important value.

In the process of creating new alloy formulas, people often rely on luck to obtain useful formulas. In other words, all alloy formulas are based on a large number of experiments, and this large-scale trial and error has not been achieved until today. cannot be replaced by other means.

At the same time, unlike those formulas that have become outdated due to technological advancement, these experimental data, which can be regarded as the entire academic system, will not become outdated and are still very valuable even today.

Compared with one or two effective formulas, these test records are the cornerstone of the entire industry. However, for Andre Rotan back then, these things were far less valuable than those useful formulas that could bring in a lot of dollars.

It is a pity that although this kind of money comes quickly, it is also risky. At least Andre Rotan did not make a lot of money and immigrate to Canada as he imagined. Instead, he died in the winter of 1993 and died. These valuable information were left behind.

Whether it was the importance of these materials or the death of Andre Rotan, Liang En knew that although you don't have some sensitive skills, it is not that simple to handle these things without leaving any consequences.

Fortunately, for Liang En, it was not as complicated as he imagined to deal with these things. However, for safety reasons, it would be more appropriate to wait for the contact person to return to the previous town.

The night passed smoothly like this, and nothing happened except for the occasional two sounds from the woods outside the city. It was unknown whether it was a dog barking or a wolf howling.

Liang En and the three of them got up at dawn the next morning. After briefly tidying up and eating breakfast, they packed up all their equipment and left on their bikes.

When they rode into the town at noon, they discovered that there were a lot of lit fireworks and firecracker packages on both sides of the streets in the town. It looked like they had just had a carnival last night.

Although this town is usually very noisy due to international tourists, and I heard that people set off fireworks every night, it is not common to set off so many fireworks at once even here.

What happened in the town last night? It feels so lively. A few people walked through the quiet streets and arrived at the parking lot. When driving out of the parking lot to pay the parking fee, Liang En asked the toll collector in a low voice. .

Yesterday was the New Year, sir. When giving change to Fan Meng who was driving, the fat middle-aged woman said to Liang En and the others with a smile. Of course everyone had a great time.

It turns out it's New Year. Liang En and the others set off on the second day of Christmas and have been running around in Ukraine. In addition, they spent a night in the desolate Chernobyl, so they obviously spent their time very well. Mixed up.

Soon, the car was on the way to Kiev. According to their plan, they would return to Fan Meng's grandfather's house in Kiev before dark.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly and they arrived at their destination smoothly around 5 p.m.

After a brief tidying up. Liang En took his satellite phone to the deserted street, and then dialed the number left by the Chinese ambassador to Ireland, whom he had cooperated with many times before.

The call was quickly connected. After a few simple greetings, Liang En immediately told the other party about his side of the matter and started communicating with the other party. After the call ended in less than 10 minutes, all the problems he was encountering were solved.

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