Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 367 Communication and Action

Because of this Irish note, everyone quickly determined the first target, which was the coastline in northern Canada.

Although more than a hundred years have passed, Liang En and the others believe that based on the natural conditions there, they should still be able to find some clues if they search there now. After all, cold climate is more conducive to the preservation of various items.

After 12 days of long sailing, everyone has adapted to life on the ship. At this time, their ship successfully sailed into the port of Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut, located in southern Baffin Island.

According to the plan, they will meet the filming team and Nelson at this place, and then go to the selected destination to start the search work.

This is a small town with only more than 5,000 people. It is also the youngest capital of Canada and an emerging city with a history of less than a hundred years.

The emergence of this city is related to World War II, when Americans and Canadians established an airport here in order to prevent German U-boats from blocking the Atlantic route.

However, the real development of the city was during the Cold War. In 50 years, a long-range warning radar system was established here to provide early warning of possible nuclear weapons attacks by the Soviets. The various services required by this large radar station gradually gathered together. population.

Although this place is now equivalent to the provincial capital city of China, the overall look is very desolate, completely different from those bustling big cities. At the same time, the temperature of 6 to 7 degrees Celsius makes people feel the local desertedness.

Fortunately, they didn't wait too long here. On the next day, when they had almost replenished their supplies, especially fuel, the filming team and Nelson arrived here almost at the same time.

It's just that Nelson came over on his own ship, and the filming team came over on a plane with a lot of equipment.

Just after lunch, everyone gathered in a conference room in the port for the first communication. The person who presided over the meeting was the program director who was responsible for the filming this time.

Since everyone has previously agreed to the Discovery Channel filming this operation, there are many things that they need to communicate in advance in this regard.

Okay, this is everyone's first meeting. I believe everyone already has the target they want to search for at this time. The director, who had the same cool hairstyle as Prince William, looked at the people sitting on both sides of the table. Said by both sides.

If possible, I hope you can briefly talk about your plans, so that we can better arrange the shooting next.

Of course, we don't need to know too many details. We just hope to be able to roughly figure out which direction you will take in your next actions.

Let me talk first. After a few seconds of silence, Nelson, who has short brown hair, said. We will go to Beech Island next, because according to the records of my ancestors, the expedition team that year probably established a winter camp there.

Although this time everyone is divided into two exploration teams, it seems that there is competition, but in fact, each side has its own things to do in this kind of scientific expedition, and there is not much energy to spend on competition.

Especially since the area that needs to be searched this time is very large, it is simply not something that one or two scientific expedition teams can handle. Therefore, when facing such a large area, cooperation is obviously more valuable than confrontation.

Exchanging some information with each other was the best way to show friendship at this time, so after Nelson's side disclosed his plan, Liang En also stood up and informed the other side of the same level of information.

Then we can just split up and go further south to King William Island and the mouth of the Buck River. According to the information we collected, some aboriginal people had seen some of the members of the expedition team.

Have you confirmed the news? Nelson looked surprised. The information I collected also said that the Aboriginal people had discovered that thirty or forty crew members appeared further south, but there was not much detailed evidence. It would be more sensible. .”

This is the information we found from the National Archives of Ireland. It is the content of the notes sent back home by an Irish explorer who died on the road due to illness. Liang En said to the colleague opposite him who seemed to be about the same age as himself. nodded.

If you are willing, we can exchange the information we have with each other. In this way, it will be much easier to advance the subsequent exploration work.

No problem. When we go back, we each make a list, and then exchange lists to see if there is any information we need on the other side's list. Nelson nodded.

That's good. I'm happy to share the information I have with you. After hearing what Nelson said, Liang En and the others all smiled.

The first meeting ended in a harmonious atmosphere. After returning to the ship, both parties gave each other a list full of documents and information titles before dinner.

How's the list? Is there anything we want? When Liang En looked up after reading the list, Scood, who was sitting by the side summarizing the preparations, put down the half cup of coffee in his hand and asked eagerly.

There are more than seventy pieces of information on the other party's list, but most of them are duplicates of the information we have. Liang En said with a regretful tone.

This is within our expectations. After all, most of the information about this scientific expedition is public information, so it is normal for people who want to carry out scientific research in this area to query information that overlap.

However, each of us has some relatively personal information that the other does not have, so we can exchange information with each other after dinner.

After reading this, Nelson is also an upright person. Scood nodded at this time and said with approval. It is obviously a joy to be able to cooperate with an upright person.

The other party's willingness to cooperate was not what Liang En and the others had expected, because Nelson participated in this search mainly for his own interests and to make up for the regrets of his ancestors, which did not conflict with, or even complemented, Liang En's basic goals.

Most conflicts in this world are caused by conflicts in basic interests. When the core interests of both parties do not conflict and cooperation can gain benefits, everyone will often choose cooperation instead of hostility.

After completing the exchange of information and resting for a night, the two sides formed a temporary fleet early the next morning and sailed towards the destination in the west.

This period seems to be obviously much easier than imagined. Compared with the era a hundred years ago, the current situation in the northern sea area is obviously much better than the conditions in the records they have seen before.

Although the overall wind and waves were stronger than those in the North Atlantic before, the degree of rocking of the ship was better than what they had imagined before. Even a seasick person like Joan of Arc did not vomit due to this degree of rocking.

We first go all the way west through the Fox Strait, then go north longitudinally across the entire Fox Bay, then go west into Busia Bay and then go all the way to the northernmost part of the entire sea area. Mr. Scood said the itinerary on the chart .

When we reach the north, we will split up with Nelson and his troops. Nelson will stay in the north and go to his goal, while we will go south through the McClintock Strait and enter the Victoria Strait, and start exploring the northern part of King William Island and the West Coast.”

We must thank global warming for melting large areas of floating ice in that area, so this sea channel that used to be very dangerous is now much safer. At least for a professional team like ours, staying vigilant should not be a problem. .”

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