Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 412 Stalker (Part 2)

Bursts of biting cold wind passed over the treetops, carrying the cold air from the Arctic Circle, making the trees rustle with the dead leaves that had not fallen in autumn.

The snowflakes that had previously fallen on the branches were blown off the branches and residual leaves, and then turned into powdery snow mist flying up and down, sometimes rising into the sky, sometimes sneaking into the ground, and finally falling on the ground in a swirl.

From various perspectives, winter in Ukraine is not a season suitable for people to stay in the wild, although for Russians in the north, the black land of Ukraine is already considered the warm south. But in the eyes of most people, the latitude of this land is still too high.

The intersection of continental climate and oceanic climate makes the weather in Ukraine change drastically and is extremely difficult. For example, less than half an hour after Liang En and the others set out, a cold north wind started blowing.

Less than five minutes after they left the town, the surrounding scenery quickly became deserted. In the vast and sparsely populated plains of Eastern Europe, people are mainly concentrated in cities and settlements, especially in winter.

Fortunately, the roadbed is obviously higher than the surrounding area, so there is no snow on the road due to the wind, so it can be passed after leaving that town.

As the bicycle continued to move northeast, the road conditions became worse and worse. The road under the bicycle wheels changed from a smooth asphalt road to an asphalt road full of cracks, and then turned into a dirt road.

In the end, even the dirt road was gone, leaving only a piece of Eastern European wilderness full of wild life. Only the two rows of street trees planted back then could guide them.

However, the roots of these plants also caused a lot of trouble. In many places, they had to push or even lift the car over the roots and rough roads.

Considering that they might need to live in the wild for a day, they prepared a lot of supplies, and these supplies made the vehicle a little heavy.

Fortunately, the three of them were in good physical condition, so with mutual help, they were able to approach the target location step by step with the bicycle and all the supplies on the vehicle.

After stumbling forward in the cold wind for more than an hour, there were more and more various things on the roadside, including rusty road signs, collapsed telephone poles, crumbling concrete buildings... The once prosperous town, It was completely abandoned due to the evacuation of all residents.

The whole area looks so dilapidated, it looks like a scene in some doomsday games or movies. It seems that a guy wearing a blue jumpsuit and holding a Gatling laser may jump out of the ruins at any time. Jump out somewhere.

And in this vast snowfield, a huge cement coffin, symbolizing death and radiation, stood by the river a few kilometers away, giving people a depressing feeling.

Welcome to Chernobyl. Fan Meng sighed and read out the sentence composed of blurred Cyrillic letters on the mottled and worn-out road sign in front of him, but this painting matched the scene in front of him. No matter how you look at it, there is a strong sense of irony.

We're finally here. Before they came, they had heard people talk about this sign, because for people who live in this area, this sign is a famous landmark, proving that everyone has entered the urban area.

However, Liang En and the others did not follow the road to the city center toward the east. Instead, they followed an asphalt road that reappeared from the snow and headed north.

The road appeared and disappeared in the snow. Fortunately, the dome of the nuclear power plant stood there in the distance, so they could easily modify their position based on the location of the dome of the power plant and the map in their hands.

As they moved forward, the buildings on the roadside gradually changed. Unlike the buildings they encountered before that had been put into operation, the construction fences and piles of sand and gravel building materials on the roadside proved that the buildings here had not been built. Finish.

This is why Liang En chose to venture into this area. After all, it is easier to preserve some things in such unfinished places, and those who search for souvenirs generally do not search in such places.

For those who want to take away souvenirs from Chernobyl, they are more likely to go to the previously inhabited urban areas to search for things that the citizens did not take with them when they hurriedly evacuated, rather than wasting time on the construction site.

This residential community, called Progress Community, has six buildings. It was originally planned to be put into use in mid-June 1986. However, due to the accident at the power station, the community could be put into use in about a month. I will never be able to welcome my own residents——

When they came to the intersection with an atomic structure sculpture, Liang En told Fan Meng and Zhende about the history of the target community, and at the same time led them along a cement road towards a dusty concrete building in the distance. past.

Soon, they came to the door of a square, 22-story building. Interestingly, if the height issue is ignored, this building is the same as the one Andre Rotan they visited before. The building I lived in was almost the same. Whether it was the exterior layout or the appearance of the building, it felt like they were poured out of the same mold.

The building is surrounded by tall trees, and you can even see cast-iron flower bed fences and cast-iron street lamp poles, which exude a rough beauty unique to the Slavs.

However, these unrefined cast iron parts have long been rusted, and the wooden components of the chairs have been broken to pieces after weathering and violence. Only wildly growing plants cling to the gray concrete building.

Although everything around is covered with snow, one can still see through the snow an extremely strange contrast between the vibrant vitality of these plants and the eerie silence of the buildings that seem to have stopped in time.

There should be three buildings here. Looking at the cement numbers on the wall, Joan turned her head and looked at Liang En, But there are so many rooms here, do we have to search one by one?

Of course not. Liang En showed a smile, If I guess correctly, these things should be in the same unit and the same room as Andre Rotan's room.

There is no doubt that the elevator in this building has long been out of service. Fortunately, the fifth floor is not very high, so it only took the three of them a while to reach the door of Room 503, which was the same as the previous room.

As soon as they pushed the door open, they realized something was wrong because the door was not locked. After entering, the three of them saw that the windows were broken and the house was in a mess, with obvious signs of wind and rain.

It doesn't look like there's anything hidden in here. Joan of Arc said, looking at the snowflakes blown into the room by the wind and the water stains on the ground, The environment here is really not conducive to preserving items. Could we have guessed wrong?

Probably not. Liang En shook his head, The direction of that thing is very obvious, so it's unlikely to be just a prank, but -

At this point, Liang En suddenly stopped because he realized that he seemed to have overlooked something.

But what? Jeanne asked.

That thing may not be in the room - Liang En stopped because he thought that the person who hid the thing was an intellectual, so the method of hiding the thing was probably imitating the methods in some novels or movies. .

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