Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 392 Unearthed Cultural Relics

The history of archeology and cultural relics protection is actually moving forward, so some mistakes were inevitable when science and technology were limited in the early days.

For example, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Emperor Qin Shihuang in China were actually painted when they were discovered. However, because the technology at the time was not developed enough, we could only watch as the paintings fell off and were damaged in a short period of time.

When Sweden excavated the Kokstad, a ninth-century Viking ship, in the early 20th century, it used alum to cook the wood in order to preserve it. As a result, the wood has now become as brittle as glass.

Therefore, it is indeed a pity that Evans made a lot of mistakes during the restoration process, but it cannot be said that he was destroying cultural relics.

However, this does not mean that Evans is completely free from mistakes. The reason why the other party carried out such tampering restoration was purely to create a sensational effect, but this kind of idea is definitely taboo in archaeological and restoration work.

Because this kind of work is to restore ancient historical relics as authentically as possible, rather than making various modifications that are inconsistent with the facts in consideration of other factors outside the system.

Fortunately, Liang En would not make those mistakes. In two days of digging, in addition to digging out the first snake-holding goddess, he also dug out the other two [Detection (N)] based on his memory. Several representative items.

The first of these is another famous statue of a goddess holding a snake with her arms stretched forward. It was also different from the complete statue of God in his impression. This statue only has a head, hat, body and right hand. It has obviously been repaired indiscriminately.

In addition to these two very famous statues in Liang En's mind, there are dozens of broken statues similar to female snake-holding figures in the two pits that look exactly the same, but they are not as complete or exquisite as these two. .

Judging from the location of these two pits and the contents inside, these should be facilities used to deal with damaged statues of gods. After all, in that era of belief in gods, statues of gods could not be thrown around even if they were damaged.

Judging from the current situation, people at that time should have put the damaged statues into the pits and performed sacrificial rituals to permanently seal the pits. The previously discovered jewelry was the ritual sacrifice.

At the same time, these two pits and their contents also indirectly indicate that a large building nearby should be a religious building at that time. This indication is very beneficial to the subsequent excavation work.

In addition to the statues of gods, Liang En also used cards to find a bull-head-shaped horn cup about 20cm high in a small palace in the core area. Miraculously, this thing was almost intact.

The entire cup is carved from a piece of black soapstone, with crystal and jasper used to make the cow's eyes. The mouth of the cow is decorated with white shells to decorate the outlet of the cup, and a piece of black serpentine is used to make the cow's nose. It looked like it was blocking the exit.

Judging from the traces left on the soil at the site where this cup was excavated, it seems that the cup should have had a wooden horn covered with gold. Unfortunately, the long time has destroyed the organic matter inside, leaving only the severely deformed and damaged gold foil remaining in the soil. middle.

To be honest, the structure and appearance of this cup look very similar to the famous Laitong cup of later generations, which proves a certain continuity of civilization in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

The last location discovered by the card is in a small house next to the main building. There are hundreds of clay tablets engraved with text. The characters used on them should be the famous Cretan clay tablets.

There was some black humus around the excavation site, indicating that these things should have been placed on the shelf before, but then the shelf was destroyed and these things were buried under the thick soil.

Cretan Clay Tablets are a collective name for all the writings engraved on clay tablets found locally. The first of these writings can be traced back to between 2000 BC and 650 BC.

The later clay tablet writing appeared between 1750 BC and 1450 BC. This batch of writing is called Linear Text A in another world.

In addition, there is another linear script of unknown age that is obviously different from Linear Script A that replaced Linear Script A, which Evans called Linear Script B.

According to Liang En’s memory, most of these clay tablets with Linear A are damaged fragments, so the small pile of clay tablets now should be Linear B brought by the Mycenaean conquerors later.

For Liang En, deciphering this lost ancient writing was obviously very meaningful, so after finding the pile of clay tablets, he paused his search and used the waiting time to study these Linear B scripts.

According to what he remembered, Linear B was actually the Mycenaeans using the Linear A letters used by the Minoans to write their own language.

This approach is basically impossible for civilizations that use hieroglyphic writing, but it is very common for civilizations where you use pinyin writing.

For example, almost every country in Western and Southern Europe now has its own language, but the letters they use are all evolved from the Latin alphabet.

Liang En understands ancient Greek, and his mastery of modern Greek is no less than that of native Greek speakers. Therefore, he can completely translate this text through the knowledge he possesses and the power of cards.

So he simply started translating directly in the tent where the excavated things were stored on the mountain. , and at the same time asked Fan Meng and Joan of Arc to arrange guard work to prevent these things from disappearing inexplicably.

Therefore, when the Greek archaeological department arrived one day late, they found that there were several dug holes on the hill. There were people guarding the holes, and there was a man with a pistol hanging on his waist at the door of a small tent. The sturdy man stared around.

When these people from the Greek Archeology Department proved their identities and walked into the tent, they found Liang En meditating on the photos of a pile of clay tablets on the computer, and writing something in his notebook from time to time.

Sorry, I was studying these things to see if I could translate these words that no one has translated yet, and I didn't notice you. These staff members who entered the tent woke up Liang En, so he immediately greeted them.

We are the ones who should be sorry. One of the leading staff members explained embarrassingly the reason for letting Liang En go. Because a large stone sculpture was recently discovered in the bay, we can't spare people for the time being. Today is also temporary. Minato's people come here.

No wonder you are just a few people. You probably didn't read the message I sent you at all. Liang En shook his head helplessly, and then showed the things he had dug out before.

As each item and information was displayed, the faces of the two staff members became more and more serious. Soon, they took out their mobile phones to contact their superiors for support.

It turned out that these two people really thought that what Liang En found was just the ruins of a villa from the ancient Greek and Roman era, so they were so shocked after seeing these cultural relics found plus the two-hectare palace ruins detected by ground penetrating radar. .

Then things finally got on track. Just half an hour later, more than 30 staff members came to this place to take over the local work, and then discussed a series of issues related to the ruins with Liang En.

The Snake Goddess Easter Egg Badge was issued but failed to pass the review. It is obviously history.

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