Because they walked and observed the surroundings all the way, Liang En, it took them an hour after getting off the helicopter to cross the distance of more than a thousand meters and reach their destination, a flat land surrounded by hills.

Almost as soon as they arrived, everyone saw what was special about this place.

Nothing else. The several neatly arranged stone piles under the hill are abnormal at first glance, not to mention that the largest stone pile has a wooden stick stuck in it. A normal person can tell at a glance that it is not normal. Naturally occurring product.

As soon as the target location was determined, the bodyguard took his rifle and climbed up the seven or eight-meter-high hill next to him in three steps and two steps to start guarding. The photographer also prepared his camera and started shooting. .

It seems like there are words carved on it. After all the preparations were done, Fan Meng, who was the first to approach the pile of stones, looked at the stick carefully, then turned to Liang En, who was waiting underneath. .

See if that wooden stick can be removed. If so, can you take it off so that you can check what is carved on it? Liang En shouted to Fan Meng.

Understood. Fan Meng nodded, then grabbed the thick wooden stick and tried to move it. Soon, he successfully pulled the wooden stick out of the stone pile and placed it on the temporary plastic sheet. superior.

HMS Erebus, 25th April, 1848 It took a little time for Liang En and the others to recognize the crooked writing on the stick.

The British Royal Navy HMS Netherworld, April 25, 1848. It seems that we are indeed lucky and can find the target in the first attack. Liang En turned to Scood and said.

These hills made of local gravel are indeed difficult to detect. At least the current artificial satellites cannot do this at all. Aerial reconnaissance or ground reconnaissance also did not work when it was covered with ice and snow.

This is why so many search teams came to the area but found nothing. As the first search team to set foot on this land after the ice and snow subsided, it was not surprising that Liang En and the others found this.

What should we do next? Fan Meng asked as he took off the engineer shovel and pickaxe from his back.

Of course we need to dig up all these piles of stones. Liang En pointed a circle at the piles of stones with his hand in the air and said, If I guess correctly, there should be valuable items under these piles of stones.

But there may also be corpses of victims here. Joan of Arc suddenly added from the side. The boat was in trouble at the time, so it's very possible that there were bodies in this place.

The corpses don't matter. I asked the British side before I came here, and they said that if we are willing to take these remains back to the UK, they will give these victims a military burial that befits their status.

Scold said from the side after ending the call with the ship. So I plan to take as many of the remains of the victims as possible back to the UK after studying them. After all, they have been away from home for more than a hundred years, and they should go home.

After deciding on the next direction of action, everyone immediately started busy. Except for the sentry and the Discovery Channel cameraman, everyone else was involved in the excavation work.

And when they dug up the first hillock of rubble to reveal the skeletal corpse underneath, the second batch of six reinforcements also arrived by helicopter.

Unlike Liang En and the others, these people did not carry guns or other things that were definitely not needed. Instead, they replaced all the carrying capacity with tools that were convenient for digging and other useful things.

The first remains that were unearthed had completely turned into bones, and only fragments of the clothes on his body were left. However, judging from the style of the pipe, copper buckles and remaining clothes he carried with him, he should be a sailor.

However, after a simple inspection, everyone suspected that he was not an ordinary sailor, because there was a gold ring on his finger, and traces of silver plating were also found on the copper buckles.

Considering that this sailor was buried in uniform, and it is extremely unlikely that he would wear a uniform randomly on a naval ship with very strict rules, he was probably a senior sailor or officer.

After taking pictures and registering, everyone carefully put the body and belongings into the body bag brought by the group just now. While removing the body, they were attracted by the metal object pressed under the skull. Attention everyone.

He is probably the bosun or navigator on the ship. After taking out this palm-sized metal object, Liang En immediately recognized it as a sailor's whistle, which was often only known by captains, navigators and bosuns. have.

As for the reason why Liang En didn't guess his captain, it's very simple. Even if there are only fragments of the senior officers' uniforms, they can be recognized at a glance, not to mention that the captains of the Royal Navy use silver whistles instead of the copper whistles that have been dug out now. .

At the same time, the Mariner also has the inscription of the Netherworld, proving that this is indeed the cemetery of the victims of the Arctic expedition.

By the time it got dark, everyone had excavated a total of six hillocks made of rubble, and all the remains buried under these hillocks were found. Judging from the remains, these people included sailors and officers, and the highest-ranking among them should be The first bosun to dig out.

There are a total of 12 hills that look like cemeteries, so if everything goes well, we should be able to dig them all out tomorrow. Liang En was sitting by the campfire, drinking hot cocoa, and talking to Scood about the next day. s arrangement.

But during the excavation process just now, I found traces of a small-scale landslide near the hill. There seems to be something hidden underneath, so I want to dig this place first tomorrow.

During the previous excavation, because there were not many people around the small tombs, Liang En simply started searching around this place as the center. During the search process, a metal detector was used and there was a metal reaction under a landslide area.

It's all up to you to arrange these, you don't need to consider my ideas. Scood gently raised the cup in his hand to signal to Liang En, I came here just to participate in an important archaeological operation. Everything else is up to you.

Thank you then. Liang En nodded. Investors like this who are willing to invest but don't judge casually are definitely the kind of investors that explorers like Liang En like best.

Because there was still an excavation task the next day, everyone went to bed quickly. To be honest, although he chose archeology and engaged in this industry, Liang En was still worried about a tent filled with human remains not far away from him. I'm a bit worried about reaching 10m.

Although he has always been a materialist before, since he appeared in this world and obtained the card system, his overall thinking has turned to agnosticism, which naturally gave rise to some other ideas in some aspects. .

Fortunately, one of the people who came this time was Joan of Arc, and her tent was right next to Liang En's tent, so Liang En quickly overcame the discomfort in her heart and fell asleep.

In his opinion, if it is a purely materialistic world, then everything will be fine, and if there is some mess, then nothing will happen to the place where Joan of Arc is sitting.

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