Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 350 Issues in Negotiations

Because the previously agreed location was in a farm in a valley on the outskirts of the city, it took Liang En and the others more than an hour to reach their destination.

This manor is located on the edge of a clear small lake, and is shrouded in the center by a large number of plants. If you look from the top of the short trees, you can see the red roofs of the taller buildings in the manor.

Soon, the taxi drove off the highway and then drove along a private road into a jungle. Judging from the plants outside the window, the plants on both sides of the road were probably pruned hedges.

But now it looks like no one has tidied it up since spring, so it looks very unrestrained, even a bit like a wild jungle.

After driving on the road for three minutes, the taxi came to a cast iron gate, and then everyone got out of the car. After the car turned and drove away, a young man opened the door with a harsh sound of metal friction.

Who are you? After looking at the young man who opened the door for everyone, Mr. Scord showed a curious expression, because he did not recognize this young man with a tattoo on his tiger's mouth.

I am Mr. Nedved's newly hired servant. The young man nodded to them and said. Mr. Nedved is waiting for you in the room now.

Okay, let's go there now. Mr. Scord nodded and said, and then everyone walked along the path on the lawn toward the three-story building.

There are large areas of lawn on both sides of the road, but now it seems that this lawn does not play a role in beautifying the environment. In some places the grass has dried up, while in other places it has grown too lush and looks like bald patches. .

Why is it so sloppy now? Mr. Scord asked puzzledly on the way. If I remember correctly, this manor was very well maintained before.

Yes, this place used to be really nice, but now Mr. Nedved has a problem with his own money, and his funds cannot be recycled, so he doesn't have much money to spend on tidying up. said the young man leading the way. arrive.

I know he has been raising funds recently, otherwise he would not have sold this museum to me. Mr. Scord glanced around and continued. Can you tell me what happened?

Sorry, sir, I can't say, at least not for the time being. You can ask Mr. Nedved directly. The young man said, opening the door to the room, and then made a gesture of invitation.

The hall was obviously a little dark, and the floor and furniture were covered with a layer of dust. Only some footprints left on the stairs and in the middle of the house proved that there were still people moving in this house.

It seems that the situation this time is worse than expected. Scott muttered quietly when he reached the stairs, because now it seemed that the entire manor was obviously lacking in care, giving people a sense of decadence.

Whether it is the garden outside, the trees or the rooms, they all look gloomy and gloomy due to lack of maintenance, so that when walking in the room, you can feel that the house is like a huge dead body.

Hello, I'm the new housekeeper. A middle-aged man with a full beard said to the two people standing at the top of the stairs. Please follow me to the study. Mr. Nedved is already waiting for you there.

So Fan Meng and the two bodyguards who led the way went to the lounge on the first floor, while Liang En and the four of them walked upstairs with the middle-aged man who called himself the butler.

The decoration upstairs is obviously more gorgeous than that on the first floor. Both the carpets on the ground and the oil paintings on both sides of the corridor look very beautiful.

But just like the previous situation, this place seemed to be full of traces of time. Even when Liang En and the others stepped on the carpet, they would stir up clouds of dust.

Finally, several people passed through a very thick-looking oak door and entered a study room. The entire study room was about forty or fifty square meters in size. Many large bookshelves filled with books were placed against the wall. middle.

Directly opposite the main entrance of the study is a beautiful carved window. Below the carved window is an equally heavy coffee table and desk. The seller Liang En and the others are meeting this time is sitting on a high-backed chair behind the desk.

The seller was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties that he liked. When he saw Liang En and the others entering the door, he stood up from behind the desk and started chatting with Mr. Scold.

From what the two people said when they greeted each other, Liang En learned that both of them were the second generation of rich people, and the relationship between the two families lasted for more than half a century. This is why Mr Scord continued to trade under questionable circumstances.

Since both parties were very familiar with each other, this greeting naturally took a longer time. Taking this opportunity, Liang En began to observe the study room.

The study room is a relatively common Victorian-style study room. The mahogany bookcase next to it is filled with various hardcover books. Judging from the marks on the book covers, these books are not just for sale, but have been used frequently by people. Thumbed through.

It seems that the former residents here liked to read. Liang En muttered in a low voice. There are not many rich people who like to read because they have too many things to do and all kinds of entertainment.

However, judging from the layer of dust visible to the naked eye on the door handles of these bookcases, passers-by in this place are obviously busy with other things recently and have not even looked through the books.

Soon, the previous housekeeper and two other people came in and sat next to the seller, Mr. Nedved. Liang En and the others sat on the chairs brought by the servants and sat down with Nedved. Opposite Mr.

After briefly introducing themselves, the two parties started talking about the transaction, the most important of which was the whereabouts of the missing cultural relics.

However, as the discussion about Liang En's problems increased, the seller firmly refused to admit that they took the initiative to take away the cultural relics inside, and their words were inconsistent.

For example, at the beginning, they insisted that the cultural relics were sent out for loan. However, after Liang En pressed hard, the other party hesitated and couldn't tell where they were loaned.

Later, when talking about the obviously forged bishop's robe, Nedved also denied that it was fake at first, but when Liang En presented the evidence, he claimed that in order to avoid damaging the cultural relics, they had installed the real one. In the warehouse.

But the problem is that when Mr. Scord said several times that he needed to see those things before signing the contract, several people from the seller tried to change the topic to other places.

Something is not right. At this time, even Joan of Arc, who was not good at this at all, could see that the other party had obviously hidden a lot of important information, and the information hidden in it was definitely detrimental to them.

Normal people can see this, but we don't make the decision, so we just need to listen here. Liang En whispered to Joan of Arc.

He would not forget that he was only responsible for identifying the authenticity of the cultural relics this time. Whether or not to buy them had nothing to do with him.

Therefore, unless Scood asks him about this matter, Liang En will answer accurately according to the situation, otherwise he will never say another word to annoy others.

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