How come your treasure is so dirty? Liang En said suddenly when the tour guide led Liang En and the others to a glass cabinet in the middle of the treasure hall.

This is not because he is deliberately looking for trouble, but the complete set of bishop's robes from the Habsburg dynasty of the Kingdom of Bohemia, a subordinate part of the Holy Roman Empire, and the matching jewelry that are now placed in the glass cabinet have a thick layer of Ash.

It didn't seem so dirty before, but more than a month ago the museum said it would move some things out for exhibition. After moving them, it became dirty. Looking at the bishop's suit with a layer of dust on it, the tour guide recalled After a moment he said.

I remember there wasn't much dust on this thing before. There is so much dust this time, maybe because it fell somewhere after moving things out last time.

That's it. Liang En nodded, then pointed to the dusty clothes on top and said. But you should clean this up, otherwise the patterns on it will be invisible.

Actually, we also clean up, but because these cultural relics are relatively fragile, there must be at least half a year between cleanings, and the next cleaning is estimated to be two months later. The tour guide also shrugged helplessly. .

But I heard that this museum will be sold to someone else soon. Whether it can continue to operate in the future is a big problem, so I guess these things will not be cleaned before the sale.

After the visit, several people took the bus back to the hotel where they lived before. Then Liang En and Mr. Scord met in the small bar attached to the hotel and discussed about the previous museum.

At this time, Liang En learned that the final price negotiated between Mr. Scold and the other party was 22.5 million euros, which was used to purchase the entire museum's house, land and cultural relics.

Now I feel that something is wrong. After introducing the details of the museum purchase, Skold frowned and said to Liang En. At this time, the other party should not take those cultural relics out of the museum for exhibition.

The cultural relics on display are just a small problem. The bigger problem is that at least 1/3 of the items have been replaced with fakes, including the bishop's robes that are their treasure.

When Mr. Scord finished telling everything he knew and looked at Liang En, Liang En realized that he had to say something at this time to reflect the effect of the ten thousand euros spent by the other party.

Especially the layer of ash on the bishop's cassock is unnatural. Based on my many archaeological experiences, that layer of ash is more likely to be deliberately sprinkled on the bishop's cassock.

The ashes sprinkled on purpose- Mr. Scood's frown deepened, and then he looked at Liang En, who was sitting opposite. Besides ashes, what else did you find?

There's something wrong with the golden embroidery on that robe. Liang En said, taking out his phone and pulling up the photo. All the gold embroidery on the bishop's level robes is made of real gold foil wrapped in gold threads on the fabric.

We know that gold basically does not oxidize in the natural environment, but the gold on the robes we looked at before looked a bit dull. Although the dull color looks historical, it should not be like this.

There are indeed some problems. After hearing what Liang En said, Mr. Scood nodded subconsciously, As for other things, is there any evidence to prove that there is a problem.

So in the next half hour, Liang En used the pictures collected on the Internet to educate Scood in front of him. Through a series of comparisons of pictures, Scood generally agreed with his previous views.

If we look at the situation as stipulated in the previous contract, it's obviously not worthwhile now. After talking about a series of situations he discovered, Liang En remembered the purpose of coming here and said.

If the original 22.5 million euros to buy such a museum was considered a very worthwhile thing, now it is obviously a bit of a loss.

According to my judgment, those cultural relics that were originally supposed to be genuine have depreciated by at least about 5 million euros after being replaced by fake ones. Even considering that the original quotation was relatively low, it is more appropriate to ask for a price of about 18.5 million euros in this case.

Thank you for reminding me, I understand. Mr. Scord took a deep breath and said, I plan to find someone to ask about the situation here later.

You mean, there is something unusual in this transaction? After returning to the room, after listening to what Liang En said about what he had discussed with Mr. Scold, Fan Meng scratched his hair and said arrive.

Yes, that's what the situation looks like now. Liang En nodded. At least the materials I read before said those cultural relics were real, but the situation now is obviously different from what was reported in the previous materials.

Although I had speculated before that there might be some fakes, based on my observations today, the museum obviously moved those cultural relics away consciously.

In other words, this transaction is probably a pure fraud. Joan of Arc said after thinking for a while. Then why don't you stop trading and get out of here right now?

I'm not sure about this. Mr. Scood may have his own ideas in this regard. Liang En spread his hands helplessly and said, his face looking a little ugly.

After all, he wasn't the one paying this time. Therefore, he can only make his own suggestions in this regard. As for what to do specifically, it is not his decision.

Considering that there may be a wave of more difficult work to handle tomorrow, everyone went to bed early that night and recharged their batteries to prepare for tomorrow's challenges.

After breakfast the next morning, Mr. Scord told them that he planned to negotiate with the other party today, and Liang En and the others could choose to stay in the hotel and rest or go with him.

After a brief consideration, Liang En decided to go with Mr. Scold. After all, their main task this time was to accompany the other party to complete the acquisition of the museum, so it was better to go through the entire process.

So everyone was divided into two groups. Scood, two bodyguards and a lawyer were in a group, and Liang En and the others were in a group of three. They each took a taxi to form a team and headed to the previously scheduled signing location.

Because the signing place was at a manor on the outskirts of the city, Liang En and the others also took out the weapons they had prepared previously from their luggage and took them with them.

I have to say that flying on a private jet does have advantages in this regard. As long as you have documents, you can carry those weapons, unlike taking an airline flight where you need to apply a week in advance.

Although it is the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague is not a very large city. So they quickly crossed the Vltava River, and then drove towards the south of the city along the road along the river.

At the beginning, there were dense buildings on both sides of the road, but as they went south, the buildings became more and more sparse. After more than half an hour, they passed through the satellite city of Chernoshice, and then followed the road into the mountains. among.

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