Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 359 Skill Acquisition

Finished the work in the museum. The first time he returned to the hotel, Liang En took a quick shower and ordered room service. Then he hurriedly finished dinner and talked with his lawyer about the next cooperation.

These things today are simply too exciting. After discussing the details of the upcoming work with the lawyer, Liang En sighed about today's experience. To be honest, this situation was better than the best situation he had imagined before.

He really didn't expect that the painter would actually leave a will in the pile of things he left behind, and leave all these things to himself.

Because most of the items found by treasure hunters like him who need to follow the rules and fully abide by the law must be handed over to the local officials or the owners of the items according to the law, so the benefits obtained are naturally much less than those of illegal treasure hunters.

However, the corresponding process is that the search process will be much less difficult, and the risk in the final harvest process will be less than previously imagined. Compared with illegal mining, at least the safety performance is fully guaranteed when they ship.

Because when you sell illegal items, the buyer is naturally unlikely to be a law-abiding person, so it is very normal for you to take advantage of the money and then kill yourself.

For example, take the Russian excavation party that walks on the edge of the law. Although they often encounter dangerous explosives such as unexploded bombs and booby traps during their daily excavations, they are not willing to die because of this. Many people were killed by gangsters when there was no shipment.

For example, Pierce had a friend in his family who was a member of the Russian Digging Party. He had been in contact with him all the time, but from a certain day he could no longer be contacted.

Later, after contacting many people, they learned that this friend had been killed by a gangster in a transaction, and his body was even buried forever in a basement filled with cement along with several companions.

After lamenting his good luck today, Liang En lay on the bed and used it. Today he got the card [The Glorious Flag Bearer of the Art Nouveau Movement (R)].

At the moment when the cards were shattered and scattered in his mind, he found that everything around him had changed dramatically.

Although it was still night, he was no longer lying on the bed in the hotel room in his pajamas, but appeared in a hall wearing loose clothes and an apron.

The hall looked full of fantasy style, with many things floating in mid-air. Looking carefully, Liang En saw that those things were basically items needed for artistic creation, from drawing paper and canvas to dyes and pens. Everything.

Just when Liang En saw the furnishings in the hall clearly, he found that he suddenly started to move: first, a lot of novel ideas appeared in his mind, and then his whole body started to move and start creating art.

The content of these creations is very complex. In addition to prints, watercolors, oil paintings, murals and sketches, there are also a series of design work on jewelry, advertising and so on.

At the beginning, it was because I didn’t know anything about this aspect. Therefore, Liang En felt that his movements were very unfamiliar and his various ideas had many flaws.

As time went by and each work was created, these uncomfortable feelings gradually disappeared. Then he followed his inner guidance and began to create his own works.

After all types of works were created, he suddenly found that the surrounding environment began to change. With a bright white light, he found himself back on the hotel bed.

In that environment just now, Liang En completely forgot about the passage of time. Looking back now, that time may not have been short, but when he touched the phone on the bedside and took a look, he found that only a few minutes had passed.

This did make him feel a little out of time, which in turn caused physiological dizziness. Fortunately, he was lying on the bed at this time, so he didn't fall to the ground because of this weird feeling.

But having said that, what happened just now has been firmly imprinted on his soul. He felt that he suddenly had a lot of artistic inspiration, and he also felt that he had gone through a lot of training.

It's such a magical feeling. Liang En found it a bit novel that as long as he was willing to think in certain directions, artistic inspiration would constantly pop up in his mind.

Because of the whole day's exertion and the fact that he was always in a state of excitement, Liang En quickly fell asleep after using the cards to strengthen himself.

After breakfast the next day, Liang En, Joan of Arc, and Pierce went to the Vysehla Cemetery near the High Castle in Prague, and then came to the Slavin Monument.

This place is called the Pantheon of the Czech Republic. Its overall function is similar to the Pantheon in France, and many people who have made important contributions to the Czech Republic are buried there.

The statue on the top of this stele symbolizes the wisdom of the Slavic people, and the inscription carved on the stele: Although they are dead, they are still talking to the world.

Soon, Liang En and the others found the place where Mucha was buried nearby. They then presented the funeral wreath that they had brought with them in the car and placed it respectfully in front of the tombstone. Then they stood in front of the tombstone and bowed. A bow.

Then Liang En and Fan Meng retreated to the back, and then Joan of Arc stepped forward to conduct a simple and small memorial ceremony with a religious nature.

Liang En originally planned to come here alone. After all, he got so many benefits from Mu Xia this time, so he really should come over to take a look. However, Fan Meng felt that as a staff member, he should come together at this time.

As for Joan of Arc, she was moved by Mucha's religious piety and love for the motherland, so she voluntarily came to pay homage to this devout patriot.

After completing this work, they returned to the hotel to hand over to the lawyer who had arrived from London, said goodbye to Scood who had to stay here to deal with a series of trivial matters, and then took a plane back to Ireland.

The subsequent issues related to the paintings and real estate were mainly left to the lawyers. Liang En only needed to maintain contact with the lawyers and Mr. Scold at all times.

In fact, this is a common way to deal with business problems in the Western world. After all, if everything needs to be done personally, then those who have more property in their hands may not be able to finish the work at hand.

The first time he returned to Ireland, Liang En went to his parents' place for dinner as usual, and chatted with them about his trip to Czechoslovakia.

And after finishing this pleasant dinner. Liang En soon returned to his ranch and started ordering a series of things for painting online, preparing to use his new skills in the next period of time.

The reason why he chose to purchase items instead of renting a studio is very simple, because he will most likely use his own skills in the next painting, so it is not suitable to do it outside.

The overall online shopping speed in Europe and the United States cannot be compared with that in China, but there are exceptions in some places. For example, art-related items ordered in Dublin and nearby places arrive very quickly.

This is mainly because Dublin itself is the new center of European modern art, so there are many shops in this area, so shopping is naturally convenient.

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