Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 405 Sudden invitation

What are you doing? Just when Liang En came out of the studio to prepare lunch, he found Joan of Arc dragging a small tree in through the snow from outside the yard, so he opened the window and asked .

Christmas is next Wednesday, less than a week away, so I think I should make some preparations. Joan of Arc dragged the tree under the window, then raised her face and said. For example, I just bought a Christmas tree from the tree farm in town.

It's Christmas, and I don't even feel that it's been half a month since I came back. It seems that people are not sensitive to time when they are busy. Liang En showed a wry smile, and then shook his head.

Only then did I realize that I had been busy since I came back. I had almost never left this small building except for going to my parents' house and shopping in town.

Of course, he does not believe in Christianity, but growing up in this environment will always be influenced by the local area. After all, Ireland has a relatively strong religious spectrum, and sometimes you will seem a little out of place when you are different from everyone else.

So their family hangs up colored lights, decorates Christmas trees, and gives each other Christmas gifts like everyone else, but they just don’t go to church. Of course, this cultural influence is not one-sided.

For example, they are the only Chinese family in Baojian Town now, but under their continued influence, many people here will hang a Chinese knot on the door during the Chinese Youth Spring Festival and send holiday blessings to Liang En and others.

Fortunately, Liang En had pretty much taken care of everything at hand, so he simply reduced his workload and accompanied Joan to purchase various holiday supplies and prepare for the holidays.

Preparation is preparation, but many things are still the same, such as the live broadcast about cooking. Even because there are fewer things recently, Liang En has more time to spend on cooking.

Interestingly, probably because more people have free time during the holidays, Liang En’s live cooking video has more than 100,000 people watching it at its peak. It is also for this reason that he began to select some dishes suitable for the holiday and put them out. Demo.

This is also related to the fact that Liang En has more free time recently. You must know that the selection of ingredients for these big meals may not be very precious, but it is often more labor-intensive and time-consuming. Most people usually don't have the energy to make such things.

Maybe it’s because a Chinese historian makes original wood grain cakes, gingerbread men and even Christmas puddings that few even his own people know how to do. This is interesting in itself, so the number of people watching his live broadcast has been increasing recently. Rising rapidly.

In particular, many people left messages saying that some of Liang En's cooking methods were only done by grandma, even though their parents rarely use this ancient method of cooking.

Liang En can completely understand this. Take today's live broadcast dish, the famous Christmas pudding, as an example. The ingredients are mixed purely by hand, which is a strenuous job. Traditionally, the whole family would get together and take turns mixing the mixture.

This kind of work is definitely not easy. After mixing by hand, Liang En and Jeanne both thought that the mixer was a great invention. After all, even people with super physical strength like them felt sore after mixing.

But then again, food like Christmas pudding, although it takes a lot of effort to make, but tastes good, makes people feel good. Sometimes the food made is almost unacceptable to Liang En.

The thing mentioned here is the famous German mulled wine, which is an alcoholic beverage that uses red wine as the base wine, adds various spices, heats it on a pot, and drinks it.

Unfortunately, the recipe from the early 20th century on the Orient Express was a bit weird from all angles, especially after adding cinnamon and star anise, which made Liang En feel like he was drinking cooking wine.

Because Liang En cooked according to the amount on the dining car, it was impossible for the two of them plus Liang En's parents to finish the food. Fortunately, the food could be given to the church in the town and given to those in need. people.

Thank you for your generosity. Your kindness has made 15 children feel the joy of Christmas. After taking the packaged food, the priest said seriously to Liang En and the others.

The child the priest mentioned was a small orphanage in the town next door. It was jointly run by several surrounding towns. However, there were only three or four orphans resident there. The rest were sent by the police or the immigration bureau for temporary residence. Just children.

As for the funding for the orphanage, it comes from a small amount of official allocations and donations from residents of surrounding towns. For example, Liang En and others will donate part of the milk and eggs.

After chatting with the priest for a few more words, Liang En and the others returned to their home. However, to their surprise, when the two of them walked to the door of their home, they found a car parked in front of their home.

Good afternoon, Officer Burke. Liang En quickly recognized the identity of this middle-aged man. He was the senior police officer who had previously dealt with him due to the loss of items from the National Museum of Ireland's collection. Excuse me, what's the matter?

There is indeed something I need to trouble you with. Officer Burke had an embarrassed expression on his face. After all, calling people out before Christmas did cause trouble for others.

Soon, the police officer revealed the reason for coming to Liang En. It turned out that they had recently intercepted a batch of ancient cultural relics from the Middle East and North Africa at the customs, so they now needed to identify all these items in a short time.

It is a pity that Ireland is a small country after all, so there are not many people who are capable and reliable in this field in a short period of time. This is why Officer Burke made a special trip.

In any case, Liang En can be considered a famous historian now. Although he is a relatively easy-to-talk person from previous experiences, it is naturally better to ask him to go to the city to help at this time. It is naturally better to find someone to come and have an interview. , instead of calling.

After thinking for a while, Liang En quickly agreed to the other party's request, then said goodbye to Joan of Arc and got in the car and went straight to the customs near the Dublin port.

For him, whether it was Officer Burke personally coming to invite him at this time or the amount of subsidies issued, he felt a kind of respect. In addition, he really had nothing to do now, so it was okay to make a special trip.

Half an hour later, Liang En saw something that he needed to identify, and he finally understood why he had to make a special trip to the suburbs to call him.

Because what was placed in front of him now were two entire containers of cultural relics, no matter from any angle. It would take a long time to identify something of this magnitude.

But the problem is that for the police, they need to figure out the situation of these things in a short time, and then restore everything to the original state without the recipient realizing that something is wrong. , and then apply for an arrest warrant to arrest the other party.

After realizing that time was tight, Liang En immediately threw himself into the work, but soon he discovered that most of the things in the box were just modern imitations, and even the real ones were just broken stone flakes or wooden blocks.

Obviously, there is definitely a problem here, otherwise Officer Burke wouldn't have braved the snow to ask Liang En for help at this time.

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