Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 394 Harvest (Part 2)

The Minoan civilization had a very powerful monster in the legend, and that was the Minotaur, the legendary Minotaur. From an archaeological point of view, this legend is not groundless.

For example, many objects and murals related to cattle and showing the worship of cattle can be found in Minoan palaces, which proves the special worship of cattle in this area.

Therefore, the last one of these cards obtained by Liang En is also related to this legend. It is a special skill card that is slightly different from the previous skill cards.

[The power of the Minotaur (SR), although the Minotaur was cut down by Theseus with a sword, it seemed a little weak, but this was mainly because Theseus received the inspiration from the gods and successfully attacked. The real strength It proves that the tauren are not bad at all.

As a tauren, the biggest difference between this mythical creature and other mythical creatures is that it does not have the magical ability to breathe fire and poison like Hydra, or petrify like Medusa. All its power comes from to his body.

Therefore, the power brought by this legend is also concentrated on the purely physical aspect. As a card brought by an extraordinary creature, this card can provide the card owner with two body-related abilities.

Skill Card (Permanent) (Active), Ability 1: The user can consume one legend point every day for exercise. As long as the exercise exceeds half an hour and the intensity is at least the same as normal walking, energy feedback can be obtained.

This feedback will strengthen the card operator's body and allow the user's body to be fully optimized. Although the proportion of daily optimization is not high, this optimization can continue to accumulate, eventually reaching a level three times that of a normal human being.

Anyone who uses this skill does not need to perform other exercises as long as they exercise the prescribed amount every day, because the effect caused by this skill has reached the optimal state of normal exercise.

Ability 2: The emergency state can activate the card's rapid strengthening state, allowing the user to have the power and physical strength of a strong bull without causing any impact.

At the same time, the skin of the body will be as tough as hard cowhide armor, and can produce strong resistance to various poisonous and harmful substances like a strong bull. In this enhanced state, one legend point will be consumed every five minutes. 】

Compared to other cards. This card is extremely practical. For a person like Liang En who needs to go out frequently and is also very busy with his daily work, having a good body is more important than anything else.

So during these busy days, Liang En would spend legendary points to activate the [Minotaur's Power (SR)] training ability to strengthen his body.

Although the exploration of the ruins has now been handed over to the local Greek archaeological department, Liang En still climbs up and down the mountain every day, trying to save his olive plantation.

Of course, this approach was only for outsiders to see. In fact, on the first day he obtained the plantation, Liang Enjiu took advantage of the inspection opportunity and used the card [Sacred Spring (R)].

The location of the card was also carefully considered. After repeated consideration, Liang En placed the card near a spring in the plantation.

The new springs were discovered less than an hour after they appeared. After all, these water sources flow directly into the plantation reservoirs and then irrigate the entire plantation through a drip irrigation system, so there is a complete set of strict monitoring facilities.

If it is just a small spring, it will not trigger a system reaction. After all, the spring is not a tap water pipe, and there will naturally be fluctuations in the water output every day. However, it is impossible to hide a spring that produces 50 tons of water every day.

However, because there is not much regularity in the appearance and disappearance of natural springs, they just checked the water quality and made sure there was no problem and left it alone. At most, they privately thought that the new owner of the farm, Liang En, was lucky enough to get it for free. A spring.

It feels like these trees are looking better than a week ago. A worker who accompanied Liang En and the others frowned after taking a closer look at the trees. Has anything changed these days from before?

Does it count to dig up the ruins over there? Fan Meng pointed to the hill not far away with the ruins of a palace.

Unlike Liang En's previous small-scale excavations, now that the regular archaeological team has arrived, they are digging all over the mountain. As a result, the mountain is as messy as the construction site.

No, there is absolutely no way that digging there will affect the groundwater and soil here, especially since this area has only been dug for a few days. Even if it does have an impact, it won't be that fast. The older worker shook his head. said.

Then I can't think of anything. Liang En shrugged and said, It can't be the result of Jeanna's prayer on the first day here.

Probably not. After we discovered that these fruit trees were not bearing fruit, we invited Orthodox clergy from the city to come here to pray and bless them, but they were of no use. The old worker shook his head and said.

The degree of superstition in Greece is indeed much higher than that in Western Europe, so when encountering this kind of problem, it is a relatively normal local practice to try to adopt some kind of metaphysical solution to solve the problem, but it seems to be of little use now.

Then we don't need to worry about this matter. After all, it's enough to know that the situation in the entire plantation is getting better. As for how the situation is getting better now, I don't think there is a need to get to the bottom of it. Liang En smiled and said what he said decision.

You're right, there is really no need to get too entangled in this matter. The old worker was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then he also smiled. As long as things are getting better, that's enough.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Liang En had been on the island of Crete for more than half a month. Just when he was impatient with waiting, he was wondering whether to entrust the matter to his lawyer and then take some people away from here. , Greece finally sent a notice.

The reason why the other party did not get it done for so long is also very simple, that is, the value of the things Liang En found this time is so high, almost every item can be regarded as a national treasure, so that the Greek officials really can't think of anything that should be given to Liang En. Well, what kind of reward?

They even quarreled in parliament specifically about this matter, because as the excavation work continued to deepen, they were basically certain that this discovery should be of epoch-making significance, and the expected rewards were also rising.

At the beginning, some people really planned to default on the debt, but later found that this kind of thing was totally worthless, because Liang Enwo's work was carried out within a legal framework, and there was not even the more common practice of taking advantage of loopholes to save money.

At the same time, Liang En is now considered a moderate celebrity in Europe, and the previous excavation work is constantly posted online for everyone to watch, so the whole world has become a social event.

This also led to the fact that if the Greek officials did not want to follow the rules, the price paid would most likely be that Greece's national credibility would be questioned, so the other party quickly chose to send someone to talk to Liang En.

The reason why the other party chose this approach is very simple. On the one hand, it is because they really have no money. On the other hand, according to the information collected by the Greek side, Liang En is not that kind of greedy guy.

In this case, the Greek official will naturally send people to negotiate with Liang En to see if they can come up with a plan acceptable to both parties.

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