Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 368 Start the search

The entire journey was as easy as Mr. Scord had judged before, and when everyone drove to a place where they could see King William Island, they quickly gathered in the conference room to analyze the next plan.

Mr. Scott. After gesturing at the map for a long time, Liang En raised his head and said. I think we can start searching from Cape Felix on the north side of the island later.

This search process does not necessarily require landing on the island, as long as you can reach the coastline and conduct a simple search of the coastline, some things need to be assessed on site.

You want to check the northern coastline of King William Island? Skold asked with a surprised look on his face, and at the same time, his voice attracted the attention of everyone in the conference room.

We received information before that the location of the suspected victims was at the mouth of the Buck River, which is on the southern coastline of King William Island and further south-

Yes, you are right, but based on the newly obtained information and my analysis, there is a high possibility that there are also ruins in the north of the island. Liang En explained.

The most valuable of the previous new clues is the original action plan of the Franklin expedition. From this information and the clues we have obtained before, we can roughly infer some of the following analyses.

First of all, there should have been problems with the opponent's ship when the entire army was wiped out, and the ship had to be abandoned. As a result, it was accidentally killed in a harsh environment. And if we combine the temperature records of several locations in northern Canada that year, we can basically infer that the opponent's ship was stuck On the ice.”

This inference is very reasonable. After looking at the data summarized on the big screen in Liang En's conference room, Scood nodded. But there is a question. Why did the other party only insist on bringing enough food for five years? Two years?

This cannot be determined for the time being because we don't have any more information at hand. Liang En shook his head. Although he knew what was going on from another world, he couldn't say it now.

However, when technology was not yet developed in the mid-19th century, various situations may have caused the expedition team to decide to abandon the ship, such as an outbreak of infectious disease on the ship, or the destruction of reserve supplies due to accidents.

Hmm - that makes sense, please continue. Scott nodded, and then asked Liang En to continue explaining the reasons for the temporary change of plan.

The second important point is that according to the record in the Irishman's notebook, the local Inuit saw only twenty or thirty white people at the mouth of the Buck River, but the expedition team turned out to have more than one hundred and thirty people.

I believe that this group of people should have been more than that when they chose to flee, so that place was not the place where their ship sank.

If we combine the local ocean currents, island distribution, and climate data in the year when the ship disappeared, then the location where the other party's ship disappeared should be further north. Liang En said while pointing to the map on the screen with the stick in his hand. Speaking of.

Considering that these people are veterans of operations in the Arctic, they will try their best to avoid walking on the ice when there is land. Now the only place to stay in the entire area is King John Island.

That's right, we should get into the minds of those explorers. Scood snapped his fingers, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“If I were an explorer forced to abandon ship after encountering danger, I might leave something behind on shore to prevent my discoveries from being buried forever—you’re right, there’s value in searching the coastline.

Liang En had to admit that although Scood's previous exploration activities could be said to be a mess, he still had a lot of skills in exploration. He probably just had bad luck before.

Because if he remembered correctly, explorers in another world found important records left by some surviving crew members in a camp near the coastline.

After making the decision, the ship immediately headed towards the offshore area of ​​King William Island, and the people on the ship were mobilized to prepare for the helicopter to take off.

King William Island is a large island with an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers, about 170km long and 160km wide. Even if they only need to search the coastline area, it is a huge project, so aerial search is essential.

Although Liang En also prepared a raven, the raven is more suitable for accurately searching targets in a small area when the target is determined, rather than such a large island.

Soon, an EC135 helicopter rose from the helipad and drove towards the coastline of King William Island. Liang En and the others stayed on the boat to quickly analyze the patterns captured by the cameras carried by the helicopter.

According to their speculation, the group of refugees wanted others to discover their whereabouts, so they would definitely not hide their whereabouts. Therefore, this kind of aerial reconnaissance is likely to find traces of the target.

And unlike other places, there are no trees at all on this island, not even grass. The only plants are lichens and moss, and the terrain is flat, so aerial reconnaissance can be said to be clear at a glance.

The season we came out this time is also relatively good. The weather is clear and the wind is not too strong, so this kind of light helicopter can show off its skills. Skold said with emotion as he looked at the screen divided into nine grids.

Helicopters are indeed a very useful means of transportation, but they are also one of the most fragile among normal means of transportation. For example, the last time Scood went to the Sinai Peninsula, he did not dare to take them with him because he was worried that such a light civilian helicopter would not be able to carry it. Live in local wind and sand.

As for the reason why Skold did not use a helicopter similar to the Ka-32 that is more durable and better weather adaptable, the reason is also very simple, that is, the helicopter platform on his ship cannot withstand it.

After all, this yacht was modified from an ocean-going icebreaker. The helicopter landing platform and hangar added later were not original designs, so there were naturally limitations in many aspects.

It took most of the day. The helicopter returned several times to replenish fuel and successfully photographed the western and northern coastlines of King William Island. However, when the helicopter completed its mission, everyone's real work began.

Okay, let's look for possible human traces in this video. Liang En quickly used the computer to cut the long video into half-an-hour sections, and then distributed it to all the staff so that everyone could start together. search.

How do we judge whether the things we see are artificial traces? Because this matter continues to mobilize as many people as possible, the logistics staff on the ship are also mobilized, and these people have not been trained in this area. training.

It's very simple. As long as you see regular graphics, you can take a screenshot and send it to us. Liang En thought for a while and said, Because most things in nature are irregular, anything with regular rules is possible. It’s an artifact.”

I understand. Liang En's explanation was very simple, so everyone easily understood his explanation and started busy together.

Many tasks progressed very quickly once they got the hang of it, so before dinner started, they discovered several obvious signs of manual labor.

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