Because there is a general direction, Liang En can also be targeted when preparing for London, such as looking for some information that outsiders may not see as having much to do with the whole thing.

After comparing this information with the memories in his mind, Liang En discovered that the situation of the expedition team in this world was not much different from the expedition team in another world.

In other words, there is probably not much difference between the ruins in the previous world and this world, so the difficulty of finding the target decreases exponentially.

In order to confirm this information, Liang En checked the information for two weeks, and then went to Cobh, the port in the west of Ireland, with everyone else with the information that still needed to be checked.

In addition to searching for information, Liang En also conducted tests and training on polar exploration with everyone during this period. Of course, the main ones receiving training were Mr. Scood and Joan of Arc.

Among the remaining three people, Liang En himself is no stranger to polar travel because he has acquired knowledge and memories about the Vikings. Fan Meng and Pierce have obviously been trained in this area before, and they also do not need to spend a lot of money. Time to study.

Therefore, after a simple test, the three of them were exempted from training in this area. They only needed to go to the special training place every day and simply practice for an hour or so to find their state.

It feels like this ship has changed a lot from before. When they boarded the ship from the dock, Liang En saw the huge changes in the ship at first sight.

Almost all the gorgeous decorations on the ship when we took this ship the first two times disappeared, and the originally empty space was filled with various cabinets and boxes.

If the interior of the previous vessel highlighted the yacht side, then the current vessel fully embodies the exploration ship side.

This is mainly a temporary modification for my Arctic travel plan, which is to unload the decorations that were originally designed to be removable, and then perform simple modifications on it to make the ship more suitable for exploration work. Mr. Scoud explained.

Different from ordinary private yachts, Mr. Scood's yacht is an expedition yacht converted from an icebreaker. Although it is used as a luxury yacht most of the time, it can be transformed into a real yacht with only simple modifications. Expedition ship.

Also because it's an adventure, we'd better get used to life on board by crossing the Atlantic first. That way we can start work directly after arriving in Canada.

Understood. Liang En nodded, then looked at the ship that was gradually moving away from the dock and asked, But I don't seem to see the Discovery Channel photographer on the ship.

They will join us in Canada. In addition to them, Nelson's Victory will also join us there. Skold patted the handrail beside him and said.

That is a good boat that is as good as my Valkyrie, but I believe the team on that boat will definitely not be able to beat us in the next competition.

Yes, we will definitely find those things before they do. Liang En nodded firmly. Although the other party may have more information, he believed that he was stronger in this regard.

Traveling across the Atlantic is not an easy task, especially when taking the North Atlantic route, which also causes many people on board to suffer from seasickness of varying severity.

For example, Joan of Arc's seasickness was quite obvious, so Liang En spent the past few days on the ship taking care of her in addition to further summarizing the information and trying to find more clues.

I'm sorry. If I had known you were very seasick, I wouldn't have asked you to come. Liang En apologized to Jeanne who was sitting on the side watching Liang En reading.

For Joan, who had never seen the sea before in her life, taking a boat in a place with strong winds and high waves like the North Atlantic was indeed a severe test for her.

In the first day or two, Joan could only drink some liquid food, and she was so dizzy that she couldn't get up from the bed. Fortunately, her condition was much better in the past few days, and she could at least cook and eat some poorly cooked food. The food was gone.

You didn't do anything wrong in this matter. Since I chose to follow you, how could I back down because of such a small problem. Joan put down the book and showed a smile.

And you see, haven't I gotten better a little bit in the past few days? This means that I have overcome another difficulty and made greater progress. Overall, it is a good thing.

Because of Joan's physical recovery, Liang En was able to relax. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he introduced the specific situation of this goal to everyone in the conference room on the ship.

——According to the existing information, the two ships that disappeared that year were the most advanced ships of that era. In addition to sails, they were also equipped with steam engines. They even had metal railings specially prepared for the propellers to avoid being destroyed by the ice.

If we look at the situation of these two ships and the information from the two whalers who last saw them in Baffin Bay, they should have successfully explored the second half of the Arctic route, which is the part close to the Pacific Ocean.

It makes sense, so we can rule out a large number of possible locations to the east. Scood nodded and said, But I heard that you seem to have found some information that no one has found before.

Yes, I found this information through the National Museum of Ireland. Liang En said after changing a picture of a manuscript paper full of text on the screen.

This is a discovery from an Irish explorer. Unfortunately, he died of illness during the search and was buried at sea. Only the notebook containing this information was sent back to his hometown, but the British at the time ignored it for various reasons. The information above.”

This thing was indeed not within Liang En's expectation. It was the result of sending information to various museums and libraries that he was familiar with when he was looking for something in London.

Considering that the expedition was very famous in Europe, Liang En wanted to collect as much information as possible so that he would have something to talk about when he found his target in the future.

What he didn't expect was that in a document sent by Ireland, he actually found one of the most important pieces of information in the process of finding the wrecks of the two ships in another world that he had imagined.

This message says that there was a news circulating among the Inuit people who lived in the Arctic at that time: a group of white people with unknown origins were dying on the coast of the Arctic. They even killed each other. Liang En pointed to the picture on the screen. Speaking of.

This news is very important. Fan Meng said after carefully reading the above record, But why didn't anyone pay attention to this report later?

Because this thing comes from an Irishman. Pierce said as if he had thought of something. It was also the time of the Great Famine in Ireland, so there was a huge gap between the two sides.

I think this person may have considered a series of issues before his death and never thought of telling the British people this information, which is why the current situation has happened.

The guess you mentioned is very likely to be true. Liang En nodded and said. According to library records, this notebook has never been looked at by anyone before, and I am the first person other than the author to see these records.

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