Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 406 On-site Investigation

Can you tell me what exactly this is about? After the general inspection, Liang En walked up to Officer Burke and asked, Most of the things here are fakes, and even if they are real, they are not of high value. .”

At first, Liang En was a little excited when he saw the papyrus, gold foil, wood carvings, stone carvings and even a coffin, but he soon discovered that these things were not genuine, and there was no need to call him extra.

What's more important is that even the level of counterfeiting in this bunch of things is at a level that is better than that of street stalls in Tianjin. It is definitely not impossible for the professionals present to identify it.

Therefore, Liang En quickly realized that something was wrong with the current situation. Considering that he was not a newbie, he simply asked Mr. Burke who had called him over before to inquire about the situation.

We received a tip that the Gold Society recently organized a batch of Middle Eastern cultural relics to try to break through and deliver them to us, and then enter the UK through our undefended border with Northern Ireland.

After hearing Liang En's question, Officer Burke first looked around to make sure there was no one else, and then explained the current situation to Liang En in a low voice.

The reliability of this tip is very high. We successfully intercepted these two containers based on the information in the intelligence, but as you can see, we did not find anything of value.

Because of the previous cooperation between the two parties, Officer Burke was able to determine that Liang En was definitely not a member of the Golden Society and revealed some inside information.

Obviously, the current situation is a bit tricky, which is why Liang En, an expert in this field, was specially brought in, hoping to see what is going on from their professional perspective.

Could it be that the other party used this opportunity to kill the undercover agent hiding among them? Liang En thought for a moment and asked, For example, if we give different information to several people, which person's information will be leaked at that time? You can determine which person is the undercover.

This can be guaranteed to be absolutely not the case, because the other party's purpose of selling the items this time is actually to give something to the people behind them, and then take the opportunity to do something about it. Officer Burke said with certainty.

So the purpose of the Gold Society this time is to transport some of the good things they collected to London and hand them over to the target. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for them to take risks and take this opportunity to test.

More importantly, we have received reliable information that proves that the important thing is in these two containers. The only problem now is that we don't know what the thing is and where it is hidden.

Could it be hidden in the container itself or in the solid sculptures? Liang En asked after recalling the detective movies he had watched.

No, because we used portable X-ray to scan the container and its contents before. At least we can confirm that there are absolutely no additional floors or hidden spaces. Officer Burke shook his head.

The people searching here are all professional customs officers. They usually see a lot of various smuggling activities. Naturally, they will not let go of the common hiding methods of smugglers, so a layman like Liang En must have thought of everything they can think of.

This is why Officer Burke called Liang En, because he felt that since this was cultural relic smuggling, Liang En, as a professional in this field, was likely to find things that they had overlooked before from different places.

This is troublesome. Liang En rubbed his forehead and said, Let me check these things again. Maybe I can find some valuable clues.

Now it seems that conventional means can no longer solve the problem. Fortunately, Liang En has a card that can be used, so as a [Detection (N)] card is used, Liang En quickly discovers that there is a person deep in the container. The golden dots were marked in my mind.

Soon, Liang En found his target under several boxes. It was a box as big as the other boxes. What was interesting was that the thing emitting light was not inside the box, but on the box.

Soon, Liang En discovered that the thing that emitted light before was not something embedded in the crate outside, but a wooden board of the crate itself.

After careful observation, Liang En discovered that this board was different from a normal board. It looked like a piece of plywood, and the two boards next to each other obviously did not come from the same place.

The darker piece of wood is the one that really shines gold, which means that this piece of wood is probably very valuable and not as simple as it seems.

In fact, if it weren't for the card effect, Liang En might not pay attention to these boxes at all. After all, these wooden boxes used for long-distance transportation packaging are basically disposable containers made of all kinds of messy wood. So wood will naturally not be uniform.

After communicating with several police officers at the scene, Liang En obtained permission to remove the board, so he carefully removed the board with tools.

After the board was removed, he discovered that it was not the plywood he imagined, but a very clever way to jam the two boards together, so the two boards separated with just a little force on his hands.

The light yellow wooden board is an ordinary pine board, but the gray wooden board is obviously not an ordinary wooden board, because it is actually densely carved with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

He came out into the day. Here I have traveled through the tombs and seen your strong body. Through the underworld, I have watched Orises spread darkness—

The first time he saw the wooden board, Liang En translated the words on the board and recognized that these words came from the seventh poem in the famous Book of the Dead in ancient Egypt.

Sure enough, what the other party plans to transport is cultural relics from ancient Egypt. After a brief look, Liang En immediately confirmed that the thing in front of him was indeed authentic.

After all, he is the first person in the world to decipher ancient Egyptian script. Before that, people did not have any knowledge related to this dead script.

So at that time, the counterfeiters actually just scribbled the words they could find on it, so it was easy for Liang En to tell the authenticity.

After it was determined that there was something wrong with the gray wooden board. Everyone took action immediately, and as expected, they discovered that many wooden boards with the same carvings were mixed in with the wooden boards used to make wooden crates.

It seemed that this was the smuggling method used by those guys from the Gold Society. The other party realized that their hurried delivery of items might leak out, but due to the situation, they could not postpone the transportation of items.

Therefore, the things packed in the box are just things to attract attention, while the things that are really wanted to be smuggled are hidden on the outer packaging in a secretive manner.

Because the texture of this thing is the same as the box itself, technological means such as portable X-ray machines cannot do anything about this situation.

To be honest, the way Gold hides these ancient Egyptian wooden boards is indeed very cunning. If Liang En hadn't mastered the cards, everyone might have missed this thing without allowing large-scale destructive inspections. .

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