Let's confirm the specific situation here first. Liang En thought for a while and said. After all, whether to dig up this statue depends on the specific situation of the statue. If it is just an ordinary statue, digging will only destroy it.

With this in mind, they quickly moved out of the car a small ground-penetrating radar that they had previously acquired from the museum they had just acquired in Scord.

Then the three men sneaked into the cemetery through the back door with this radar, which was about the size of a lawn mower, and then inspected the monument and the surrounding land. The results of this examination came out quickly.

Judging from the results displayed by the ground penetrating radar, there is a space covered by high-density material such as cement or stone under the statue. It is directly under the base of the statue and is about 30 square meters and nearly 3m high.

This should be an underground space. Fan Meng quickly came to a conclusion. There was no need to make the foundation so big for the statue, so I thought it would be a small space to hide some secrets.

That is to say, the previous pendant and the place it led us to find may really contain something. Liang En nodded slightly, It seems that our previous suspicion was not mental allergies.

But how do we dig this thing out? Jeanne frowned. It is definitely not possible to dig out this space made of reinforced concrete and stone with a shovel, and these mechanical tools are very noisy when used.

I don't have to dig in secret. Liang En said with a smile. We are not grave robbers, so we can use legal means to complete the next work.

So in the following time, Liang En quickly called the local archaeological department and sent an invitation to Mr. Scold, who was staying here to deal with a series of matters for the museum he had just purchased.

What are you talking about? You may have found a batch of things that the painter Mucha hid before World War II. This is simply - After listening to Liang En's narration, Scood also had to admire Liang En's luck in this regard. and knowledge level.

At least in his opinion, anyone else would not have noticed any possible clues on the locket, let alone someone who could follow the clues and find something.

Okay, just wait there and don't move. I will bring a lawyer over right away to help you. Before that, you must not sign any agreement with that group of local archaeologists.

The reason why Scord said this is because the official archaeological institutions of these Central European countries are not particularly trustworthy, so now that he and Liang En have become partners, he naturally cannot watch his partner jump into a ditch. .

But his worries were obviously unnecessary, because when he brought his lawyer and Liang En and the others together, he found that the local archaeological department had not come at all.

So they drank coffee in a cafe near the church and waited. As a result, after waiting for nearly an hour, the group of archaeological agency personnel arrived belatedly.

However, when Liang En and the others told each other the causes and consequences of all the previous events, as well as the results of the ground-penetrating radar detection, the group suddenly became excited.

Negotiations with the church were very quick, because although the cemetery is under the management of the church, the land is owned by the state, which is different from the situation where the church building belongs to the church.

After solving the possible procedural and legal issues during the excavation work, the excavation work began that day. When the reliefs were removed from the base, they discovered that Mucha's name was engraved on the back of the reliefs.

This sculpture is not recorded in Mucha's catalog of works, but theoretically we should not miss this monument to the fallen soldiers of World War I in the capital. While recording, a local archaeologist said to Liang Well said.

There should be records for a monument like this. Liang En said to the archaeologist while looking at the angel sculpture wrapped in straw by the staff, I think the World War I monument should be an official monument no matter what.

We think so too, but official monuments are recorded in archives, and this monument is indeed not recorded in the archives. The archaeologist shook his head and sighed.

We found church records. At this moment, another archaeologist came out of the church in front, holding a blue plastic folder in his hand.

After turning the folder to one page, the yellowed document was written with blue ink on the permit to build the Memorial to the Fallen Soldiers, and stated that the official would pay for the materials, supplies, and labor costs.

After all, this was built by the government on state-owned land, and the church didn't need to pay anything, so the church just let the other party build it. The young man who came out with the file talked about the news he just asked about.

This is actually in line with human nature, because humans will pay more attention to things they have lost or gained, but basically they will not invest too much energy in paying attention to things that have nothing to do with themselves.

For the church, the whole thing was to build a sculpture that was very consistent with the surrounding environment on a piece of land that did not belong to them, so no one paid attention to it except for a few people who looked at it curiously at first.

For the ordinary residents around it, since the church did not raise any protest, this sculpture is a normal existence, and naturally not many people will pay attention to it.

Judging from the information currently known, Mucha should have taken advantage of a loophole in everyone's environment, and then took the opportunity to seize the opportunity.

Even Mucha thought about the German problem, because Czechoslovakia belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Germans were allies, so even if the Germans came, they would not take the initiative to destroy monuments like this. of.

Because it now has official support, the overall excavation progress is now very fast. By the time it gets dark, all the ground buildings have been cleared, and the roof of the underground secret room has been exposed.

In order to prevent anyone from getting the wrong idea about this place, Liang En, the others, and the Czech officials all sent people to guard the place that night until they continued digging early the next morning.

Because this kind of open excavation can directly use a variety of machinery during the day. So by noon that day, they successfully opened the entrance to the basement.

Soon, Liang En was among the first people to enter the secret room and walked into the tent on the passage. Then each of them put on protective clothing and walked down a simple cement step into the basement carrying an oxygen tank.

The reason why I wear this set is because everyone knows that the things below are related to the great painter Mucha. Considering that these leftover things are likely to be organic matter, so in order to avoid unnecessary damage, it can only be so troublesome.

As soon as they arrived at the basement, everyone found that the basement that was not too small in the previous inspection could not even find a place to stay, because the entire house was occupied by a large number of cabinets and boxes.

After careful inspection, they found that these things had been carefully processed. All the containers and furniture were covered with a layer of wax, apparently to prevent oxidation.

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