Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 411 Stalker (Part 1)

Three times the normal background radiation. Liang En quickly relaxed after taking a look at the number on the Geiger counter. This radiation did not cause any safety problems. I think this is the information the other party gave us.

Yes, you are right. Fan Meng also reacted at this time. This amount of radiation is absolutely abnormal, and if the radiation is the clue left by the other party, then there is only one place it can point to-

Chernobyl! Liang En and Fan Meng said in unison, and after they said the name of the place, Jeanne's face showed a look of realization.

If the words Ukraine and radiation are used as prepositions for the search, then the place people can think of must be the Chernobyl nuclear power plant that was abandoned due to the accident.

Although many people think that Chernobyl is very dangerous when they hear about it, this is not actually the case. As long as you don’t go to the marked danger zones and comply with the regulations in the travel manual, you can travel to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone safely. Not much radiation exposure.

The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is 30km around the reactor. At that time, the Soviets evacuated all residents and surrounded it with barbed wire.

There is a checkpoint at the entrance to the exclusion zone, and there are only monitoring personnel who regularly change shifts and workers at the other three nuclear reactors at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant that are still generating electricity.

Yes, after the explosion of Reactor No. 4, the other three reactors still operated for 19 years, including Reactor No. 3, which was in the same main factory building as the No. 4 reactor that exploded. The two reactors shared a chimney for emitting radioactive waste gas. .

Because they had the target they were looking for, they quickly locked in on where they wanted to go. After searching for information in this area, they got good news and bad news.

The good news is that although the location engraved on the back of the door plate is located in the city of Pripyat in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, it is in a low-radiation zone and is located on the outskirts of the city far away from the nuclear power plant, so it is not dangerous.

More importantly, due to various reasons, the 30km blockade was not fully implemented, so Liang En and the others were able to take a bus to a place closer to their destination.

But the bad news is that they can only sneak in illegally, because legal entry can only follow a fixed route with designated personnel, and there is no way to search for the location marked on the house plate.

So the three people immediately made preparations to sneak into the Chernobyl restricted area. Fortunately, this work was not as difficult as legends or some games.

The cordon laid out in the Soviet era has not been replaced or maintained for so many years. At the same time, Ukrainians with poor economic conditions do not have the money to maintain a defense system, so it is not difficult to cross the defense line secretly.

At the same time, in terms of legal issues, the penalty for intruders who break in for the first time and do not enter the core area is only a fine, and Ukraine does not intend to seriously enforce the law in this regard.

To give an example of this, there are many videos on YouTube of people entering the Nobyl restricted area. Even in some villages on the outskirts of the restricted area, some people have returned there and continued their lives.

Therefore, it was easy for Liang En and others to cross the legendary impenetrable blockade, but considering that the entire area had been closed for more than thirty years, entering the interior was not as simple as entering the park for an outing.

For example, after entering the restricted area, it is more difficult to travel inside, because there are some guards on the roads that can still be used, so if you want to penetrate, you can only take the paths that lack maintenance.

However, due to the disrepair of the infrastructure and the crazy growth of plants, it is definitely not an easy task to reach the destination. At least they cannot rely on motor vehicles for about 15km each time.

Fortunately, these problems are not unsolvable. After three days of preparation, the three people set off in a pickup truck with a lot of previously prepared things, and arrived at a restricted area more than an hour later. In a small town on the outskirts.

Although according to the law, only a few licensed travel agencies can organize tour groups into the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, in fact, there are many people who want to go in and see for themselves, so many people Choose this small town as your starting point.

Of course, most of these tourists just stay in this town for a few days to look at the location of the nuclear power plant in the distance, or they will return after entering the restricted area for two or three kilometers, and then when they go back, they can brag that they have entered the restricted area of ​​life.

The town naturally makes a living by providing a variety of services to guests, and of course, along with it comes a variety of legal and illegal businesses and feasting.

Why is this place so messy? After driving away another group of women and men who were engaged in certain special professions, Joan of Arc closed the guest room door with a look of helplessness. since

After entering this hotel and renting a room to prepare for departure, drug sellers and paid people-to-people connections knocked on the door one after another. In less than an hour, they drove away five or six batches.

This place is already a mess. Liang En shrugged as he looked through the window at a middle-aged man holding a wine bottle in his left hand and holding a blonde girl in his right hand while shouting loudly in American English.

This group of international tourists gather here just for excitement. For locals, as long as they can make money, they are naturally willing to provide various services, regardless of whether they are illegal. Once things like pornography, gambling and drugs enter, chaos will become Necessity.

Are the Ukrainians just going to ignore it? Joan of Arc frowned as she looked at the chaos on the street. This place is just like Sodom and Gomorrah.

What do you want them to do? After all, the economic situation here is really bad now. Liang En shook his head and said helplessly, For most people here, they just want to survive.

The current situation in Ukraine is very bad. Aircraft carriers, frigates, missiles, machine tools, tanks and fighter jets have been sold. The majestic factories were reduced to rusting ruins, and the old Soviet-era capital had been almost eaten away.

At the same time, this country is not as rich in minerals as Azerbaijan or Turkmenistan, especially precious oil, which allows them to make money while lying down.

Poverty - turmoil - and even poorer. After more than 30 years of tossing, this vicious cycle has brought Ukraine not only a bad reputation as a XX exporter, but also the lowest per capita GDP in Europe - worse than what it was after the civil war. The countries of the old Yugoslav Union and Albania!

So in this case, all kinds of weird things will happen, and it is natural for such a small town to be in chaos.

Fortunately, Liang En and the others did not have to endure this poor place for too long. After spending an hour making all the preparations, they each rode a mountain bike with solid tires, packed the things they needed, and rode towards their destination in the northeast. passed.

This was not a conspicuous act, because there were no fewer than ten people on the cracked asphalt road heading northeast along this road.

Although they wore scarves on their faces, helmets and protective glasses so that no one could see their faces, they still greeted the backpackers on the roadside very friendly.

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