After solving the problem about the ship, Liang En and the three of them quickly discussed in low voices the details of what to do.

Because this time it was related to the Discovery Channel and the whole process would probably be filmed, so Scood said that not only could Liang En and the others be able to use the boat for free, but he would also not ask for a penny or any share of the final harvest.

But correspondingly, he hopes to give himself and his group of sailing personnel more shots during the filming process, and at the same time allow himself to display his company's logo in the documentary.

You may need to find a professional to talk about this. Pierce nodded and said, Anyway, we have no requirements to advertise in this area at this time, so we have not prepared for this aspect.

Of course, I will be responsible for these things. Scood smiled and nodded. This cooperation is a good thing for both him and Liang En.

Because through this cooperation, Liang En's party solved a series of problems they are facing now regarding ships, diving equipment and expedition teams, while Mr. Scold gained the opportunity to promote the family business and valuable reputation.

That's right! That kind of polar expedition may take a long time to prepare, but now the time left for us is only one month. At this time, Liang En said while reading the details in the Discovery Channel letter.

You don't have to worry about this. Scott seemed confident. I can assure you that there will definitely be no problems in this aspect in our next actions.

Based on their previous interactions, Liang En also knew that Scood was not the kind of person who talks freely, especially when it comes to important issues, so he was very serious about it, so he nodded to the other party without paying attention to the details.

The negotiation process with Discovery Channel went very smoothly in the next few days. The other party obviously knew that this type of adventure requires a lot of wealth, so sponsorship was inevitable, so a sponsorship agreement was quickly signed.

On the third day after the press conference, that is, the day when the sponsorship was fully negotiated, Liang En and others who were preparing to start the expedition gathered together at Mr. Scord's residence in London.

This is a three-story Victorian-style house with a conference room that can accommodate up to 15 people and is equipped with a projector and screen. Everyone's meetings are held in this room.

In addition to us this time, there is another group of people who will set off at the same time as us and start exploration work at the same time. At the beginning of the discussion, Pierce told everyone a piece of news.

Who is the other party? Skold asked curiously, because there were definitely not many people who could support this kind of exploration work, so he wanted to know if he knew this person.

William Nelson. Pierce said and clicked on his laptop, and a picture of a young man was immediately displayed on the big screen connected to the laptop.

William Nelson? I have never dealt with this person. Mr. Scord recalled after a while and said, After all, he may look about the same age as you, and I was more used to being with people of the same age before.

William Nelson? Looking at this man's name, Liang En thought of other things. What does this have to do with the historical Horatio Nelson?

As far as I know, he should be a descendant of one of Lord Nelson's brothers. The actual blood relationship is not much. Pierce shrugged.

But the other party used his own boat for this search. His family has been living in London and running real estate since his grandfather's father's generation. The business is also very large. In addition, the family has traditionally loved sailing and exploring, so it has a professional vessel.

More importantly, his ancestor also participated in the search work back then, but returned in vain after paying the price of a ship and more than 1/3 of the crew casualties, so he also had the idea of ​​inheriting the wishes of his ancestors in this operation.

It seems that our search work this time will be very lively, but we don't know what attitude the other party will choose to get along with us. Liang En nodded, What's worse is that we only have one month to prepare.

We need to ask you to find out what we need from the known clues. Skold said, As for other preparations, you don't have to worry. I originally planned to explore the Arctic Circle this winter, so everyone The preparations are complete.”

The reason there is only one month to prepare is because they must leave there before mid-September. After that, the extremely harsh conditions in the Arctic Circle will pose obvious dangers.

That is to say, they must start the search work in mid-August, and then compress the time and use one month to carry out the search work. Once the one month is up, they have to leave there regardless of success or failure.

Thinking of this, Liang En realized that Mr. Nelson must have been prepared in advance. He even suspected that Discovery Channel might have only planned to film Nelson's story, and the invitation to him was just incidental.

Don't worry, searching for clues is not something that can be won by whoever prepares longer. After thinking about these things, Liang En was also inspired to fight.

I promise to be able to find a general direction before getting on the boat. The direction may be vague, but it is guaranteed to be correct.

The reason why Liang En seems so confident now is because he watched a translated TV series called Polar Evil in his previous life, and this TV series was based on that failed expedition.

Although it was a little uncomfortable for a horror TV series to have a strong scientific style when the mystery was finally revealed, Liang En still checked the background of this TV series out of curiosity.

What interested him at the time was that this TV series was not purely fictional, but was adapted from a famous tragedy in history.

This event began in May 1845, when John Franklin led an expedition team of 134 people on two Royal Navy ships HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, which were experienced in Arctic navigation, and set out for northern Canada to search for the Northwest Passage.

The so-called Northwest Passage is a route from Greenland through the Arctic Islands in northern Canada to the north coast of Alaska and into the Pacific Ocean. It can shorten the voyage between Europe and Asia by 5,000-7,000 kilometers.

However, despite the tragic sacrifices made by navigators one after another, it was not until the beginning of the 20th century that Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer who was the first to reach the South Pole, reached Alaska through the Northwest Passage for the first time and determined the direction of this passage. exist.

John Franklin's expedition was one of the previous tragic sacrifices. The entire expedition was wiped out due to the harsh weather, and no one survived.

In Liang En's previous world, a search team member named John Ray was the first to learn about the last whereabouts of this search team in 1854, and then discovered some of the remains of the deceased.

However, it was not until 2014 that the ice and snow melted due to global warming. The Ghost was discovered on the seabed, and then two years later, in 2016, the wreck of the Terror was found on the other side of the island.

But this world has changed in many details compared with the other world. For example, the scripture cave in Mogao Grottoes in China was not discovered until the 1980s during a cleanup work. Another example is John Franklin’s The exploration team did not find many traces.

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