Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 393 Harvest (Part 1)

For the next whole week, these Greek archaeological teams began to dig according to the content previously discovered by Liang. With the tentative excavation, they also realized that this was a huge Bronze Age cultural relic.

Especially when excavating several core buildings marked by Liang En, they found a large number of seals of different materials and brightly colored mural fragments, which proved that this ruins was of extremely high grade and was definitely not a common ruin.

So reports about this ruins were submitted to superiors step by step. By the weekend, a national archaeological team led by a professor of archeology from the University of Athens flew in from Athens.

According to Greek law, although antiquities of this type excavated on Greek soil need to be handed over, correspondingly, the Greek government should also provide compensation equivalent to the value of the antiquities discovered.

This compensation is divided into two equal parts according to common sense, one part is given to the discoverer and the other part is given to the land owner. And Liang En, who discovers antiquities on his own land, can naturally take advantage of both.

It's just that it may take a long time for Liang En to wait for the official report, because what he dug up this time is too large and important, and the price cannot be estimated in a short time.

So during this period of time, in addition to calling his lawyer over to deal with the matter, he mainly focused on the newly acquired cards and olive plantations.

This time he had a great harvest in terms of cards. He obtained 15 cards at once, which can be said to be the most cards he has obtained in a single discovery in such a long time.

Liang En had expected so much to gain. After all, Minos Palace had only been regarded as a fictional place in legends before, so the amount of information contained in it that could be converted into cards was naturally quite large.

This batch of cards is mainly composed of various consumption cards. There are 11 cards in total, including four [Detection (N)], two [Identification (N)], one [Repair (N)] and four Zhang [Legendary Power (N)].

Perhaps because this ruins is closely related to the legend, Liang En received an unprecedented number of [Legendary Power (N)] among the consumable cards obtained this time.

However, compared to consumable cards, the skill cards or enhancement cards that are released are the real big gains, especially because the palace of Minos is related to myths and legends, so the card content is also related to legends.

[Barrier Breaking Power (SSR): Although this is a world without any supernatural phenomena, human beings' magnificent imagination can always imagine a world full of gods and magical powers.

But such a world does not appear out of thin air, but is created by people based on everything that exists and letting go of their imagination. Many times, there are always some real things behind those magical things. .

These existences that connect illusion and reality are very important to historical explorers, because the information and energy retained above can break the seal between illusion and reality, allowing the power of legend to be revealed in reality.

Strengthening card (sealed, 1/3 has been unsealed). After the user uses this card, the level and abilities of the main profession of historical explorer will be permanently improved. 】

This should be regarded as the biggest gain of this adventure. Looking at this golden card with two chains on it, Liang En showed a smile on his face.

Although this card cannot be used temporarily, it tells Liang Enlai how to go. And this is more valuable to him than other functional cards.

After all, this card is not the nanny-like system in some novels. How to use it and how to upgrade it requires Liang En himself to figure it out through repeated exploration.

Therefore, after successfully upgrading the level of the core profession of historical explorer by mistake last time, he did not know for such a long time which direction the card should be upgraded next.

Now this card has solved Liang En's biggest problem. According to the content on the card, Liang En knows that if he wants to improve his core professional level, what he should do is to find two other places that are equivalent to Minos. Remains of the palace.

At the same time, this ruins equivalent to the Minoan palace is not only similar in scale, but also contains elements of legend and has been buried in history in modern times.

It seems that the next work will be very challenging. Thinking of this, Liang En suddenly realized that achieving this goal was not an easy task.

But then again, he has felt how powerful the historical explorer is before, so it is obviously acceptable to overcome many obstacles in order to obtain such powerful power.

Liang En felt relieved when he thought of this, and then looked at the other three cards. Compared with this temporarily unusable card [Barrier Breaking Power (SSR)], the card that can be used now is obviously more valuable.

[Voice of Crete (R) Crete is an important transportation hub between Europe, Asia, and Africa, so its rulers have changed like a revolving door and brought many languages ​​​​to the place.

Strengthen card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can learn the languages ​​of all the former rulers of Crete and be able to read and write as fluently as your native language. 】

To be honest, this card is a bit useless, because he has mastered most of the languages ​​​​brought by the card, so the only new ones he got are some ancient dead languages ​​​​and abandoned languages ​​​​similar to medieval Italian.

Fortunately, the other two cards are not as bad as this card. Compared to this R card, the remaining two SR cards are not only magical in effect, but also very practical.

[Eye of Daedalus (SR): In ancient Greek legend, Daedalus designed and built the Minos Labyrinth and hid the Minotaur in the labyrinth.

As one of the most powerful craftsmen in ancient Greek legends, in addition to designing the Minoan Labyrinth, he also designed the wings that could carry himself and his son Icarus to fly and the palace in Sicily.

An important reason why Theseus was able to successfully enter the labyrinth and then come out of it was that the princess of Minos received guidance from Daedalus from a unique perspective, helping him find the right path in the labyrinth. .

Skill card (permanent) (active). Each time the user uses this card, he needs to consume one legend point. Then he can know the situation within 10m around himself as the core, and this can be maintained for five seconds.

Each additional legendary point added to the card increases the detection range by 10 meters and the maintenance time by 3 seconds.

At the same time, cards can also be used as consumables. When used, add a [Detection (N)] to mark all items with historical value within the detection range.

And if you add an [Identification (N)] card, you can determine the enemy or friend status of all animals within the detection range, where green is friendly, blue is neutral, and red is hostile. 】

Is this card from the Assassin's Creed game? Looking at this card, Liang En had a strong sense of déjà vu. Why does it look so similar to Hawkeye?

But then again, although this card looks like it came out of the game, its effect is really powerful. It can be used no matter when you encounter an accident during normal search, so Liang En immediately used it. Included in common card sequence.

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