Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 358 The Ownership of the Treasure

Because it was time to wait, Liang En did not plan to use these cards, but planned to use them after everyone returned to the hotel.

Because the cleaning work on the workbench in front would continue for some time, Liang En began to think about the benefits he could get this time besides cards.

Most of the jewelry found in the property he owns now has to be handed over, because it is the wealth that was stolen by Liao Jie, and this is not negotiable.

However, there is no need to hand over the guard ring, because this ring is the only one among the pile of jewelry that is not plunder, so it naturally belongs to Liang En.

Considering that the purpose of coming to the Czech Republic this time was to get 10,000 euros, this ring worth more than 20,000 US dollars was also a big gain for him.

In addition, because the things obtained this time are completely different from those found before, it is almost certain that there will be a lot of pictures in it, and compared to other works of art, pictures are obviously easier to obtain some extra profits.

According to tradition, Liang En, as the discoverer, can profit from a series of businesses generated by this discovery. For example, if these works are finally collected into a painting album, then Liang En will naturally get a large share.

I feel that the overall benefits obtained this time are indeed good. It seems that I am very lucky. After counting the benefits obtained this time, Liang En found that the benefits obtained from this unexpected trip to the Czech Republic were obviously much greater than expected. .

But just when he was happily calculating how much income these industries could bring to him in the future, he suddenly heard noisy sounds coming from around him.

What happened? Liang En suddenly came back from his thoughts and found that almost everyone in the room was looking at him.

These things that Mucha left behind are yours - Scood patted Liang En on the shoulder and said, You are so lucky, so next time you want to go on an adventure to hunt for treasure, please be sure to call me.

What did you say? My things? What on earth is going on? Liang En felt a little confused after hearing what Mr. Scood said, because he was just thinking about his own things and didn't pay attention to what was happening in the room. What.

Fortunately, everyone else at the scene knew about this matter, so Liang En and others quickly figured out what was happening here through Joan of Arc and Fan Meng.

It turned out that when the silver box was opened, it was found that it contained a piece of parchment that was extremely rare in that era, and what was written on the parchment was his arrangement for the treasure.

According to what is said in this letter, the artworks left behind are arranged in two directions. If the discoverer finds them accidentally, then these things will be handed over to Czech officials.

And if these things are found through the clues he left before. Then these hidden works of art belong to the people who find them.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for these two arrangements, that is, his home country, the Czech Republic, must be an independent country and cannot be occupied or controlled by other countries.

Considering that Mucha put these things together at a time when Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany and the Sudetenland, and Czechoslovakia could be annexed at any time, it is normal to make such a request.

To be honest, if ordinary people found this treasure, the Czech officials might indeed deny Mucha's will, but considering the identities of Liang En and Mr. Skold and the previous national live broadcast, they have no choice now.

Of course, there was another reason why Czech officials decided to abide by the will, and that was that according to what was written on this parchment, Liang En had to abide by certain rules if he wanted to own these items.

These rules include the following: First, these things are absolutely not allowed to be taken out of Czechoslovakia. If you take even a painting out, you will lose ownership.

Secondly, these things are not allowed to be hidden in the warehouse forever. These pictures must be put on display within three months after they are obtained, so that the public can see these pictures.

Finally, these things can only be sold to Czechoslovak officials and can only be sold at 1/10 of the market price. Otherwise, they are absolutely not allowed to be sold.

This restriction is quite strict. The only thing I didn't expect was that the country of Czechoslovakia has now become two countries.

Of course, this change will not affect too many things. For Liang Enlai, the biggest problem now is how to display these artworks within three months.

Leave the exhibition matters to me. Skold said proactively, I just have a museum in hand that can display these works of art.

In fact, the first time they saw those restrictions, Liang En and the others thought of the museum held by Scood. To be honest, if these things were put in that museum, it would be a win-win situation for the two of them.

Because the previous owner of the museum sold out all the precious cultural relics in the collection, now the museum has become empty and may close down at any time.

So if Liang En chooses to put these things on display in the museum held by Scold, it will not only solve the problem of the exhibition venue, but also bring the museum back to life.

Because of many pleasant cooperations in the past, Liang En and Mr. Scold quickly decided on the general direction of a 50-50 split. As for the details, it was the lawyers' business and had nothing to do with Liang En and the others.

In addition, Liang En and the others also agreed to cooperate with the museum on these graphic art works. Of course, the details will also be taken care of by the lawyers.

To be honest, legal issues in the Western world are so complex that under normal circumstances, various business negotiations may even be impossible to negotiate without the participation of professional legal professionals.

In the following time, Liang En spent an hour being interviewed by these reporters. After all, it was indeed very good news that a foreigner found the treasure of a foreign artist and could legally keep it as his own.

Fortunately, these professional reporters are not paparazzi, so they are also measured when asking questions, so they let it go after asking some questions like the details of the treasure hunt or the specific future arrangements for these artworks. he.

Of course, another main reason is that the lawyer who came with Scord found the copy and list of items left in a famous law firm in the United States mentioned at the end of the will, and thoroughly determined the ownership of these things.

Considering that Mucha had lived in the United States for a long time, it was normal to make double preparations in the event that the Germans might invade their homeland at any time.

I have to say that his idea was very wise, because the Germans arrested him immediately after they invaded Czechoslovakia, which also led to his death from pneumonia.

Even after his death, the German occupying forces refused to pay tribute to him and also searched and destroyed some items considered detrimental to the German occupying forces.

From this point of view, Mucha clearly wanted to send these files abroad not only to leave a copy of his will, but more importantly, to leave some traces of himself under the iron heel of the German invaders at that time.

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