Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 413 Stalker (Part 2)

You guys search in the room first, and I'll go out and take a look. Thinking that the other party might imitate movies or novels to design puzzles, Liang En immediately ordered Jeanne and the others, and then took three steps at a time to get to the door and used a knife to cut the door number. Pried it off.

According to his idea, Andre Rotan, as a researcher at the institute, should not have received much training in hiding certain things, so if he really wanted to hide things, the source of these experiences would only come from some entertainment content.

Sure enough, after turning over the pried-off house plate, there was also an inscription on the back of Liang En's house plate, but this time it was in English: Chernobyl now is simply a big garbage dump.

Is it a hint? Things are getting more and more interesting. Liang En smiled as he looked at this meaningless sentence, and then looked at the two-story garbage disposal station not far away through the broken window.

This house is empty, there is almost nothing. Just when Liang En found something, Fan Meng walked out holding a green tin bucket. There's just this trash can in the corner.

I can probably guess where the target is now. After taking a look at the trash can in Fan Meng's hand, Liang En basically confirmed his inner guess.

Fifteen minutes later, three people appeared at the door of the only garbage recycling station in the community. The entire recycling station looked very, very old, and the paint on the iron door was obviously peeling off.

Because the gate that used to be used for garbage trucks could only be opened from the inside, in order to reduce human traces, Liang En and the others quickly went around to the side of the building, then used a crowbar to pry open the side gate and got in.

This room, which was originally used as a temporary accommodation for garbage recycling station workers and cleaners, was filled with all kinds of things, most of which were construction debris, and some contained items such as plastic helmets or tattered gloves and shoes. wooden shelf.

Of course, these textiles should have been new at the time, but after so many years they have become as much trash as those brittle plastic helmets.

The radiation in this place is smaller than outside. If I guessed correctly, this place should have been closed when the nuclear power plant exploded, and then it has not been opened for decades. said Fan Meng, holding a Geiger counter.

Compared with the street outside the room, the radiation value here is only a little more than 70% of that outside, so this place is obviously safer in terms of safety.

After checking and confirming that there was indeed nothing important in the house, they immediately moved the shelves against the garage on the inside of the house.

After all, apart from the main entrance for cars to drive in, this two-story building has only one entrance, so there must be a door leading to the garage inside this wall.

A few minutes later, a door that was originally hidden behind the shelf was discovered and opened. Then Fan Meng was the first to turn on the flashlight and drill in. Soon everything in the house came into view.

This place where garbage trucks were originally parked was filled with four old-fashioned garbage buckets. The entire space was so full of garbage buckets used by these garbage collection trucks that there was only a passage for one person to pass on both sides.

Fortunately, there was no machine installed in the garbage disposal space at the back of the room, so a few people went around to the back and successfully climbed up the protruding parts of the garbage buckets, and then looked into the garbage buckets.

The trash can was filled with wooden boxes. Some of the boxes were simply wooden boxes, while others were wooden boxes covered with iron sheets. Each box was nailed shut.

What is this? Joan looked at the wooden boxes stacked in front of her with a puzzled expression. She moved the box hard and shook it, only to find that the weight of the box was not light.

Let's open a few boxes and take a look first. Liang En thought for a moment and then took out the crowbar and pried open a few boxes. He found that the boxes were filled with tightly tied black plastic bags.

This can't be some illegal drugs. Looking at the tightly packed black plastic bag, Fan Meng immediately had a bad feeling, because he had intercepted several illegal drug transport ships at sea when he was on duty in Africa. .

Probably not. Liang En bent down and took out a pocket from the box, pinched it and said, It feels like it contains paper products such as notebooks or documents.

Sure enough, when Liang En opened a pocket, he found that it was filled with kraft paper document bags, and inside the document bag were some slightly yellowed papers.

What's written here? Because the content above should be in Russian, Liang En couldn't recognize the content at all, so he handed the document to Fan Meng and asked.

This may be an experimental report. With the sunlight coming from the window, Fan Mengzi read the documents carefully and then gave a vague answer.

At least the report I read is about a certain alloy steel. But in the end, this alloy steel should be a failed alloy. It was later pointed out that compared with existing alloys, its performance is not good. Excellent, but also more expensive.”

The same is true for the next dozen randomly selected documents, each of which is about a certain alloy steel test. However, judging from the content of these reports, these tests all failed.

At the same time, from these reports recording failed experiments, they found the logo of the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences during the Soviet era.

This should be something that Andre Rotan fished out of the institute during that chaotic era. Through this sign, Liang En quickly guessed what happened.

It's just that the other party seems to be moving whatever they see without any screening at all. That's why they move so many failed product test reports that are basically worthless.

Others also think the inference is reasonable. After all, Andre Rotan is just a senior researcher. He can only come into contact with one or two truly valuable formulas, so there is a high probability that he will choose these failed materials to make up the quantity.

After confirming the contents of the box, the three people put on metal detectors and started a new round of search, because they felt that besides this information, there should be some other things here.

So Liang En and the others set the metal detector to search for precious metals, and then started searching in these boxes. Soon Liang En heard the alarm sound coming from the detector's earphones.

The thing that caused the detector to respond was a wooden box that was not much different from other boxes. After they took out the box and opened it, they found that there was a black handbag inside.

By the light of the flashlight, Liang En took out the contents of the handbag one by one, including a notebook, a gold bar of about 50g and a thick stack of $20 denominations, totaling $5,000 in banknotes.

Because these items are individually wrapped in black plastic bags and wrapped with several layers of tape, they look as good as new.

Apart from the contents of this handbag, the four garbage bins were filled with experimental materials and nothing else.

So Liang En and the others quickly left the house with this black handbag and two randomly selected document bags. They restored the shelves and doors to their original appearance before leaving, and then returned to the house just now.

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