Liang En climbed out of his sleeping bag early the next morning. To be honest, sleeping here for a night felt much better than expected.

I have to say that the location of the camp chosen by the expedition team back then was indeed good. Although the entire place was only fifty or sixty meters away from the sea, it was surrounded by a semi-encircled structure formed by several hills, so there was not much cold wind and humidity. breath.

After a brief wash, everyone quickly started a new round of work. In one morning, they successfully dug out six more things from under the rubble.

However, unlike what was imagined, not all of the rubble piles were filled with the remains of the victims. Four of them contained relatively well-preserved wooden boxes.

These wooden boxes were rectangular in shape, with a volume of about 1m. The outer panels looked very thick and were reinforced with metal strips. After opening the wooden boxes, everyone found that they contained some firearms, books, daily necessities and silver coins.

Obviously, when the remaining members of the expedition team came here, they also found that the environment was worse than they imagined, so they streamlined some things that were temporarily unused and put them here, planning to come back to pick them up when they had time.

However, the subsequent history is well known. The surviving members of this expedition obviously failed to escape successfully. They finally disappeared mysteriously and became a mystery in history until Liang En and the others came here.

Next, they discovered more things during the excavation of the landslide site: various daily necessities were scattered throughout the area, and there were even many human skeletons mixed in.

It seems that they only had time to bury a very few of their companions. As items were dug out from the landslide site, Liang En also made new discoveries.

Those expedition members discarded a large number of items, including some necessities for traveling in the cold season. From this point of view, the group of people was already very weak when they landed.

The reason for making this judgment is that during the excavation process, they unearthed many remains of fur clothing and several cans of kerosene that were almost leaking now but should have been filled back then.

You know, if you want to travel in the wild in cold weather, all kinds of warm items are absolute necessities, otherwise long-term low temperatures can kill people.

And if these are abandoned, it can only mean that the situation at that time has reached an extreme crisis point, so that this approach must be taken to reduce all burdens, just to survive a little longer.

Because the landslide site was quite large, Liang En and the others decided to conduct sampling instead of comprehensive excavation. Therefore, at one or two o'clock in the afternoon, they completed the planned plan and began to excavate the largest pile of rocks this time.

As the stones were cleared away bit by bit, the contents inside were gradually revealed. Unlike what was imagined, this was not a cemetery, but looked like a garbage dump.

Empty cans, empty cans - still empty cans. The pile of stones was not too high, not even reaching a person's waist, so everyone quickly cleared away the surface stones, only to find that the lower layers were all empty cans. box.

These cans are not the usual small cans, but large tin cans that look like small wine barrels. One can can be opened to deliver meals to ten people. They are mainly used by the military or similar groups, such as This expedition.

Wait a minute - Just as another can was being delivered, Liang En quickly asked the staff member above to stop, and then climbed up the half-dismantled pile of rocks.

After standing firm at the top, he bent down and carefully cleaned away some empty cans and gravel below, and then walked down the pile of rocks holding what looked like a tree stump.

Is this a can? Looking at the thing Liang En placed on the plastic sheet, Scood asked with some uncertainty after looking at it for a long time. It was something that looked about the size of a milk powder can, and was covered in a thick layer of dark brown material.

Yes, this is an empty can with a layer of wax on it. It seems to have something inside. Liang En, who had just put the thing on the plastic sheet, said.

Because the local temperature has always been very low, the layer of wax wrapping the outside of the can has also remained intact, but it has turned into an ugly tan color due to oxidation.

At the same time, when Liang En was carrying the can just now, he felt that there seemed to be something in the can, but judging from the weight and feel, the thing in the can was heavy, but it probably wasn't metal.

After discovering this container that most likely contained some information, everyone immediately became excited. Everyone present was someone who knew something about this aspect, so they naturally knew the significance of the sealed container that was discovered.

So before the sun set, Liang En and the others left a few people to finish the finishing work and then returned to the ship in a helicopter.

Soon, they arrived at a small archaeological laboratory below the waterline, then stuffed the can into a transparent plastic box filled with nitrogen and began to unpack it.

The first step of opening the can was done by Fan Meng. This was mainly because he was worried that there might be some explosives inside, and among so many people, only Fan Meng had received training in explosives disposal.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. There were no dangerous items in the jar. After confirming this, Fan Meng, who was wearing a body armor, quickly retreated to the back, and Liang En completed the next work.

The jar looks quite big on the outside, but there isn't much inside, just a notebook and a piece of folded paper. Thanks to the local low temperature and the previous sealing work, these fragile organic matter are well preserved.

The entire book and the report were no different from the new ones except that they had turned slightly yellow due to the passage of time. Likewise, the blackened ink on them was also very clear.

For a moment, the whole room fell into silence, and only the sound of Liang En turning the pages of the book and the occasional sound of the reporter's camera could be heard.

This is the voyage diary of the Netherworld. It records the entire journey of the entire expedition ship from the time it left port to the time the ship was trapped on the ice. They were forced to choose to try to escape southward on the ice.

More than half an hour later, Liang En broke the silence in the cabin and told the contents of the record. Judging from the record, this was a sad story.

Judging from the records, this fleet set out from London in May 1845 and arrived at Baffin Bay at the end of July of the same year. Because of good luck, the expedition discovered a large ice-free area there and even sailed north. Travel to 77 degrees north latitude.

After returning to their original route, they inspected the land coastline along the way. After achieving these results, they disembarked as planned and set up camp on Beech Island, southwest of Devon Island, to prepare for the winter.

Unfortunately, 20-year-old Torrington, 25-year-old Hanel and the equally young and strong 33-year-old William Sireny failed to survive the expedition's first winter and were buried forever on Beechey Island.

I think it's best to call Nelson now and tell him what's on Beech Island. After reading this, Liang En turned around and said to the others. At least it can save him some energy in finding things.

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