Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 369 King John’s Island

Let's go to this place early tomorrow morning. After dinner, Liang En and the others gathered in the conference room to discuss the search target. Soon, Liang En settled on a promontory deep into the ocean in the north of the island.

If combined with the most likely sailing route of the expedition ship, I judge that the other party's landing point is likely to be on this promontory. He pointed to the map and told everyone.

Fortunately, there happens to be an open space next to this suspicious point for a helicopter to land, so if there are no accidents, we will be able to complete the search in just one or two hours.

You are right, so everyone should go to bed early tonight and set off as soon as the sun rises early tomorrow morning. Mr. Scord looked at the map and thought for a while before finally making a decision, I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow.

After breakfast the next morning, Liang En, Joan of Arc, Fan Meng, the photographer, and Scood and his bodyguard took a helicopter and flew straight to the destination more than 30 kilometers away from them.

Today is a nice and sunny day, so the helicopter can naturally move forward smoothly in the air. Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone arranged their firearms while listening to Fan Meng arrange the next action.

There may be polar bears in this area. Although Liang En's raven will take off to provide warning after we get off the plane, everyone cannot relax their vigilance. Looking at the cage next to him, Fan Meng said to everyone seriously.

So at least two people are required when taking action. At the same time, all firearms on the road must be ready for shooting. Also, if you see a polar bear approaching, immediately warn you and shoot immediately if the other party is prone to attack.

Understood. Everyone nodded to express their understanding, and then checked their respective T81SA semi-automatic rifles, which is the semi-automatic version of the Huaxia Type 81 automatic rifle.

Fortunately, although Canada has become the largest country in the world, the restrictions on guns can still be relaxed. For example, these guns can legally use ten-round magazines instead of the cheating five-round magazines.

This is very important to Liang En and the others now, because they are now facing large and dangerous creatures like polar bears, so they naturally need stronger firepower to stay safe.

The helicopter roared over the calm sea. Just ten minutes later, they arrived at the target location they had selected and landed the aircraft.

This place is about five or six hundred meters away from the target location, with a rugged hill in between. Although we didn't see any dangerous animals around just now, everyone still remained very vigilant.

As soon as they were out of the range of the helicopter's propeller rotation, Liang En opened the cage and released his raven. As soon as the helicopter left, several people who had moved their hands and feet that were numb from the cold walked towards the target location with weapons. .

Although the ground temperature is currently around five or six degrees, it is not particularly cold. But because the sliding door of the helicopter was not closed just now for the sake of safety and convenient observation, it blew all the way and everyone felt that all the parts exposed outside their clothes were numb with cold.

Although they had seen some undulations on the ground from the air, it was generally flat. However, when they actually stepped on the ground, they discovered that the ground in this place was densely covered with gravel and many small pits.

As soon as they walked more than ten meters away, they saw Mr. Scord staggered and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the bodyguard next to him had quick eyesight and hands to hold him.

After noticing the situation here, Liang En and the others immediately turned their heads and looked over. They found that Scood must have accidentally stepped on a moving stone. As a result, his foot slipped and he almost knocked his knee on a stone.

How did the expedition team at that time pass through such a road? When Liang En came to Skod, he saw him walking forward with a trekking pole, while turning his face and asking him road.

They should be a little simpler than us back then. Liang En said looking at the surrounding terrain. Until the 1960s, this place would have been covered in ice and snow during this season, so the expedition team could have taken parts from the ship and made sleds.

That's right, I forgot about this. After being reminded by Liang En, Scood immediately reacted. So I think the fact that those things were not discovered before is probably related to the original ice and snow coverage.

That's right. Liang En nodded and said, Although we clearly saw human traces on the helicopter before, those searchers didn't have planes back then, and basically couldn't find any traces across the 5 or 6 kilometers of ice. .”

Although Liang En and the others found many valuable clues after arriving here, this does not mean that they are better than those explorers in the past. It is simply because global warming caused the ice and snow to melt, revealing many things that were previously hidden. thing.

Because everyone was worried about accidentally stepping on a pit or spraining their feet on an unstable stone, they subconsciously looked at the ground every time they walked. For this reason, they discovered something.

I found something interesting. Just as everyone was heading towards the destination, Jeanne suddenly bent down, filled something in and raised it above her head, and shouted to everyone.

Let me take a look. Liang En walked over and took the small brown-yellow rusty gadget, and then held it up in front of his eyes for a closer look.

After rubbing it vigorously with gloved fingers to remove part of the rust, he found that it should be the blade part of a folding knife, but the lower part that was originally fixed to the handle of the knife was broken.

Because the knife shape of this kind of knife is so common, Liang En couldn't tell what it was, but almost everyone present felt that it was a good item to keep.

After all, this place is far away from human settlements, so there are not many possible owners of this blade that can clearly be seen as an industrial product, and the expedition team is the most likely.

After putting away this small piece of blade, everyone continued to move forward. As they moved forward, more objects related to human activities appeared on the ground, such as nails, painted wood and even remaining woolen textiles.

This piece of textile, which is no bigger than a palm, quickly became the focus of everyone's attention, because after connecting with Pierce, he analyzed the pattern of the textile in the photo and found that it was a machine-woven canvas from England in the mid-19th century.

It seems we have indeed found the right place. Liang En sighed, while the others nodded. Although everyone felt that they should have found the target before coming, this canvas was a reassurance for everyone.

Although everyone doesn't know exactly what they can find in this ruins, they can at least confirm that the target they are about to go to is indeed related to the expedition team.

Thinking of this, the mood that had been a little depressed because of the bad road conditions suddenly cheered up, and then several people walked forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Fortunately, the distance from the plane was only about 500 to 600 meters, and even if it had to be detoured on the ground, it would not exceed one kilometer, so they finally arrived at the previously marked destination in about 40 minutes.

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