This is definitely a huge discovery. A local archaeologist next to Liang En said, I guess this place may contain some of Mucha's legendary works that were lost during World War II.

Because of the wax protective layer, everyone's next work was much easier. With the help of the winch, these boxes and cabinets were safely transported to the truck and then sent to the Czech National Museum.

Just as these things were brought into the museum, Liang En, the three of them, Mr. Scold and his lawyer also approached a laboratory in the museum.

Soon, the door of the laboratory was opened, and several scholars came in with a silver box and were ready to open the box on the test bench.

This is something that has been discussed before. According to the plan, as the discoverers, they will open a container and take photos with the museum's archaeologists for final publicity work.

The reason why I chose this silver box is that it was placed in the most conspicuous place at that time, and it was also the only one among those metal boxes that had a different style of painting from the other boxes.

Why are there people from the TV station? Just when Liang En thought he was about to start opening the box, several reporters and photographers carrying cameras walked in from the outside, and then started broadcasting on the spot.

You know that in a small country like the Czech Republic, there isn't much interesting news at all, so something like this will definitely be on the national news, and it will be broadcast live. Skold is quite familiar with the current situation.

So I suggest you better be prepared. If I guess correctly, these people will use the preparation time before opening the box to interview you, the discoverer.

The fact was just as Mr. Scord had guessed. After the brief introduction, these reporters immediately walked to Liang En and started the interview.

Liang En is quite good at telling stories. After all, he has been engaged in this job in his previous life, and his ability in this area has been strengthened while compiling Grimm's Fairy Tales in this life.

So in the next ten minutes of preparation time, he easily filled the gap period for several archaeologists to prepare, so that the audience behind the camera would not be bored waiting.

——Okay, now that we have started, let us focus on the finds. After watching an archaeologist make a gesture outside the camera, Liang En immediately motioned to the reporters and cameramen They turned their attention to the silver box.

In order to protect the cultural relics, the unboxing speed was not very fast, so when the reporters focused all their attention on the silver box and the contents in the box, Liang En began to count his harvest.

The first thing to pay attention to is naturally the seven cards obtained previously. Among these cards, one comes from the locket, and the other five come from the entire treasure cache.

There are two skill cards in the card, one silver and one bronze, and the rest are five common cards, one bronze, four black and iron. These common items include two [Identification (N)], one [Detection (N)], one [Repair (N)] and one [Detection (R)]

It seems like we made a lot of money this time. After sorting out all the common N-level and R-level cards, Liang En began to check the two skill cards, and saw the first bronze card. , he knew he had made a profit.

[The glorious flag-bearer of the Art Nouveau movement (R): Alphonse Mucha, as a representative figure of the very important Decorative Art movement in the design history of the Art Nouveau movement, has unique achievements in decorative art.

Enhancement card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master the artistic abilities of this great artist. Note that mastering this skill will produce an immersive experience, so it is best to find a place to lie down before using it. 】

Sure enough, finding a treasure will yield much more than finding a single cultural relic. After looking at this card, Liang En felt that he had roughly summarized some of the rules in this regard.

But think about it, this is a very reasonable thing. After all, there will be a large number of cultural relics in a treasure, so the power of these cultural relics may indeed produce more powerful cards than the original ones.

According to Liang En's judgment, these arts should include prints, gouache, drawings and oil paintings, and of course the most important thinking about decorative arts.

It's a pity that these things may not be of much use to me. Liang En sighed after recovering from the excitement. After all, these artistic works are very time-consuming, but Liang En's work definitely left him not much time. Spend it on this.

What a waste - Liang En sighed and then looked at the silver card. When he saw the content on it, his eyes widened.

[Painting (SR): Painting is an important means for humans to express their emotions. It can even be said that it appeared almost at the same time as human civilization. The oldest known painting can even be traced back to the Paleolithic Age.

This art also has a very strong vitality. At least until today, people use drawing paper and brushes to draw a variety of pictures, and have developed far more types of painting methods than in the past.

Skill Card (Permanent) (Active), by consuming legendary power, now we have a skill that allows us to draw with extraordinary power.

This skill requires the user to prepare all tools and consumables, and then draw various required pictures by consuming legendary points.

When the skill is activated, the user needs to think about what they want to draw and prepare the corresponding details of the drawing, so that they can draw smoothly on various carriers.

There is no need for direct contact when using skills. As long as the target is within sight, it will have a direct effect. If it is invisible, it cannot be activated.

In addition, the prerequisite for using this skill is to master this painting technique and have all the items required to draw a painting under normal circumstances. When this skill is completed, it will consume the same amount as normal painting. Drop the corresponding items,

Every time a legendary point is consumed, one square meter of screen can be drawn. At the same time, the entire process will last for five minutes and cannot be interrupted during this period. If the drawn picture is less than one square meter, it will also be rounded up and calculated as one square meter. 】

This saves a lot of painting time. After reading these introductions, Liang En immediately thought of the [Glorious Flagbearer of the Art Nouveau Movement (R)] card he had just obtained.

From this point of view, the results of this treasure hunt are obviously very good. Although this skill is not as powerful as other skills, it is obviously more valuable in modern society than those skills related to combat.

But one thing can be seen now, that is, the skill levels related to extraordinary power will not be low. Liang En finally focused on the silver card.

Compared to the SR-level cards we obtained before, this card should have the least magical effect, but it still has the evaluation of an SR-level card. It seems that high-level cards are often related to extraordinary power.

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