Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 404 Year-end Inventory

For other members of the Golden Dawn, gathering together is not an easy thing, so everyone will naturally take this opportunity to have a good exchange.

As the latest member to join the organization, Liang En naturally joined in this series of exchanges and discussions, and took this opportunity to see a lot of important information.

It has to be said that these enthusiasts spare no effort in researching mysticism, so the materials they collect also include many very precious things, such as some precious medieval manuscripts.

So during the three days of communication, Liang En consulted a large amount of information that he had never seen before, and greatly filled up his database.

Three days later, he reluctantly said goodbye to these club members, and then returned to his home in the suburbs of Dublin. For him, joining the Golden Dawn organization had brought him a lot of rewards, and it took some time to sort out the rewards.

And the most important thing is that I have accumulated a lot of work after being out for such a long time, so I really need to take some time to stay at home to sort it out.

The first thing he dealt with was the ancient Egyptian dictionary. Relying on the memory in his mind and the time taken during the trip, the compilation of the ancient Egyptian dictionary was finally completed smoothly.

The next step is to find someone to publish this book, but considering that this is a tool book with a very small scope of application, this book should not have too many readers.

Fortunately, after communicating with the publisher I had previously cooperated with, the other party said they could publish the book and accepted the manuscript. If nothing unexpected happens, the book will be on the bookshelf of the bookstore in about a month.

After finishing the work on the dictionary of ancient Egyptian characters, Liang En began the translation of Linear B excavated from Crete and a series of artwork creation work.

The translation task was very difficult. After all, he now knew how to use the language and how to write the text, so all he had to do was to disguise the deciphering process.

On the contrary, several newly received orders related to artistic creation are more difficult to deal with. These orders include a set of jewelry with the theme of the palace ruins of Crete and a set of jewelry designs with the theme of Oriental Train.

Obviously, the jewelry company, which has not had its own master jewelry designer for a long time, hopes to solve this problem, so it hopes to promote Liang En as soon as possible through this method of keeping up with current events.

In addition, they also commissioned Liang En to design some Art Nouveau style posters for the Orient Express. However, this work did not need to be completed in a short period of time. It only needed to be completed before the train started operating.

Of course, in addition to these commissioned tasks, Liang En also took the time to write down the Orient Express recipes in his memory. At the same time, he used the opportunity of each meal to restore these dishes and let Joan shoot them.

In Liang En's view, this kind of restoration of past diet is actually part of historical research, and compared to other aspects, the restoration of catering obviously has a wider audience.

Although the catering on the Oriental Train was the most top-notch in that era, due to the limitations of the times, both the complexity of the cooking and the selection of ingredients were somewhat different from those top-notch dishes today, and it was also more convenient for ordinary people to restore.

In particular, Liang En specially modified the recipe to a certain extent in order to consider the popularity rate, replacing the ingredients that could be called luxuries with some common things.

These preparations made in advance had a very good effect, because during this period of live broadcast, Liang En found that more people were watching his cooking than expected, and the number of people watching at the same time could even reach 70,000 or 80,000.

As Liang En was busy, some of the work that had been delayed due to his previous absence was rearranged one by one. At the same time, the progress of various new tasks was also progressing smoothly, and everything was getting better.

Of course, in addition to these planned tasks, there are other things to do, such as exchanging some information with the members of Golden Dawn, and discussing issues with Japan regarding the publication and sale of comics.

After the first game became a hit, Xingyue's side took advantage of the popularity and published comics and novels. During the creation process of these works, Liang En was also regarded as one of the souls of creation.

In fact, Liang En didn't plan to get too involved in Xingyue's operations at the beginning. After all, their success in another world proved their ability, so Liang En only planned to invest some money at first, and occasionally say a few words and then Just lying around and making money.

What I didn't expect was that since the first meeting between the two parties, everyone felt that they had a good rapport with each other. As a result, even after the two Japanese returned home, they continued to communicate through the Internet, which in turn affected the creation in this area.

The reason for this is that with the popularity of Grimm's Fairy Tales, almost everyone thinks that Liang En has some talent in literary creation, so when creating in this area, the two founders of Xingyue naturally He will discuss it subconsciously.

On the other hand, as an online novel writer in his previous life, although Liang En is not a fan of the Fate series, he still read the entire series honestly in order to add this popular content to his Bankai-ryu fan novels.

Therefore, as Liang En, who has seen the final work in the original world, one sentence can often give great inspiration to the two creators during the communication, so he will naturally be regarded as the soul figure.

In addition to this kind of software support, Liang En also provided hardware support, for example, because during this period, Model Month needed to strike while the iron was hot for expansion.

So not only did he invest all the dividends, but he also invested another 70,000 pounds for expansion according to the proportion of each shareholder's investment in the company.

But now it seems that all these investments and hard work are worth it, because the accounting firm that audited the other party on behalf of Liang En this year said that the other party's overall financial situation is very healthy.

This is the same as the olive groves in Greece, the wind farms in Norway, the local stained glass workshops, the sun cave in Scotland and the Mucha Museum in the Czech Republic. Although they are currently in a state of net expenditure, they all have bright prospects and a bright future. Promising industry.

Fortunately, apart from these two industries, all other industries have entered the return period, whether it is the ranch where he is now, the mine in Egypt, the restaurant in the Czech Republic, the plantation in the Philippines, the emerald thrift store, the real estate in London or the United States. This is true for a series of investments from the Otter Tribe side.

At least judging from this year's year-end report, this series of industries provided Liang En with a total after-tax net income of 1.8 million euros, which could be transferred to Liang En's account one after another at the end of the year.

Considering that the majority of investments, such as mines and plantations, are far from reaching a large-scale return period, this should be just the beginning.

Of course, the biggest income for Liang En is not the return on investment, but the industry itself obtained from these investments and the confidence it brings to him.

After all, both searching and treasure hunting cost money, and treasures like this with small investment and big gains will become less and less as time goes by.

Therefore, the continuously increasing income gives Liang En greater confidence in his future work and can help him go further in his treasure hunting career.

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