——I'm sorry, I think our deal may not go ahead. After talking here for more than an hour, Scood finally ran out of patience and stood up.

I'm sorry, but I can't buy this museum because the differences between us over the price are so great that I can't possibly pay for a museum like this.

Aren't you willing to give me a chance? As the seller, Mr. Nedved was obviously a little out of control. He stood up and put his hands on the table, then leaned forward slightly and asked excitedly.

I really want to help you, but the problem here is really too big. Scott shook his head with a regretful expression on his face, and then said.

If you can't explain clearly what happened to the unaccounted artifacts in the museum, I don't think anyone will invest tens of millions of euros when there is obviously a problem.

But I need this money now. Mr. Nedved grabbed his hair fiercely. Think about it, our families have been communicating for more than half a century, so you should believe me.

I do want to give you trust, but the problem is that your loopholes in this area are too big now, and people can't trust you at all. Mr. Scold once again reiterated his point of view on this matter.

Okay, okay, you forced me to- Nedved looked like he was crazy. At this moment, the people who were sitting next to him all stood up. At the same time, he stretched his hands to his waist.

After seeing this situation, Liang En and Jeanne, who had already stood up, also put their hands in their pockets and secretly prepared for battle.

What are you going to do? Skold also saw the tense atmosphere on the field at this time, so he shouted loudly to Nedved across the desk. You forced me to do this, you forced me to—

Nedved seemed crazy, repeating one sentence repeatedly, and then took out a pistol from the drawer, and at the same time, the people next to him also took out knives from their bodies.

Bang, bang, bang, bang-- Before the other party could raise the muzzle of the gun, Liang En grabbed the Glock pistol in the windbreaker pocket at his waist, turned on the safety, and then pulled the trigger continuously in a waist-shooting posture. Four trigger pulls.

Because there was only a distance of three or four meters, Liang En, with the blessing of the [Quick Gunner (R)] card, accurately hit the weapons in the hands of these four people, and successfully knocked the weapons from the opponent's hands.

It's a pity for my windbreaker. Looking at the four very close bullet holes appearing on the pocket of the windbreaker, Liang En shook his head slightly, then took out his pistol and pointed it at the four people in front of him.

Okay, take out your belts and tie each other's hands and feet, otherwise I may have to take some more extreme measures.

After hearing what Liang En said, those present immediately took action, because from the shooting skills just now, it can be seen that Liang En's marksmanship is very powerful, and he is the kind of person who dares to pull the trigger and shoot at people.

Nedvi looked obviously mentally disturbed. He was obviously stimulated by the continuous occurrence of these things or some other reasons, but he was inevitably tied up by his associates who were afraid of angering Liang En.

We have caught the two people who attacked us outside, and we are coming in now. Just as these guys were tying everyone up in the room, Fan Meng's voice came from outside the door.

In fact, Liang En just heard that he stayed at the door for a few seconds before shouting inside. He should have seen the situation inside through the crack in the door before making a sound to avoid being accidentally injured.

Soon, the door opened, and Fan Meng walked at the front holding a pistol, followed by two bodyguards of Scood who each came in holding a prisoner.

What exactly is going on? Fan Meng asked in a low voice after walking to Liang En's side. When I heard the gunfire, I was ready to rush here, but the two servants at the door grabbed knives and tried to threaten us.

At first, I thought these two guys were very brave, but when they saw me pulling out my pistol, they immediately dropped the knife and knelt on the ground. So we came up after controlling these two guys.

Fan Meng had seen Liang En demonstrate his pistol rapid fire skills before during daily practice, so when he heard this continuous shooting, he knew that Liang En was still in control of the situation, so he came up slowly.

As for Scord's outing this time, it was a private matter, so his two bodyguards were just ordinary bodyguards, and they were not even qualified to carry firearms with them. It was only when they encountered problems that they became so frustrated.

What should we do next? Just as the new arrivals began to tie up the people in the study, Liang En, who had his hands free, walked to Mr. Scold's side and asked.

Perhaps because of the close range shooting just now, Scord was stunned for a moment, but he had experienced a lot of ups and downs in this regard, so he recovered quickly.

Call the police. The current problem is obviously beyond the scope of what we can handle privately. Skold thought for a moment and said. By the way, I also need to call the Swedish Embassy.

Soon, they finished those calls and waited here, probably because a Swedish rich man was involved. So the police acted very quickly. In just half an hour, five or six police officers arrived in two cars.

Thank you so much for today. After the police finished taking notes and left with the criminals, Mr. Scord held Liang En's hand and thanked him. I really didn't expect things to turn out like this, thank you for saving my life.

This is what I should do. After all, we are a team together, so when encountering this kind of situation, everyone should naturally do something within their own capabilities. Liang En said with a smile.

After all, Nedved's overall mental condition seemed to be very problematic when he was holding a gun just now. In addition, the weapons in the hands of those so-called servants and staff were also very dangerous, so Liang En fired at that time to protect himself.

In the next three days, they stayed in a fixed hotel and waited for the general results of the processing and to deal with the police's inquiries. During this time, Liang En finally figured out what happened. .

To put it simply, Nedvěd got into the bad habit of gambling in the past two years, and then became addicted to substance abuse while constantly losing money.

You must know that gambling and drugs will ruin the whole family and ruin the family if they are attached to either one, let alone two at the same time. Therefore, not only did Nedved's wife divorce him, but the family's wealth also disappeared in a very short period of time. Squander it all.

That museum was only sold now because it was really unpopular, and this property is considered one of the few remaining properties in Nedved. The valuable things inside have actually been sold long ago.

As for the reason why Nedved was so nervous, it was because he had taken drugs just before meeting Liang En and the others. At the same time, he had been thinking about and hoping that the money would allow him to go to the casino to make money.

As a result, when Mr. Scord finally made the decision not to acquire, it suddenly stimulated a key point in his mind, and then it became what it is now.

Of course, those so-called servants and staff were also fake. They were just gangsters hired by Mr. Scood, a friend of his, just to support themselves in situations like this. As a result, they were all arrested by the police.

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